Xiao Yi looked at Tang Ce, who had been in the downwind since the beginning and was chased and cut by Yin Qi.

The gaze brought pity.

He muttered, “Alas, he still doesn’t know that Senior Sister Yin Qi’s violent temper should be miserable.”

Lu Shaoqing did not object, but took it for granted.

“He dragged too much, not only injured Xie Chong of Biyunfeng, but also planned to tease Yin Qi.”

“With Yin Qi’s girl’s character, if you don’t hack him to death, you have to beat him half to death.”

The truth is just as Lu Shaoqing said.

Tang Ce, a cultivator who relied on pills to improve his strength realm, was not Yin Qi’s opponent at all.

A small realm difference between the two, in this case, is completely negligible.

Tang Ce has been pressed and beaten, whether it is melee combat or long-range spells, he can’t help Yin Qi.

Yin Qi was like a tyrannosaurus who had been hungry for ten days and a half months, with red eyes, chasing and biting after its prey.

Do not bite the prey to death, swear not to give up.

“You, you…” Tang

Ce was focused on cultivating by the family, and he was able to get the guidance of the ancestor, and his strength improved rapidly.

At a young age, he almost stepped into the Jiedan period.

His rapidly growing strength made him gradually lost, believing that his talent was no worse than anyone else’s.

He has been cultivated by the family since he was a child, and he has not suffered setbacks, and the exercise of Dao Heart cannot keep up.

Now being suppressed and beaten by Yin Qi, who is one realm lower than himself, he has exhausted all means, exhausted all means, and used the magic weapons he can use to save the situation.

Yin Qi is fighting more and more crazy, bigger and more excited, and the more he fights, the more frightened he is, and the more he fights, the more frightened he is.

“You, you get out of my way!”

Tang Ce roared angrily, threw out a magic weapon, and a light curtain appeared.

The light curtain emitted a faint white light, like a shield, protecting him in it.

At the same time, a transparent ripple was emitted from the magic weapon, spreading outward.

A huge force struck, crashing into Yin Qi, forcing Yin Qi to force.

However, it still didn’t work.

Yin Qi’s rosy face did not have any expression, pursed his mouth, and raised the giant sword.

The giant sword lit up with a faint light and slashed down in the air.

Yin Qi’s strength was even greater, and the two huge forces collided.

The onlookers could even see the almost transparent distortion.

Break the force with force, do not retreat one step, and smash the opponent’s counterattack.

Yin Qi’s toughness made the faces of many onlookers change greatly.

They are asking themselves, if they meet an opponent like Yin Qi, what are their chances of winning?

Tang Ce’s face became even more ugly.

He didn’t expect that this would not be able to force Yin Qi to retreat.

Since he couldn’t force Yin Qi to retreat, then he retreated.

He no longer had the courage to fight Yin Qi head-on.

He wanted to retreat, but Yin Qi didn’t give him a chance.

Yin Qi held the giant sword and rushed towards Tang Ce.

The figure flashed, and in a blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Tang Ce.

The giant sword slashed down at Tang Ce.

A sharp blow.

Heavy slash on the light film.

There seemed to be a crisp sound, like an egg being broken, Tang Ce’s magic weapon shattered, and the light curtain disappeared.

Tang Ce’s whole person was like a heavy blow, and he flew out backwards again, and his blood sprayed wildly in mid-air.

At this time, he was seriously injured, his spiritual power was exhausted, and his body was scarred.

However, compared to the scars on his body, his Dao Heart was severely hit.

He lay on the ground, pale, his eyes staring blankly at the clear blue sky.

He didn’t expect him to lose at the hands of a girl younger than his age.

Since his debut, he has been smooth sailing and has not suffered setbacks.

Now in front of everyone’s eyes, being hit like this made his heart like a dead ash, and his fighting spirit was completely lost.

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Yin Qi also wanted to rush up and slam the giant sword in his hand on Tang Ce.

