Luan Xi and Cui Xi also had to stay when they came.

The imposing came here thinking of saving people, but he didn’t expect to put himself in it.

This also shocked the onlookers.

Who is inside?

This offended the three most powerful families in the Holy Land.

“This is the hero of my people!”

Someone shouted excitedly, shouted loudly.

The demons invaded, and the battle was fierce, with countless deaths and injuries.

After the surrender of the Tiangong Gate, most of Yanzhou fell, and it entered Zhongzhou, killing countless forces.

The five families and three factions of the Qi family also colluded with the demon race to fuel the fierce flames of the demon race.

Now that the Demon Race has proposed truce negotiations, there are actually many people on the Terran side who agree.

In particular, those big forces took the lead in compromise.

The demon race came to Rucheng, rampant, fighting everywhere, and fighting so hard that the Terran side could not raise its head.

All of the above made the Terran cultivators feel that the demon race rode on their heads to and urinate, and they felt extremely aggrieved.

Now, someone is not afraid of the demon race and has made a counterattack.

Let the Terran monks cheer up.


As soon as the Terran cultivator got up, someone next to him coldly poured cold water, “Offend my holy family, and die.” The

fierce breath came, and everyone felt a great sense of oppression.

Turning around, many people secretly gritted their teeth.

Some demon cultivators came.

Many Demon Race cultivators had ugly faces.

The Luan family, the sword family, and the Cui family of the Holy Land were actually detained, undoubtedly slapped the face of the Holy Family fiercely.

How could this make the proud Demon Race cultivator endure?

Many Demon Race cultivators said coldly, “He’s dead.” ”

Absolutely dead, no one can offend the Holy Race and still live well…” Someone

on the Terran cultivator’s side sneered, hiding in the crowd, and a voice came out, “Hey, aren’t you Demon Race bragging about how powerful you are?”

“How could it be detained?”

“Bastard demon race, don’t underestimate our

Terran race…” The demon cultivator was furious, “The rats who hide their heads and tails, dare not come out, let’s compare and compare…” The

Terran and the demon cultivators began to face each other, and everyone formed a clear camp.

And more and more people came, and soon, it became the focal point of Rucheng.

The Terran Demon Race cultivators faced each other in the air, fighting with each other.

Half a day later, Zhan Gui went and returned, and this time, he came with a purple-clothed woman.

Dressed in a light purple dress, her hair is simply coiled, her face is delicate, tall and beautiful, her chin is slightly raised, full of pride.

Coming here, his gaze swept over everyone, with a thick contempt in his indifference.

Even if it was a demon cultivator, she scanned it with the same gaze, and did not put her fellow clan in her eyes.

“Hmph, a bunch of trash!”

The woman’s faint opening, her voice was cold, like the icy aura emitted by an iceberg, which made many people’s hearts tighten.

Then after the purple-clothed woman came here, she looked at the white mist ahead.

Smiled coldly, stepped in, and disappeared into the white mist.

After watching the purple-clothed woman disappear, whether it was a Terran cultivator or a Demon cultivator, he dared to breathe a sigh of relief.

The strong pressure made them dare not breathe.

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“She, who is she?”

“It’s so powerful, I face her as if facing a supreme being.”

“The refining period is definitely the refining period!”

The Terran cultivator was curious about the identity of the purple-clothed woman.

The demon side laughed and let out a smug laugh.

“Haha, Miss Zhuge is here, they are dead.”

“The four major families of the hidden world, Miss Zhuge Xun of the Zhuge family, the existence of the middle stage of refining, is there anyone of the younger generation of your Terran race who is her opponent?”

“Even Jian Nan, whom you boasted about, can’t take advantage of her hands.”

“Haha, I didn’t expect Miss Zhuge of the hidden family to personally make a move, even the dragon in it has to be coiled, you weak Terrans, do you have anything else to say?”

The words of the Demon Race cultivator made the heart of the Race cultivator suddenly tug.

Refining period!

It is still a descendant of the hidden family.

Will the Terran heroes inside be opponents?

Zhuge Xun entered it with a cold face, and his consciousness swept away, becoming more and more disdainful.

Luan Xingyue and the others stayed aside, and they were as embarrassed as they were.

What shit holy land three major families, but that’s not it.

Zhuge Xun appeared in front of everyone with a cold face.

Luan Xingyue and the others were first happy when they saw Zhuge Xun coming, and then their faces were difficult to see.

The relationship between the Holy Land and the Hidden Family is not harmonious.

The embarrassed appearance of these disciples of the Holy Land was seen by the people of the hidden family, and they would definitely become their laughing stock in the future.

Damn bastards!

Luan Xingyue and the others hated Lu Shaoqing in their hearts.

If it weren’t for Lu Shaoqing, they wouldn’t be so shameful.

Lu Shaoqing saw a beautiful woman coming, stunned, does the demon race want to use beauty?

Lu Shaoqing was heartbroken, what did he think of me?

What can a small beauty do for me?

Lu Shaoqing immediately showed a smile and said to Zhuge Xun, “Hey, there is a beautiful woman.” ”

Dare to ask the young lady’s name?”

Watching Lu Shaoqing become so polite and gentle.

Guan Daniu couldn’t help but despise, “This guy, when he sees a beautiful woman, his eyes shine.”

Zhuge Xun glanced at Lu Shaoqing, and his eyes became more and more contemptuous.

Such a guy, conspicuous bag, self-righteous guy.

Finally, her gaze passed over Lu Shaoqing and fell on Ji Yan behind Lu Shaoqing.

Among all the people present, only Ji Yan gave her a sense of danger.

Although her aura was plain and ordinary, the keen sense of the cultivator of the Refining Period told her that the plan was not simple.

She looked at Ji Yan, “Did you make a move on them?”

Lu Shaoqing raised his hand, shook it in front of her, and shook his head proudly, “It’s me.” ”

Here, let’s talk well.”

Zhuge Xun was disgusted, “Get away!”

Lu Shaoqing’s performance made her disgusted from her heart, and she had seen this kind of look many times.

Luan Lu Shaoqing not only did not retreat, but walked two steps closer again, “Hehe, girl, you are wrong.”

Luan Xingyue couldn’t help but remind Zhuge Xun, “Be careful, don’t be attacked by him.”

As soon as the words fell, Lu Shaoqing threw a punch at Zhuge Xun.

Zhuge Xun dodged easily and sneered, “Is it just such a sneak attack…”

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