As Lu Shaoqing said, although Tang Ce relied on pills to improve his strength.

But his realm was much higher than Xie’s after all.

Xie Chong could not be his opponent.

Xie Chong tried his best to resist, but finally lost, and Tang Ce did not give a point.

He beat Xie Chong into a serious injury.

“Get out, you!”

In Tang Ce’s arrogant laughter, he kicked Xie Chong out.

Biyunfeng’s disciples greeted them as soon as possible.

“Senior Brother Xie, are you all right?”

“Damn, as for being so ruthless?”

Biyunfeng’s disciples were furious.

Tang Ce’s attitude is still arrogant.

“Doesn’t he want to bully? I’ll let him know the consequences of bullying now. ”


Xie Chong was so angry at this sentence that he fainted.

It’s a shame.

I wanted to be the first to play and perform in front of everyone in the Lingxiao faction.

But he didn’t think about it, but he was severely humiliated.

Let his calculation fall through, and he also disgraced the Lingxiao faction.

Like Xie Chong just now, Tang Ce shouted to everyone in the Lingxiao faction, “Is someone coming to compare with me?” ”

Haha…” Xiao

Yi saw Tang Ce so arrogant, wrinkled his little face, and hated this kind of person.

“This guy is so annoying.”

Lu Shaoqing sneered, very disdainful of Tang Ce, “Unstable mind, that’s it.” If you want to enter Jiedan, it is estimated that it is enough to choke.

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze was calm, as if he had experienced vicissitudes for a long time.

He saw through this Tang Ce at a glance.

Young and frivolous, the mind is not calm enough.

The strength obtained does not match his heart.

Having such strength at a young age makes him swell.

Xie Chong was a person on his side, and losing to someone like Tang Ce made Xiao Yi unhappy.

Xiao Yi waved his fist and said viciously, “I really want to teach him a lesson.”

“Don’t worry, someone will go.”


When Xiao Yi was strange, a figure appeared in front of Tang Ce.

Seeing that broad bosom, Xiao Yi’s tone was full of envy, “It’s Senior Sister Yin Qi.”

But then she remembered Yin Qi’s strength and worried, “Can Senior Sister Yin Qi beat him?”

Lu Shaoqing was already lying on the desk at this time, looking like he was going to sleep, and said, “Don’t worry, she is also a foundation eight layer, compared to that parallel goods, it is not a star and a half.” ”

Yin Qi is different from Tang Ce.

Yin Qi came up step by step through her own penance.

The foundation is solid and the strength is strong, which is by no means comparable to Tang Ce’s kind of medicine jar.

After Tang Ce saw Yin Qi come up, his gaze inevitably fell on her chest for the first time.

Childlike big breasts, well-behaved and cute, can always arouse some people’s evil thoughts.

Tang Ce smiled even more happily, “You are a girl to make a scene, it’s better to…”

Yin Qi was furious, and shouted, “Look at the move!” ”

Holding a giant sword, use your spiritual power and slash towards Tang Ce.

Tang Ce still had a faint smile on his face and a confident look.

“I’m the ninth layer of the foundation, what are you going to fight me with?”

Tang Ce is full of confidence in his strength realm.

Yin Qi did not speak.

The giant sword was in her hand, like a machete.

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Cut down fiercely towards Tang Ce.

Tang Ce sneered while taking out his own weapon to resist.


With a loud noise, Tang Ce did not expect Yin Qi’s strength to be so strong, screamed, flew out upside down, and hit the protective shield raised next to him heavily.

A mouthful of blood spurted out.

He looked at Yin Qi in horror.

Yin Qi gave him the feeling of a humanoid tyrannosaurus.

The strength is so great that it does not resemble a foundation building cultivator at all.

Xiao Yi saw Yin Qi split Tang Ce with one move, and became happy, “Wow, Senior Sister Yin Qi is really powerful.”

Lu Shaoqing looked straight at his teeth and muttered, “It’s really a female tyrannosaurus.”

“It’s still so violent.”

When Xiao Yi heard this, he turned his head and asked curiously, “Second Senior Brother, has Senior Sister Yin Qi always been like this?”

Yin Qi’s move did not match her appearance at all.

Directly pick up the giant sword and slash, without being polite at all.

Lu Shaoqing watched Yin Qi chase Tang Ce with a giant sword, and continued to grit his teeth.

Tell the junior sister about Yin Qi’s glorious deeds.

“After this girl entered Biyun Peak back then, she was said to have fallen in love with your senior brother at first sight at the sect conference…”

Xiao Yi was strange.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but roll his eyes, “I didn’t even go to participate, okay, how do I know what sparks they made when they met?” ”

Oh oh…” Xiao

Yi understood, the second senior brother did not witness it with his own eyes, naturally it was said.

“And then?” The gossip soul in Xiao Yi’s heart was burning, and a pair of big eyes stared at Lu Shaoqing, waiting for the following, and he couldn’t even care about the competition between Yin Qi and Tang Ce.

“Later, later, she found Tianyu Peak and confessed to Senior Brother.”

“I’ll go!” Xiao Yi gasped and was shocked.

Her master brother Ji Yan usually did not smile, and his face was always cold.

If it weren’t for someone who knew him well, just seeing his appearance, his heart would have retreated and he would not dare to come close and talk to him.

Not to mention confessing to him.

But Xiao Yi didn’t expect Yin Qi to be so bold and direct.

“And later, later.” Xiao Yi became even more energetic.

Seeing Xiao Yi’s excited look, Lu Shaoqing was speechless, why do women always like this gossip.

“Nonsense, of course he won’t agree.”

Xiao Yi clearly showed a disappointed expression.

Although he knew that it was impossible, hearing Lu Shaoqing say such an answer, Xiao Yi was inevitably a little disappointed in his heart.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing was furious, and poked her head, “What are you thinking about all day in your pig brain?”

“Do you want your master brother to find a woman, give birth to a monkey, and play with you?”

Hehe…” “Second Senior Brother, you can too.”

“You get out!”

Lu Shaoqing’s fingers flew up and down, poking faster.

Xiao Yi held his head and lay on the desk, enduring it while asking, “What about later?”

“And later?” Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but show a smile on her face, “Later, she directly started and said that she would knock out the senior brother and carry him to the bed.”

Xiao Yi’s eyes widened now.

She raised her head and looked at Yin Qi, who had beaten Tang Ce to the point below.

Now it seems that Yin Qi is even more fierce.

Finally, two words came out of his mouth, “Good man!”

“He is indeed a good man,” Lu Shaoqing was also full of admiration, “Although he failed to beat your senior brother in the end, your senior brother was also jealous of her and avoided her intentionally or unintentionally.

After a pause, Lu Shaoqing smiled happily, “In other words, she has done what many people can’t do.

Xiao Yi had to be silent, indeed, just as the second senior brother said.

There are few people who can make the senior brothers jealous, and Yin Qi can do it, and this alone is enough to surpass many people.

Thinking of this, she looked at Tang Ce below, and her eyes couldn’t help but bring pity.

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