Yu Chang’s voice sounded in time, “Okay, let’s stop there.” ”

If you don’t make a sound in time, with Yin Qi’s personality, maybe you will really shoot Tang Ce to death.”

Hearing the leader’s order, Yin Qi stopped and looked at Tang Ce who was lying on the ground like a dead corpse.

Coldly said, “Vulnerable.” Tang

Ce’s body twitched, and he was hit again.

The expression on the face of the head of the Tang family was like eating a hundred dead flies.

Nauseated to the point of wanting to vomit.

Tang Ce appeared, originally thinking of performing well here to earn some face for the Tang family.

Now he has thrown the face of the Tang family to Zhongzhou.

The clansmen helped Tang Ce down and saw Tang Ce’s face full of sluggishness.

Tang Yuansi, the head of the Tang family, had an even more bad premonition in his heart.

Should the future of the Tang family be a problem?

Yin Qi carried the giant sword on his shoulder and looked at the others, “Is someone coming to fight me?” ”

No one made a sound.

The battle between Yin Qi and Tang Ce, these people looked at it.

Different from Tang Ce using various means.

Yin Qi only used a giant sword from beginning to end, and did not use other magic weapons, but only used a giant sword and used sword techniques.

Just defeat Tang Ce, who built the ninth layer of the foundation.

And he also lost badly, looking at his appearance, it is estimated that he will not recover in a few months.

Ji Pengyue smiled happily, Yin Qi was his big disciple, and her talent strength was not as good as that of geniuses like Ji Yan, but compared to others, she was considered talented.

“Good apprentice, that’s it.”

Yin Qi’s performance made him Biyunfeng regain the face that was lost by Xie Chong.

At this time, someone came out.

After Xiao Yi saw it, he patted the desk and said angrily, “Second Senior Brother, that dog thing from the Fang family is on the field, is he going to challenge Senior Sister Yin Qi?”

Lu Shaoqing looked up, and it was no one else who came out, it was Fang Xin, who had been scolded by Xiao Yi before.

Fang Xiao’s cousin.

Fang Xin said bad things about Lu Shaoqing, so Xiao Yi felt very bad about Fang Xin.

She stared at Fang Xin and scolded Fang Xin for not measuring himself, “Is he looking for his own death?”

“I actually dare to go to provoke Senior Sister Yin Qi.”

Yin Qi below stared at Fang Xin and said unpleasantly, “You also rushed to fight me?”

Fang Xinxin was nervous, but he kept a smile on his face, and he said, “My strength is only the third layer of foundation building, how can it be your opponent.” Hearing

that there was only this strength, Yin Qi’s doll-like face showed disappointment.

She doesn’t want to bully people who are weaker than herself.

“Get out of here, you’re not my opponent.”

Such a weak person also dares to come out?

Yin Qi was very upset, and the giant sword in his hand would slash at Fang Xin at any time.

Fang Xin still smiled, not showing fear, he said, “I want to challenge someone from the Lingxiao faction.

“So, I think it should be you going down.”

Fang Taihe scolded below, “What does this bastard want to do? ”

Fang Xin went up by himself without Fang Taihe’s permission.

Fang Xiao looked at her half-brother coldly, and she vaguely guessed what her third brother was going to do.

Fang Xiao couldn’t bear that her third brother was ugly and unlucky, and she said to Fang Taihe, “Father, let the third brother come back.”

“The people he challenges are not something he can fight.”

Although Fang Taihe was dissatisfied with his son’s unauthorized advocacy to go up, it was impossible to let him down at this time.

Otherwise, the Fang family’s face is not good-looking.

Go up and come down grayly, he Fang Taihe can’t afford to lose this person.

Fang Xiao was unwilling to give up, and continued to persuade, “Father, let the third brother come back and save a little face, otherwise…” Fang

Taihe waved his hand, not agreeing with his daughter’s suggestion.

“Forget it, let him try it.”

Fang Xin’s words came, “I want to challenge the personal disciple of Tianyu Peak, Xiao Yi…”

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