
Everyone was shocked, and the teleportation array was activated?

They hurriedly retreated outside and watched coldly as the teleportation array activated.

Jian Lan sneered, “Shouldn’t it be to find a helper?”

Luan Xingyue didn’t have the slightest worry, and said proudly, “Exactly, I want to see what other masters the Terran race has?”

Mi Fei sneered, “You pray it’s best not to run into them.” ”

Everyone knows who they are.

Mi Fei believed that if Lu Shaoqing and them came, these people in front of them would definitely not be able to please.

Jian Lan laughed, “Didn’t they flee back to Qi Prefecture with their tails between their legs?” ”

They still dare to show up in Zhongzhou?”

Luan Xingyue became more and more proud, her chin raised slightly, like a proud hen, “Even if they come, I am not afraid.”

“Over the years, my progress will not be slower than theirs.”

“That’s right, our holy race has exploded in genius over the years, and everyone’s strength has grown by leaps and bounds, far from being comparable to weak humans.”

“If he dares to come, he will let him know what regret is…” In

the sound of everyone’s, the light of the teleportation array dispersed, and a figure appeared in the teleportation array.

A middle-aged man dressed in a light gray robe, with a thick and honest face and an ordinary breath appeared.

Seeing this person, Luan Xingyue first scanned carefully, and after sensing the breath on his body, he shook his head with a sneer, “Transformation period, there is no need to worry.” The

man in front of him looked ordinary, and Luan Xingyue did not put him in his eyes.

But as soon as the words were finished, another light flashed, and a girl with a sweet appearance and a faint smile on her face appeared.

Seeing this person, Luan Xingyue and Jian Lan were stunned.

This person, they don’t have much contact, but they are familiar.

Before the two could react, two figures appeared almost at the same time.

One blue, one white.

Then, a fat and thin figure appeared.

The light of the teleportation array dimmed, and the formation disappeared and stopped functioning.

Lu Shaoqing just wanted to look around, when suddenly there was a sound of gritting teeth in his ears.

“Lu Shaoqing!”

The voice was sharp, like two notched knives rubbing, and it was difficult to hear the extreme.

Lu Shaoqing fixed his eyes and saw a group of people glaring at him angrily.

“Yo, are you?”

Lu Shaoqing became suspicious, “What are you doing here?” ”

Welcome me?”

When did I become so popular?

Jian Lan said coldly, “Welcome, it’s really shameless.”

Luan Xingyue’s gaze fell on Jian Bei, “Run to find a helper?”

Lu Shaoqing breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest to Jian Beidao, “It turned out to be looking for you, and it scared me to death.”

“I thought I was fancyed by these demons, it’s okay, it’s okay.”

The demon race is so tall, the most cute height difference, or don’t engage in it.

Jian Bei rolled his eyes, and he stared at Luan Xingyue, knowing why.

After all, the young people of the Demon Race attacked all over the place, looking for young people like them as opponents, so as to attack the Terrans and pave the way for future negotiations.

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“Want to clean me up?”

“Think I’m a bully?”

Jian Bei was not angry, after all, there was a real big brother standing beside him.

“My eldest brother is here, I will be afraid of you?”

Lu Shaoqing immediately took two steps and left Jianbei, while solemnly declaring, “You and the demon clan, don’t get involved with me, I don’t know anything.”

Then seriously said to Jian Lan and Luan Xingyue, “Don’t worry, I can’t help my relatives, he has defiled you, and I will definitely make him responsible for you to the end.” ”


Jian Bei vomited blood.

Jian Lan and Luan Xingyue also vomited blood.

“Big brother!” Jian Bei grudges.

After many years, the eldest brother is still such a bastard.

“Bastard!” Jian Lan and Luan Xingyue both roared angrily.

I haven’t seen it for so long, this bastard is still the same bastard and damn it as always.

“Rub, you guys are so synchronized, you still say that you didn’t scrupulous?” Lu Shaoqing was shocked again and said to Shao Cheng, “Master, we have been fooled, and the Jian family has also colluded with the Demon Clan.

Jian Bei was even more helpless, and had the urge to beat Lu Shaoqing, “Big brother, can you be?” You listen to me…”

Jian Bei quickly said the matter.

After Lu Shaoqing listened, he was very disappointed, “Is this so?” I thought you had some spark with the Demons.

“Of course not!” Jian Bei gritted his teeth hatefully, I still don’t want to find a demon race to be in charge, so high, I am under a lot of pressure.

“Alas,” Lu Shaoqing sighed, full of regret, “I thought you would.”

“Don’t you think about it? Marriage with the demon race or something, sacrifice your hue, in exchange for peace between the Terran and the demon race. ”

The most cute height difference, understand?”

Jian Bei is full of black lines, what a bastard big brother.

“Why don’t you go?”

“They’re so ugly, I don’t like it.” Lu Shaoqing pointed at Jian Lan and said, “You see, the lime on her face can paint a house.” Jian

Lan trembled with anger, and when he met this bastard again, his blood pressure was high again.

Jian Lan roared, “Damn bastard, you don’t have to step in, now, it’s not your Terran world.”

Luan Xingyue didn’t bother to pay attention to Lu Shaoqing, her target was still Jian Bei, “Jian Bei, come and fight me.” ”

The person she came to find this time is Jian Bei, defeated Jian Bei, and stomped on the face of the Jian family fiercely.

As for Lu Shaoqing or Ji Yan, to be honest, she is a little stunned in her heart now.

Before she saw these two people, she could say wild words, but after seeing the two of them, an intuition told her that Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan were dangerous.

So, she didn’t want to take risks.

These two people, when the time comes, there will naturally be others to clean up, and she will do her own thing.

Jian Bei smiled, there was a big brother, he was not worried at all.

He shrugged his shoulders and directly refused, “I’m not interested, you want to fight, find my eldest brother.” Jian

Bei didn’t care at all that it would be a shame to refuse.

“Looking for me?” Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “Being looking for me, I have no interest in participating in your emotions.”

Jian Bei vomited blood, “Big brother, don’t make trouble.” I can’t beat her, it’s up to you.

“By me? Let me handle it? Lu Shaoqing was strange, “You’re not afraid of me messing around, are you?”

“Don’t be afraid,” Jian Bei nodded, “Everything is at the expense of the eldest brother.” Jian

Bei secretly complained in his heart, what can you do to make trouble?

Didn’t beat them up yet?

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