“Wow, wow,

hateful, you, you bastard, I, pain, release, let go of me…”

Guan Daniu was beaten and shouted, skillfully holding his head, curled up tightly.

“Shaoqing, what are you doing?”

Shao Cheng was stunned for a long time before reacting.

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he pounded a few more times before standing up, clapping his hands, and laughing straightly, “Comfortable!” ”

Grandma Li’s hates the crow mouth the most.

“Abominable!” Guan Daniu wanted to cry without tears, stood up, stared at Lu Shaoqing sadly and indignantly, grinding his teeth, and couldn’t wait to rush over and bite Lu Shaoqing to death.

However, he couldn’t do it if he wanted revenge.

He is still in the Transformation God Period, and Lu Shaoqing was already in the Refining Void Period a few years ago.

Report a fart ah.

“Senior, look!” Guan Daniu turned to Shao and confessed, “Come and bully me because you are strong.”

“Senior, you take care of him.”

Guan Da Niu’s tears swirled in his eyes.

Every time I encounter this bastard, I have to be beaten.

Wronged to death, who do I reason with?

Shao Cheng also glared at Lu Shaoqing, “Bastard, how can you treat your friends like this?”

Lu Shaoqing smiled and shook his head slightly, “It’s a friend, I did this to him.”

“Friends, it’s normal to vent your excitement when you meet.”

Jian Bei next to him couldn’t help but take a step back.

Terrible, big brother is terrible.

You won’t continue to vent to me, will you?

Guan Daniu heard even more sadness and indignation, and roared, “Who wants to be friends with you? ”

If I could, I wouldn’t want to be friends with him.”

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, his face suddenly sank, “Isn’t it a friend?” Trespassing, I have the right to beat you to death. ”

Senior, look…” Guan Daniu was about to cry while holding Shao Cheng’s thigh.

Shao Cheng couldn’t help, waved his hand, and asked Jian Bei and Guan Daniu, “You just said that you have something to tell me, what is it?”

“An Qianyan and Xia Yu are missing, the people of the Demon Race are searching for them, and their situation is very dangerous…”

As soon as Jian Bei spoke, Shao Cheng’s face suddenly changed, “What?”

Lu Shaoqing also became serious and said coldly, “What’s going on?”

Jian Bei and Guan Daniu looked at each other, and the two of them roughly said the matter in one word.

After the demon race ravaged Yanzhou, they attacked Zhongzhou in a big way.

The five families and three factions of Zhongzhou and the big and small forces organized soldiers and horses to resist the demon race.

However, the demon race suddenly appeared from the hinterland of Zhongzhou, causing chaos in Zhongzhou’s strength.

The northeast of Zhongzhou was invaded by the demons, and one-fifth of the land was lost.

However, this is also the biggest victory that the Demon Race can win.

After the Zhongzhou forces returned to their senses, they showed great strength and defeated the demon race in a row.

With the continuous increase of troops of the Demon Race, the Zhongzhou forces and the Demon Race fell into a tug-of-war, and the two sides fought back and forth, so that a dozen was several years.

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However, in the past few years, the collusion of the Qi family with the demon clan was exposed, and the Zhongzhou forces once again fell into chaos and turmoil.

The Qi family claims to be the number one force in Zhongzhou, and there are countless forces attached below, and the power is extremely powerful.

The betrayal of the Mi family also caused many forces in Zhongzhou to lose confidence in victory.

Under this circumstance, some forces began to follow the Qi family and the demon race to join forces. Some forces made peace with the demon race, withdrew from the battle, and closed the mountain gate.

The forces that really want to deal with the demon race have decreased a lot.

Even different voices appeared in the five families and three factions.

It was even rumored that some of the five families and three factions had frequent movements between the elders and the demon race.

It further dealt a blow to Zhongzhou’s sentiment against the demon race.


The Demon Race also took the opportunity to propose a truce at this time.

The two sides each retreated thousands of miles to show their sincerity.

The Demon Race also sent messengers and five families and three factions to discuss the truce.

The people of the demon race came to Rucheng and acted domineeringly, looking as if they were deliberately trying to cause trouble.

They deliberately targeted all kinds of masters of the Terran race, fighting every day, and the two sides won and lost each other.

Xia Yu and An Qianyan saw that Zhongzhou was so chaotic and turbulent, so they planned to return to Qizhou.

But he never wanted to be known by the demon race, and the demon race sent people to ambush him halfway, and now his whereabouts are unknown.

“Xia Yu and An Qianyan were attacked when they left Rucheng, and the people who accompanied them died, it is said that the two of them have fled, but the Demon Race has sent people to hunt them down and hunt them down.”

“Damn it!” After Shao Cheng listened, his fists clenched, and his kind face showed killing intent, “Damn the demon clan!”

Lu Shaoqing’s face returned to calm, but it became cold, “An Shibo, where did they go, do you know?”

Jian Bei shook his head, “I don’t know, the Demon Race blocked the news very tightly, and if it weren’t for our people in the Qi family to pass the news on, we wouldn’t know that they were in distress.”

Guan Daniu said indignantly, “After we know this information, we will come to tell you as soon as possible.”

“I didn’t expect you bastard to treat me like this, do you still have a conscience?”

Lu Shaoqing said to him, “Okay, okay, don’t be angry, I won’t accept your spirit stones.” ”

Don’t take my spirit stones?” Guan Da Niu was stunned, why should I give you spirit stones?

“Yes, I won’t accept the spirit stone that helped you lose weight just now.”

Guan Da Niu’s nose was crooked, and he roared at Lu Shaoqing, “Bastard!

“Don’t be angry, I’ll let my master cook rice for you when the time comes.”

Shao Cheng ignored Lu Shaoqing’s scolding, he didn’t think too much, gritted his teeth, and said to Lu Shaoqing, “I’m going to Zhongzhou.”

“You’re not afraid of traps?”

Shao Cheng shook his head, “Even if there is a trap, I will go there.” ”

An Qianyan is someone he likes, and he can’t help but go.

Even if it was a sea of fire in front of him, he had to go over.

Otherwise, his heart would not be able to settle down.

Lu Shaoqing knew that he couldn’t convince the master, “Okay, go, I’ll go with you.”

Ji Yan’s figure quietly appeared, “I’ll go too.”

Xiao Yi raised his hand and shouted, “I’ll go too.” ”

Thousands of miles to save the master and mother such an enjoyable thing, where can I miss it.

“What are you going, didn’t your mother tell you to go home for dinner?”

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