This time, everyone tried to keep their eyes wide open, and mobilized their divine sense, trying to let themselves see clearly how to deal with Ji Yan.

But for Yu Chang and the others, who only had the Avatar Period, no matter how wide their eyes were, they couldn’t see anything.

In their eyes, there was only lightning in the sky, shining and dazzling, making their eyes hurt and tear.

Even Ke Hong in the refining period could only barely get an idea.

Only Lu Shaoqing can see it clearly.

After looking at it for a while, Lu Shaoqing scolded, “Your sister! In

the thunder light, Ji Yan’s figure turned into nothingness, as if disappearing from this world and entering another dimension.

But the edge is not reduced, and the sword intent that explodes is still there.

Countless lightning bolts were strangled by the sword intent.

Similarly, the sword intent was also swallowed by the surging thunder light.

The terrifying energy emanating from the constant collision can tear the people in it to pieces.

But Ji Yan took himself off and allowed himself to transcend the world.

But it left the sword to fight.

In the demon world, Ji Yan has been able to cut off the rules of heaven and earth.

Now, he has further realized that he has made himself part of the rules and cut himself off from this world.

At the same time, although he has left this world, the sword intent left behind is still fighting, and it is also a bridge for him to return.

Lu Shaoqing looked speechless.

Just like before, the realm of comprehension is also the realm of battle.

Attack instead of defense.

Now it’s the same, even if it is defense, even if it is resistance, Ji Yan will stretch out his sword and stab a few swords.

“What a bummer!”

Lu Shaoqing looked a little envious, this trick, he also liked it.

Their own body hides, and the enemy cannot deal with him, but he still has to fight himself.


Just holding on for about five breaths, Ji Yan had to come out of nothingness and reappear in this world.

Ji Yan’s breath plummeted again.

Lu Shaoqing pinched his chin and muttered, “It seems that the consumption is very large.” Ji

Yan wielded the Wuqiu Sword again and fought with the surrounding thunder.

And he has been able to tie with the thunder, and the situation will not fall on one side.

Lu Shaoqing nodded secretly, “After dodging the first fatal attack, it doesn’t matter what follows…” In

the end, although Ji Yan was split by the robbery thunder, the two robbery thunder also dissipated under his attack.

Ji Yan survived the seventh thunderbolt.

But the price paid by Ji Yan was not small, and the injury was not much different from when he dealt with the rampant god before.

Shao Cheng was heart-wrenching to see it.

Like Yu Chang, he was praying, “Don’t raise your sword, rest for a while.”

But Ji Yan did not hear their prayers, looked up at the sky and clouds, his expression became more determined, and slowly raised the Wuqiu sword again.

The clouds suddenly stopped, and even the lightning in the air disappeared, and the black pressure stayed in the sky.


Everyone could feel the wrath of the clouds.

Everyone knows that this is the calm before the storm.

Sure enough!

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After a slight pause, with a huge roar erupting, the entire heaven and earth trembled.

The next moment, countless white lightning bolts fell with a bang, and the sky and the earth were white, becoming a world of thunder and lightning.

Ji Yan was instantly shrouded in countless lightning.

Like an ant that did not measure himself, he broke into the world of the thunder sea.

Trekking through it, every lightning bolt is filled with terrifying power.

Like piranhas, they constantly attacked this self-inflicted ant, vowing to tear the ant to pieces.

Dao lightning fell, and each lightning bolt had the power to tear this world apart.

The terrifying power continued to pervade, and the entire space was collapsing and reorganizing.

The two opposing forces continue to diffuse, collide, and burst out even more terrifying power.

Ji Yan is entangled in these forces, and it is difficult to move.

He pays for every step he takes.

Bright red blood spurted out, turned into a blood mist, and then disappeared into endless lightning.

But the fighting spirit on Ji Yan’s body became higher and higher, and the thick fighting intent seemed to break out of the shell.

His gaze was sharp, staring dead at the clouds in the sky, where was his destination.

No matter how many obstacles and twists and turns there are on the road, he will unswervingly kill towards his destination.

After spraying a few mouthfuls of blood, Ji Yan’s breath did not recede, but rose, and the whole person seemed to turn into a sharp long sword, rushing up into the sky again.


A dull voice sounded in the clouds.

Then, a mysterious feeling came, heaven and earth seemed to tremble gently, and the surrounding space fluctuated one after another, constantly spreading to the surroundings.

The next moment, everyone’s eyes flowered, countless lightning disappeared, and a brilliant rain of flowers fell in the air.

The flowers are bright and beautiful, brilliant and colorful, the fragrance fills the world, and the fairy music plays.

Done, successful?

The crossing was successful?

Even Ke Hong’s eyes widened, unable to believe this scene.

Peace and happiness, heaven and earth rejoice.

Immortal music, fairy sound bursts.

Shao Cheng was surprised and delighted, “Was it successful?” ”

No one has ever seen how to cross the robbery during the merging period, and everyone is also the first time that the eldest girl went to the flower bridge.

Today, heaven and earth are peaceful, full of joy, and it looks like having survived a heavenly calamity.

Yu Chang couldn’t help but cover his chest and breathe a long sigh of relief, “Finally succeeded.” ”

It scares me.”

The others also showed happy expressions, and they couldn’t see that there was not much.

Only Ke Hong frowned, he sensed something was wrong, but he couldn’t say it.

And Lu Shaoqing said in an affirmative tone, “Don’t be happy, this is an illusion!” ”

Illusion?” Everyone was shocked, and they hurriedly collected their minds and began to check.

But they didn’t notice anything wrong, even if Xiao Chuang secretly pinched his thigh, and didn’t notice anything wrong.

“Boy, are you kidding?”

Just when everyone was strange, two children suddenly appeared in the sky, a man and a woman.

The two condescendingly saluted Ji Yan, “Congratulations Immortal Master.” ”


Yu Chang and the others were shocked, “Fairy Tong? Ji

Yan’s eyes were shining, and the Wuqiu sword buzzed, and he slashed at the two children without hesitation…

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