As if deflated, Xiao Yi disappeared proudly and became depressed.

However, she quickly guessed how Lu Shaoqing knew.

“Second Senior Brother, do you know through the Tianji Card?”

Speaking of the Tianji card, Xiao Yi couldn’t help but think of his poor father.

I am still grounded and can’t get out.

However, he only mourned for his father for a while, Xiao Yi turned half a circle again, came to Lu Shaoqing again, and faced Lu Shaoqing.

“Second Senior Brother, do you say that the Demon Race will attack us?”

“I don’t know.” Lu Shaoqing opened one eye and closed the other, “Who knows?”

“I’m bored, don’t bother me!”

Xiao Yi automatically ignored this sentence, slammed his chin on the stone, and asked, “Second Senior Brother, tell me, the Demon Race is doing things over there in Zhongzhou, what impact will our Lingxiao faction have?”

“The Demon Race occupied Zhongzhou, and the people of Zhongzhou died, and the Demon Race naturally began to attack other states.”

Xiao Yi was shocked, “With the hatred of the Demon Race for the Second Senior Brother, will the Demon Race definitely attack us Lingxiao first at that time?”

Lu Shaoqing rolled over, put his hands on the pillow, and cocked Erlang’s legs, “It’s possible, who knows.”

Xiao Yi became worried, “So, do we need to do something?”

“Of course.”

Xiao Yi’s spirit was shocked, is the second senior brother going to make a move?

She asked expectantly, “Second Senior Brother, what are you going to do?” ”


“Didn’t you just say you were going to do something?” Xiao Yi was puzzled.

“Aren’t the people of Zhongzhou dead yet?” Lu Shaoqing looked at the white clouds in the sky, and his tone was relaxed, “Do you think Zhongzhou is such a dish?”

“When they die, we just surrender.” Zhongzhou can’t do it, Qi Zhou still wants to do it?

“Besides, isn’t there anyone clamoring for peace? Wait, Zhongzhou is messing around, I’m afraid of a hair. Xiao

Yi understood, or let the Demon Race and Zhongzhou continue to pinch.


Xiao Yi voiced the worries of the elders, “Ancestor, the head of the sect are worried that the Qi family is only the first, and then there is a second, a third…” ”

So, they think of holding the Buddha’s feet temporarily, thinking of letting us manage the sect, and they go to a higher level?”

Just like I thought, Xiao Yi laughed.

She corrected Lu Shaoqing’s statement, “No, they hope that our young disciples can grow up quickly. ”

What’s the panic,” Lu Shaoqing didn’t worry too much, “The day hasn’t collapsed so quickly.

“The demon race is not the most terrifying existence, those monsters are.”

“When you encounter those monsters, everyone has to quickly burn paper and worship.”

Xiao Yi understood what Lu Shaoqing meant, even if the Terran and the Demon Race collapsed the sky, it would be fine.

In the final analysis, everyone has the same roots, and once they encounter those black monsters, in the face of terrible monsters, they finally have to let go of their hatred and join forces.

After Xiao Yi listened to it and understood, he suddenly felt a little excited and bored.


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Lu Shaoqing squinted, “I can hear that you seem disappointed?”

“What do you want to do?”

Xiao Yi stuck out his tongue, “Second Senior Brother, don’t you think that this day is boring?” ”

Boring?” Lu Shaoqing sat up and stretched out his hand and flicked it on Xiao Yi’s forehead.

“There are such days for you, you still dislike it? Do you think that you are satisfied that there are fights every day, wars every day, and hundreds of thousands of people die every day?

“Also, what realm are you?” Refined?

“Two and a half years, almost three years, what are you doing for so much time?” Progress is slow, and my little black is faster than you.

Xiao Yi hurriedly retreated holding his head, touching his forehead as if a horn had been born, Xiao Yi was not convinced, “Second Senior Brother, you said me, you are not the same?” ”

I’ve only broken through a small realm over the years, how about you?

It is clear that it has long been the late nine-layer realm, and it has not broken through until now.

When you returned from the demon realm, the master brother was one realm lower than you, and now the master brother has stepped into the merging period, and you are still in place.

“Oh, you still dare to talk back?” Lu Shaoqing was furious, “I’ll kill you today…” Time

flickered, another few months passed, the sky was white with snow, and the new year was coming soon.

On this day, Xiao Yi jumped to find Lu Shaoqing, “Second Senior Brother, my father and mother want to invite everyone to the house as guests, which can be regarded as spending the New Year in advance.” ”

Don’t go!” Lu Shaoqing shook his head decisively.

Xiao Yi’s mouth suddenly cracked, and he smiled happily, “Hehe, second senior brother, are you afraid of my father?”

“Don’t be afraid,” Lu Shaoqing disdained, “Do I need to be afraid of him?”

“With your father’s little strength, I can blow him 108,000 miles away in one breath.”

“Dare to mess with me, and take him to drink flower wine.”

Xiao Yi suddenly couldn’t laugh, she hummed, “If you don’t go, you must be afraid of my father.” ”

I’m not afraid of him,” Lu Shaoqing said truthfully, “I’m afraid of your mother.”

“Your mother doesn’t drink flower wine, and I don’t have a common language with her.”

After all, if you don’t want to pit your husband, Lu Shaoqing feels that her skin is too thin, and she is embarrassed to face Su Yunyu.

Xiao Yi waved his fist and wanted to hit someone.

She huffed, “Damn, I’ll go find Senior Brother and Master.”

“Hurry! Don’t bother me here…” Xiao

Yi huffed and went to find Ji Yan, Ji Yan was not interested, and naturally he was too lazy to go.

In desperation, Xiao Yi could only go to Shao Cheng, hoping that Shao Cheng could escort her two senior brothers forward.


Shao Cheng was sitting cross-legged in the courtyard for daily cultivation, sensing that Xiao Yi was coming, opened his eyes, and revealed a hint of a smile, “Is something wrong?”

Xiao Yi said his intentions and saw that Shao Cheng had a bit of hesitation on his face.

Xiao Yi immediately said, “Master, my father and mother said that if you don’t go, they will come in person.” Xiao

Yi knew Shao Cheng’s character, and he definitely didn’t want to do this.

Sure enough, after listening to Xiao Yi’s words, Shao Cheng agreed, “Okay, we’ll go.”

“I’ll go back to

the room to prepare…” Shao Cheng had just entered the room here, and suddenly a light rushed up to the sky, and Shao Cheng’s room was instantly torn apart….

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