The crowd was flabbergasted.

What is Ji Yan going to do?

Heaven and earth collapsed, and the sharp breath blew through the heavens and earth like the wind.

A flower in front of everyone’s eyes, the rain of flowers in the sky disappeared, and Xian Le Xian Xiang disappeared.

The clouds of calamity reappeared, and the terrifying Tianwei was still pervasive.

The two children also disappeared in an instant, replaced by two terrifying golden thunderbolts.

The eighth thunder appeared.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing cursed and cursed, “Look, they all say that the Heavenly Tribulation is despicable and shameless.”

“That’s the proof!”

“Can you shut up!”

Shao Cheng was bored to death.

I thought that the lightning in the sky was the eighth test.

After passing, Ji Yan will successfully cross the disaster.

Unexpectedly, the terrifying lightning was just an appetizer, and the eighth test was still two terrifying golden thunders.

What is even more terrifying is that there is actually a fantasy in the middle, and even outsiders like them are trapped in it.

Is the Heavenly Tribulation shameless to this point?

Who said that you can’t resist the disaster? I have to wait to split you.”


If he could, Shao Cheng would have to slap the so-called Heavenly Tribulation a few times.

What made Shao Cheng even more irritable was that his second apprentice, nagging, made him upset.

Say bad, bad spirit, say good, bad is more spiritual.

“If something happens to your senior brother, I will beat you to death…”

Lu Shaoqing was sad, “Sure enough, love will disappear…”

Ke Hongyuchang and the others were also pale and sweating, and they didn’t know that these people had fallen into the illusion.

And after being reminded, I didn’t notice any flaws.

Have they old guys regressed to this point?

Their performance is not as good as Lu Shaoqing.

Ji Pengyue was deeply shocked, and his tone was depressed, “Go back, I have to retreat properly.”

Others agreed.

Indeed, if you go back and don’t close well, you are embarrassed to come out for promotion and promotion.

As an elder, you can be inferior to your juniors, but you can’t be much worse.

Otherwise, you will be laughed to death by outsiders.

Ke Hong’s eyes were faint, looking at Ji Yan in the sky, with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, “Master, senior brother, our Lingxiao Sect is getting stronger and stronger…” The

two children turned into golden thunder, falling with a fierce and fierce aura, just like before, viciously rushing towards Ji Yan, with the will of Heavenly Tribulation, eager to tear Ji Yan to pieces.

This space had already collapsed, and after the two thunderbolts appeared, the fragile space could no longer withstand it and completely collapsed.

Clicking, clicking, and finally, countless void storms roared out.

The surrounding white lightning was instead destroyed by the Void Storm.

Ji Yan’s pressure was greatly reduced, Ji Yan let out a long roar, and the power in his body gathered.

It is a sword itself, the battle intent is the bone, and the sword intent wrapped in the edge turns into a real divine sword, sharp and cold.

Excalibur soared into the sky and violently collided with the two thunders.


Golden lightning splashed, shattered, and a white light penetrated out.

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Two golden thunderbolts twisted in the air, shining with electric light, as if they were struggling.

The crowd seemed to hear their wailing.

In less than two breaths, the two thunderbolts dimmed and finally dissipated completely.

That’s it?

Everyone was stunned, menacing, and finally disappeared like this, no matter how it was unreal.

The performance is not as good as the previous few thunderbolts.

Shao Cheng became worried again, “There won’t be any tricks, right?

Lu Shaoqing did not speak.

In the distance, after Ji Yan passed through the two robbery thunders, he did not stop, his speed did not decrease, or even faster, turning into a white lightning bolt and disappearing into the calamity clouds above the sky.

“This…” Ji

Yan did not enter the clouds, and once again shocked Ke Hong, Yu Chang and other Lingxiao factions.

Ji Yan gave them too much shock today.

For a while, their minds were blank and they didn’t know what to say.

Shao Cheng had already tightly grasped Lu Shaoqing’s shoulders, nervous and worried.

It’s just a robbery, how did you kill people’s lair?

You didn’t have much rampant in the past.

When the Yuan Baby crossed the calamity, you were not so rampant.

Why is it so bold and rampant now?

It won’t be damaged by your junior brother, right?

“Master, you hurt me.” Lu Shaoqing looked at Shao Cheng resentfully.

“Master, I know you’re worried, but don’t worry first, can you let me go first?”

“Wait for Senior Brother to be chopped to death, you also killed me, you have to hold a banquet twice a day, you don’t feel sorry for the spirit stone, I still feel sorry.”

Shao Chenglao’s face turned red, let go of his hand, and then said viciously, “Shut up, you shut up for me.”

“Your mouth, shut it for me today.”

Lu Shaoqing muttered, “Eccentric.”

Shao Cheng didn’t want to hit someone, his eyes were tightly fixed on the clouds above the sky.

The black-pressed clouds cover the sky, and you can’t see the slightest bit of sunlight.

Thick, terrifying, and even weird.

The heavy heavenly power pervaded, causing the ground to shake, the peaks to crack, and the waves to howl, as if at the end of the century.

Now, Ji Yan plunged headlong into the cloud of robbery, and he didn’t know how to be inside.

Let Shao Cheng worry these people.

Only Lu Shaoqing’s old god is still there, still that careless.

Shao Cheng glared at him, “Is Ji Yan okay?”

Lu Shaoqing made another gesture to shut up, turning Shao Cheng’s head away in anger.

Xiao Yi also secretly asked Lu Shaoqing, “Second Senior Brother, is the Master Brother okay?”

“Who knows?” Lu Shaoqing came casually, “Maybe…” But

noticing that Ji Yan’s ears pricked up, and even felt a bit of murderous aura, Lu Shaoqing changed his words, “Anyway, he has his own measure.” ”

Everyone here, even Shao Cheng, is not as confident as Lu Shaoqing in Ji Yan.

Ji Yan started a fight, bravely moved forward, and looked like a reckless man, in fact, Ji Yan was thick and thin.

He knows his own affairs and will definitely not take risks easily.

Lu Shaoqing yawned and muttered, “It depends on how much you have improved this time.” In

the midst of the clouds, Ji Yan’s expression was cold, and in front of him, there was a golden divine dragon, with the same cold eyes, and his eyes stared at him deadly…

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