“What the hell?”

Shao Cheng shouted, and he was startled.

He hurriedly rushed outside.

“Master, Master,” Xiao Yi also rushed over, “What happened?”

Shao Cheng shook his head, he also looked puzzled.

Well, why did your room explode?

I just wanted to go back to my room and get to rummage through the storage ring to see what to give as a gift.

Why did the room explode as soon as I entered the door?

The power in your own body is not out of control, right?

Shao Cheng looked at the room that had turned into fragments in the sky, puzzled.

However, when he saw that the bed he usually rarely lay on had turned into a pile of debris, one foot of the bed was spinning in the air, and there was debris all around, Shao Cheng still couldn’t help but shout distressedly, “My room, my bed…” Not

to say what kind of precious treasure his bed is, but he has also accompanied him for two or three hundred years and has slept out of feelings.

Today it was blown to pieces.


Xiao Yi’s expression became serious, holding the Lanshui sword in his hand, murderous, “Mo Fei, who wants to attack you, Master?” ”

Whoever dares to disadvantage Master, I will definitely hack him to death….

The white light flickered, the power of space pervaded, and the formation void emerged, slowly pressing down.

Shao Cheng was stunned, and Xiao Yi was stunned.

They are familiar with it, this is a formation, and it is also a teleportation array.

Moreover, it is still a teleportation array that has just been activated.

Shao Cheng was stunned and muttered subconsciously, “Why is there a teleportation array in my room?”

Xiao Yi reminded faintly, “Master, second senior brother!” ”

Solved the case.

Arrange a teleportation array in the master’s room, and still not let the master know, who else can do this step except the second senior brother?

Shao Cheng also reacted, his nose was crooked, “Bastard!” ”

I don’t have a problem with you arranging the teleportation array, you set up the teleportation array in my room, under my bed, how many meanings?”

Is it to blow Master and me into the sky?

Shao Cheng was so angry that he couldn’t wait to find Lu Shaoqing now and clean him up fiercely.

The white light was constantly flickering, and the formations around the teleportation array were rapidly turning.

This shows that someone is teleporting over, and the distance is not short.

After a few breaths, two figures suddenly appeared in the teleportation array.

At this time, the teleportation array slowly stopped, and the light receded.

Shao Cheng and Xiao Yi immediately became alert and prepared for battle.

The visitor does not know whether it is friend or foe.

However, after Xiao Yi saw the person coming, he was stunned, an old acquaintance.

“Fat man and lewd man?”

A fat man, a handsome boy.

It is Guan Daniu and Jianbei.

Xiao Yi immediately reacted, and the teleportation array in front of him was the teleportation array leading to Zhongzhou.

Previously, the second senior brother Lu Shaoqing also gave the two of them a teleportation token.

And said that if you encounter danger, you can leave the teleportation array left by Lu Shaoqing through the teleportation token.

Xiao Yi’s heart jumped, and he asked curiously, “Have your Tianji Pavilion and Jian family been destroyed by the Demon Clan?”

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“So that you two fled here?”

Jian Bei and Guan Daniu obviously sat for a long time, and after landing, their eyes were still a little dull.

After turning around twice, he shook his head before coming to his senses.

Guan Daniu looked at Shao Cheng and Xiao Yi and asked, “What is this place?” ”

Why is Senior Shaocheng also here?

Shouldn’t it be in their house?

Jian Bei looked at Shao Cheng, a middle-aged man with a thick and honest face, which made people feel good.

He couldn’t help but ask Guan Da Niu, “Who is he?”

“My Master!” Xiao Yi said.

Jian Bei immediately stood in awe and hurriedly saluted Shao Cheng, “I have seen the senior.” ”

Jian Bei is a disciple of the five families and three factions, who thinks highly of himself and is arrogant.

People in other states are considered dirt buns in the eyes of people in Middle States.

Not to mention the elders of a faction, even if they are the head of a faction, they will not pay attention to it.

But Shao Cheng is different.

Shao Cheng had two awesome apprentices, and Jian Bei did not dare to be disrespectful to Shao Cheng.

The two apprentices are both short guards, dare to be disrespectful to their master, waiting to be cleaned up.

After Jian Bei finished saluting, he looked at Shao Cheng curiously.

Is this the master of the two senior brothers who taught Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan?

It’s extraordinary!

Just standing there gives people a feeling like a spring breeze.

It feels reliable and reassuring to watch.

Not angry and self-proud, superior demeanor.

However, Jian Bei became strange in his heart again.

Such a master, why would the apprentices who taught them be so bad?

Facing Jian Bei and Guan Daniu, Xiao Yi asked again, “Have your Tianji Pavilion and Jian family been destroyed by the Demon Clan?” ”

Raven Mouth!” Guan Daniu rolled his eyes, a pair of small eyes fiercely despised, “Demon Clan, what are you afraid of?”

“It’s easy to destroy them.”

Xiao Yi was strange, “What are you fleeing here for?” ”

Flee?” Jian Bei was speechless, “Do we call this fleeing?” We are here to send a message. ”

Tip-off?” Shao Cheng and Xiao Yi were curious.

Shao Cheng became serious, “Is there anything that concerns our Lingxiao faction?” Guan

Daniu and Jian Bei glanced at each other, and Guan Daniu suddenly showed a strange expression, “Senior, it’s like this…”

Before the words were finished, Guan Daniu’s waist jerked to the side, as if he had been kicked by someone, and plopped on the ground.

A figure descended from the sky and rode directly on Guan Da Niu.

“Raven Mouth, what are you doing here?”

“It’s probably okay to meet you.”

“I haven’t seen you for a few years, I miss it very much, but you can’t come to me.”

“Huh? How much does your meat seem to have grown a lot?

“Eat well, drink and sleep well, come, I’ll help you lose weight, and remember to give me some hard work later.”

“Bang bang…”

Shao Cheng was shocked, and carefully saw that it was his apprentice Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing rode on Guan Daniu and smashed down with one punch after another, smashing Guan Daniu into a roar

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