As soon as Fang Xin came out here, everyone was shocked.

Fang Xiao sighed secretly in his heart, sure enough.

Third brother, do you think that you will win by two small realms higher than others?

You have no idea how powerful Sister Xiao Yi really is.

Fang Xiao looked at Fang Xin’s figure, his eyes revealing helplessness.

These brothers and sisters of their own fought openly and secretly for the position of the head of the Fang family, and did not miss any opportunity to express themselves.

Fang Xiao shook his head and stopped persuading his father.

At this point, it is useless to say more.

Let him be.

Xiao Yong’s side immediately scolded the girl.

“What does the Fang family’s little rabbit cub want to do? Want to bully my good daughter? ”


Bian Rourou looked at Fang Xin standing proudly, her eyes full of ridicule.

“He still doesn’t know how powerful Sister Xiao Yi is, right?”

Xia Yu, who was sitting next to Bian Rourou, would have returned to its original appearance.

She wore a white veil to hide her peerless appearance.

However, with a white veil, she caressed gently in the breeze, and the line of her face loomed, like a fairy in the clouds, which was more attractive.

The eyes of many male cultivators around her seemed to have been cast a spell, and they fell on her without moving away for a moment.

Xia Yu did not speak, his eyes looked towards where Lu Shaoqing Xiao Yi was.

At this look, Xia Yu’s eyes couldn’t help but show a smile.

Lu Shaoqing lazily lay on the desk, as if the bones under his body were soft.

Xiao Yi nervously pulled Lu Shaoqing’s clothes and was slapped away by Lu Shaoqing.

This time, Senior Brother Ji Yan is not there, how can you do it?

Xia Yu looked at Lu Shaoqing and thought secretly in his heart.

Xiao Yi’s side was nervous to death.

Cursing Fang Xin bastard in her heart, what did she challenge her so decently?

“Bastard, have you eaten enough?”

Xiao Yi couldn’t wait to hammer Fang Xin’s dog’s head.

Bully me, huh?

“Second Senior Brother, what should I do?”

Xiao Yi pulled Lu Shaoqing’s clothes again and asked.

Lu Shaoqing slapped her hand again and sat up straight helplessly, “What else can I do?” Go up, go up and clean him up fiercely. ”

Don’t fall into the name of Heavenly Royal Peak, good junior sister, this time the reputation of Heavenly Royal Peak depends on you to defend.”

I still lack confidence and have to continue to practice.

Such a big hat fell on him, Xiao Yi became even more nervous.

She has just entered the foundation building, and she has just stabilized this realm, and the other party is two realms higher than her.

“What if I lose?”

Lu Shaoqing glanced at her, and did not have the slightest comfort, but said viciously, “If you lose, drive you out of the division, I don’t need a weak chicken junior sister.”

“Didn’t you just say you wanted to clean him up? Now it’s just right. ”

I was just talking, who would have thought that I would really be asked to play?

Xiao Yi had a bitter expression on his face.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing patted her head.

Xiao Yi raised his head and looked at Lu Shaoqing, and found that the second senior brother’s gaze was soft.

“Second Senior Brother…,”

Lu Shaoqing said softly, “Go, it’s just a three-layer foundation, he’s not your opponent.”

Lu Shaoqing’s tone of voice was very soft, making Xiao Yi feel for the first time that the second senior brother could also be so gentle.

It’s like his own brother.

Xiao Yi’s heart was sweet, squinting his eyes, very affected by this moment.

“I see.”

Xiao Yi stood up.

Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded again, this time it was the voice of a bully, “If you lose, I will really kick you out of the division.” The

image of the gentle big brother in his heart was instantly shattered, and Xiao Yi was distressed.

Turning back to Lu Shaoqing and grimacing.

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Stinky second senior brother.

Looking at Xiao Yi’s end, Lu Shaoqing had a faint smile on his face.

Looking at Fang Xin’s gaze was like looking at a dead person.

Fang Xin’s realm strength was indeed higher than Xiao Yi.

However, Fang Xin was just a disciple of a family no matter what, and there was always a gap between him and a disciple of a sect like Xiao Yi.

In addition, Lu Shaoqing intentionally or unintentionally let Xiao Yi fight all the way.

Even the masters of the Dan period she also fought.

Xiao Yi didn’t know how strong she really was.

But Lu Shaoqing is very clear.

Xiao Yi is equivalent to an apprentice he personally trained, not strong, then it is unreasonable.

“Marde, it’s a big loss.”

“The master brother should shake the palm cabinet, and the master is too, which makes me tired to death.”

“In the future, I will definitely not do such a stupid thing…”

Fang Xin shouted again, wanting to challenge Xiao Yi.

Yin Qi was furious in her heart, this was when she didn’t exist.

The furious Yin Qi shouted, “Give me down!” ”

Holding the giant sword, I am about to give Fang Xin a blow and chop this stinky man.

“Senior Sister Yin Qi, let’s let me come.”

Xiao Yi came on, with a little trilling in his voice.

First, the opponent is a small realm higher than Zhang Zheng.

Second, so many people watched and felt nervous.

Yin Qi turned his head to glance at Xiao Yi, and plunged the giant sword into the ground, splashing all over the place.

Yin Qi noticed the nervousness on Xiao Yi’s face and scolded, “Your second senior brother is really a bastard.

Then he said, “Have faith?”

“It’s okay, I’ll try.”

Xiao Yi looked at Fang Xin, and his gaze gradually became firmer.

Yin Qi saw Xiao Yi’s gaze, put it away with the giant sword, and left.

She did not return to her position, but went straight to where Lu Shaoqing was.

I saw Yin Qi carrying a giant sword and rushing towards his second senior brother murderously.

Xiao Yi didn’t bother to pay attention to Fang Xin for a while, expecting Yin Qi to do something to Lu Shaoqing.

However, Yin Qi rushed to Lu Shaoqing with a giant sword, and Lu Shaoqing just said a word.

Yin Qi put away the giant sword, sat down on his butt, and talked and laughed with Lu Shaoqing.

Alas, disappointment.

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly.

After Fang Xin saw Xiao Yi coming, he didn’t say a word, and finally shook his head.

Is this looking down on yourself?

Fang Xinxin was furious, he was scolded by Xiao Yi before, and now he was despising himself.

There were new hatreds and old hatreds, and Fang Xin shouted, “Smelly girl, look down on people less.” ”

An attack was launched immediately.

The spiritual power in the body operated, and a light blue light was launched in the hand, and the air began to become moist.

A blue arrow converged and formed, the arrow was delicate, like a real flying arrow, the arrow was shining and sharp.


With a loud shout, the blue arrow emitted layers of halo and shot straight towards Xiao Yi.

A confident smile appeared on Fang Xin’s face.

This is the spell he is good at, water archery.

Sharp and invincible.

Xiao Yi saw that the water archery technique was menacing and amazing.

She didn’t dare to be careless, holding the third-grade long sword and running the Qingping sword technique.

Layer after layer of invisible ripples appeared.


With a loud bang, the water arrows that shot from them shattered.

He found that he had easily defused Fang Xin’s attack.

Xiao Yi was puzzled, it didn’t seem to be very strong.

“That’s it?”

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