The people on Luan Xingyue’s side laughed, “Haha, Jian Bei, you coward, don’t you dare to fight?”

“Cowardly as rats, humans, is so inferior.”

Luan Xingyue also sneered, “You’re not afraid of losing people?

“What’s so shameful?” Jian Bei didn’t care at all, “I don’t want to bully you this three-eight.”

“What’s there, just go to my eldest brother.”

Jian Bei said to Lu Shaoqing, “Big brother, make a move, let the demon race see how powerful you are.”

Xiao Yi spoke with disdain, “Cut, they have already seen it.” ”

You, a wretched man in Zhongzhou, haven’t seen the majesty of my second senior brother on the side of the Demon Clan, have you?

Lu Shaoqing sighed, “Alas, I’d better be peaceful.”

“Fight or something, don’t want to do it at all.”

“Big brother, don’t you make a move?” Jian Bei was shocked, when did the eldest brother become such a good person?

Lu Shaoqing ignored Jian Bei and pointed at Luan Xingyue, Jian Lan, Qi Fei and the others and shouted, “Okay, you are now my prisoners.”

“Crouch down and hold your head in your hands.”

Luan Xingyue and others sneered, naïve.

“Who do you think you are?” Jian Lan roared angrily.

Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand and waved.


The invisible force fell on the face of the gladioli, and the gladioli was slapped fiercely.

Lu Shaoqing put his right hand on Jian Bei and wiped it, “There won’t be lime, right?”

Jian Bei was speechless.


roared Jian Lan, his cape spreading, and rushed over like a crazy woman, “I’m going to kill you.” ”

The breath in your body is like a volcano about to erupt.

Lu Shaoqing was not used to her, and slapped her over again, slaping her away again.

The power in the body is also like being extinguished by pouring a basin of cold water.

Jian Lan threw herself on the ground, she stood up, but found that her body was trapped by an invisible rope, unable to move.

The strength in the body is more like encountering a natural enemy, and she trembles with fear, and even she can’t mobilize the slightest.

Gladioli’s face turned as white as the powder on her face, and fear began to emerge.

At the same time, others who saw this scene gasped.

Even Luan Xingyue’s face changed drastically.

Her scalp was numb, and she thought she couldn’t do it either.

With just a wave of his hand, he would be able to suppress a cultivator in the Transformation Period.

What kind of strength is this?

“What do you want to do?”

Luan Xingyue forced down the fear in her heart, staring at Lu Shaoqing deadly, her body tense, ready to strike at any time.

Sensing the aura emitted by Luan Xingyue, Lu Shaoqing took two steps forward and narrowed the distance between him and Luan Xingyue.

“Don’t be nervous, our old acquaintances, rest assured, I won’t make a move on you.”

“After all, you’re all good people.”


Luan Xingyue thought of those lost spirit stones, and her beating heart suddenly felt faintly painful.

Those who lose are unwilling and unconvinced.

Abominable bastards.

Luan Xingyue gritted her teeth with hatred.

Lu Shaoqing suddenly turned his head to look to the side, “Hey, Luan Xi, you’re here too?” ”

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Luan Xi?

Luan Xingyue subconsciously followed and turned her head.

Seeing that there was nothing next to her, she reacted.

Medium gauge.

But it was too late, and a powerful divine consciousness came like a tidal wave to swallow her up.


Luan Xingyue felt that her head was as if she had been smashed by a sledgehammer, and an explosion occurred in the sea of knowledge, causing her to feel dizzy and stars in her eyes.

She held her head and screamed.

Of course, she did not forget to resist.

However, she was only in the Transformation God Period, and she was attacked by Lu Shaoqing with her divine sense, and she became even easier to deal with than Jian Lan.

Lu Shaoqing snorted coldly, Luan Xingyue flew out fiercely as if he had been hit hard, and then was controlled by a powerful force, obediently becoming Lu Shaoqing’s prisoner.

As for Qi Fei and the other few people who followed, Lu Shaoqing could suppress them just by exuding his own aura.

After processing, Lu Shaoqing clapped his hands, “Okay.” In

a short period of time, Luan Xingyue and his party became his prisoners.

Seeing Jian Bei and Guan Daniu’s hearts jumped.

Is it so strong?

Luan Xingyue is also a late stage of the Transformation God, and he has made a lot of fame here in Rucheng.

Facing Lu Shaoqing, there was not even a little effective resistance.

Jian Bei couldn’t help but ask, “Big brother, what realm are you?” ”

Fit period, don’t you know?”

One sentence almost scared the people around him to death.

Fit period?

Are you kidding?

Guan Daniu jumped up, “Impossible, you, your breath just now is the refining period.”

Lu Shaoqing fiercely despised Guan Da Niu, “The strength of the merging period will be something that you can understand as a crow’s mouth?” Jian

Bei also reacted, Lu Shaoqing is definitely not in the merging period, otherwise he would not have attacked Luan Xingyue.

He looked at the painful Jian Lan and Luan Xingyue and the others, “Big brother, what are you going to do with them?” ”

Kill it.” Lu Shaoqing said casually.

Jian Bei’s heart jumped, this guy, even the elders of the Ao family of the Qi family dared to kill, and a few demon clans could not be killed.

However, Jian Bei did not believe Lu Shaoqing’s words, if he wanted to kill, Lu Shaoqing had already started just now, instead of thinking of capturing them.

After thinking about it, Jian Bei decided that he had to remind Lu Shaoqing, “The Demon Race and the Terran side have to negotiate, and when the time comes, the negotiations will break down, I am afraid that someone will put the black pot on the head of the eldest brother.” ”

Destroying the peace of the Terrans and the Demon Race or something, such a big hat is buttoned down, ordinary people can’t wear it.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but nodded secretly in his heart, Jian Bei was very smart.

Lu Shaoqing despised, “Negotiation? It’s really enough, continue to work, your Zhongzhou blood is still enough, it hasn’t been drained…” Jian

Bei rolled his eyes, “Everyone’s hearts are not on the same line, how to fight?”

Lu Shaoqing rolled his eyes and looked solemn, “If that’s the case, you definitely can’t kill it.”

“I, the man, better be peaceful, and see no blood.”

Guan Daniu couldn’t help but say to him, “Hypocrisy, don’t you blush when you say this?” ”

You have killed all the elders of the Qi family and the Ao family, and you dare to say that you love peace and can’t see blood.

I’m still too thin compared to this bastard.

Luan Xingyue also hates it there, dare to say this kind of thing?

Deal with me as a god, and use sneak attacks.

Lu Shaoqing slowly came to Luan Xingyue and Jian Lan and the others, pinched his chin, and smiled straight, making everyone’s hearts bristle.

Luan Xingyue looked at Lu Shaoqing angrily, “What do you want to do?”

Lu Shaoqing smiled and asked, “You said, how many spirit stones can you worth…”

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