The people of Rucheng were shocked.

There are curious, “No, the people of the Demon Race have been detained?”

“Who is it?” So bold.

“Aren’t you afraid of retaliation from the Demon Clan?”

There are also people who feel very happy, “Haha, good, great, this is what we Terrans should do.”

“Hmph, do you really think we humans don’t have a bit of a temper?”

“This is the territory of the Terrans, not the place of the Demon Race.”

But some people are worried, “That’s too reckless, isn’t it?

“Damn, someone does this, what about the negotiations then?”

“What should we do if we annoy the Demon Clan?”

However, there were still many curious people, and many people began to gather, and in a short time, the surrounding area was densely surrounded, and everyone wanted to see who was so brave.

Jian Bei noticed that there were more and more people around him, and his face couldn’t help but show worry.

He secretly said to Guan Da Niu, “Big brother, you won’t mess around, right?” ”

Let so many people come and then behead in public or something.

At that time, it will completely tear the skin, and the negotiations between the Terrans and the Demon Race will have another twist and turn.

Guan Da Niu didn’t know, he said, “Who can guess what he wants to do?”

“Look, anyway, he caused a big trouble, he just carried it himself.”

Guan Da Niu didn’t worry too much.

He is a concubine of Tianji Pavilion, even if something happens, with Tianji Pavilion as a backer, he will not be in danger.

Jian Bei looked a little helpless, and even faintly regretted.

I already knew that I shouldn’t let my eldest brother come forward.

However, after thinking about it, Jian Bei was happy again.

Let Lu Shaoqing and the demon clan go to the bar, the Jian family can be taken out, and even if someone dies, the Jian family will not have to be directly responsible.

After another half a day, someone finally came from the demon side.

Under the leadership of Zhan Gui, he came over murderously.

It was a man and a woman.

Men and women were murderous, their faces were full of anger, and the tall figures brought heavy pressure to the surrounding Terran cultivators.

“It’s Luan Xi of the Luan family and Cui Xi of the Cui family.”

“Luan Xi, in the late stage of Transformation God, it is said that he can step into the refining period one step away.

“Cui Shu is also good, the middle stage of the Avatar God, but he has already defeated several of our Terran Avatar Late Stage, and his combat effectiveness is extremely amazing.”

“The two of them came together, and the people inside were in big trouble.”

“Yes, the Luan family and the Cui family on the side of the demon clan have joined forces, huge pressure, who dares to resist? Even the five families and three factions had to avoid it. Luan

Xi and Cui Xu came here murderously, looking at the white cloud shrouded in spiritual qi, and the divine sense swept and could not see anything inside,

“People are inside?” Luan Xi’s eyes showed a fine light, and he spoke with a cold face, and his voice blew like a cold wind, which made Zhan Gui can’t help but shiver.

Since the Holy Land was troubled, Luan Xi’s personality has changed greatly, he has become less smiling, and his face is cold all day, as if everyone owes him spirit stones.

Zhan Gui secretly said in his heart, it seems that the rumors are good, and most of the people who have fought against Ji Yan have subconsciously learned Ji Yan.

Zhan Gui nodded, “That’s right, people are inside.”

“And still clamoring, he is not afraid of many people.”

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“Hmph!” Luan Xi glanced inside, and took a decisive step.

Cui Wei couldn’t help but say, “If you go in rashly, will you…”

Luan Xi left a cold sentence, and then the figure disappeared into the white mist.

Cui Wei and Zhan Gui looked at each other, and there was no way, so they could only bite the bullet and follow in.

Zhan Gui followed behind Cui Xuan, and just stepped into the white mist, and the scenery inside was suddenly cheerful.

After walking a few steps, he heard Luan Xi’s voice coming, “Ji Yan, fight with me.”

Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded, “Depend, dare to ignore me? The

next moment, Luan Xi’s breath erupted, but it quickly went out again, and at the same time Luan Xi’s voice came with shock, “You…”

“Wipe, Zhan Gui’s waste, what I found is also waste.”

Zhan Gui was furious, saying bad things about people behind his back, do you know that this is very rude?

Zhan Gui rushed in with Cui Xuan and saw Luan Xi lying on the ground, unable to move.

Cui Shu saw the familiar face and gritted his teeth, “Lu Shaoqing!” Cui

Zhangming was killed by Lu Shaoqing, and the Cui family had a deep hatred with him.

What’s even more disgusting is that Lu Shaoqing also used a fake name at that time.

Cui Shu did not believe that humans could be shameless to such a point.

But after meeting Lu Shaoqing, she believed it.

Lu Shaoqing sighed twice, “Isn’t it, why did you two come?” ”

Are the Demon Race’s refining periods all dead?”

Knowing that I am in the refining period, why do you dare to send the Transformation God period to the door?

Don’t the demons have brains?

“However, forget it, you are worth some spirit stones.”

“Take it, you!”

After Lu Shaoqing finished speaking, he shot at Cui Xuan.

Cui Wei subconsciously wanted to resist, but although she was in the Transformation God Period, in front of Lu Shaoqing in the refining period, she was easily held by Lu Shaoqing like a chicken to be slaughtered.

“Squat well, don’t move.”

Finally, his gaze fell on Zhan Gui, and Zhan Gui’s face turned white.

Lu Shaoqing slapped Zhan Gui’s face in the void.

“Snap!” With a sound, Zhan Gui’s face, which had already been swollen a lot, swollen again, and blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.

After beating people, Lu Shaoqing said with a smile, “Come, continue to shake people for me…” The

monks watching outside began to discuss again after seeing Luan Xi and Cui Xu enter.

“The Luan family and the Cui family’s concubines are coming, enough to put great pressure on the people inside, right?”

“With such great pressure, the people inside also have to obediently release people, right?”

“But no, who dares to offend one of the most powerful families of the Demon Clan? And it’s two.

“No, it’s three, and gladioli is also in it.”

“Yes, the lineage of the three strongest families in the Demon Holy Land, even the five families and three factions dare not offend.”

“Alas, it’s hard to ride a tiger, with the personality of the demon race, the people inside are in trouble…” Just

as everyone was talking, Zhan Gui’s figure appeared, and his swollen face quickly left here.

All the monks were shocked….

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