Zhan Gui left again, and then it was still white and misty inside, looking at the fairy qi ethereal.

But it made the hearts of the demon cultivators cold.

The Demon Race cultivator’s mouth opened wide and he was stunned.

What is this?

Zhuge Xun went in and was captured?

Or was it killed?

Many Demon Race cultivators were shocked and angry in their hearts, and they wanted to go in and see what was happening.

Damn Zhan Gui, don’t you reveal some news either?

The Demon Cultivator’s side was silent, and the Terran Cultivator’s side cheered.

Like the Demon Race cultivator just now, he shouted excitedly and roared up to the sky.

“Haha, how’s it going?”

“Demon cubs, didn’t you say that the overall situation has been decided?”

“How? ”

Terran heroes, really our heroes, haha…” The Terran

cultivators were extremely excited, and roared at the Demon Cultivators.

There were many more Terran cultivators than Demon Cultivators, and their voices were rolling and loud, and they soon spread around.

More and more people here in Rucheng know about this.

Even, the five families and three factions and other forces also received the news.

Someone is attacking the people of the Demon Clan.

More and more people are looking here.

Jian Bei and Guan Daniu heard the rolling sound outside, and their faces turned a little white.

It seems that things are getting a little big.

Even the people of the hidden family of the demon clan came.

Jian Bei looked at Lu Shaoqing, Lu Shaoqing would squat in front of Zhuge Xun, and asked Zhuge Xun with a smile, “Little chick, your name is Zhuge Xun?”

Zhuge Xun turned his head coldly, not wanting to answer Lu Shaoqing’s words.

She only hated that she was being controlled, otherwise she would have to fight with Lu Shaoqing.

She didn’t want to talk nonsense, but was secretly working hard, intending to break Lu Shaoqing’s prohibition, and then fight with Lu Shaoqing.

“Brother Pig, don’t stop talking,” Lu Shaoqing continued to laugh, “Come, let’s talk.”

Zhuge Xun simply closed his eyes.

Just now you told me to shut up, and now you want to talk to me again?

Men, especially Terran men, don’t have a good thing.

“Ignore me,” Lu Shaoqing beckoned to Xiao Yi and beckoned Xiao Yi over, “Come, give me and her nagging, and ask about the situation.” ”

What’s the situation?” Xiao Yi didn’t understand.

“Hidden family, aren’t you curious?” Lu Shaoqing stood up and said casually, “Also, ask about the situation at her home.” ”

Grandma Li’s, the hidden family, it’s awesome to listen to.

I had heard about it on the demon side before, but I didn’t know about it specifically.

I’m afraid that there are ten eight combined periods, so I have to ask clearly.

When Xiao Yi heard this, his thoughts suddenly spread.

The yellow brain juice began to pop up, automatically translating Lu Shaoqing’s words.

Ask about the situation at home?

What does the second senior brother want to do?

Love at first sight?

This demon race also looks beautiful.

The tall figure gives people a full sense of security.

Well, it must be so.

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My good efforts, don’t let the second senior brother down.

So, Xiao Yi squatted down and greeted Zhuge Xun with a smile, “Sister Zhuge , hello, my name is Xiao Yi, and the one who came into close contact with you just now is my second senior brother…”

Xiao Yi was not angry when he didn’t get a response, but continued to say, “Sister Zhuge , you are from the hidden family, can you talk about the strength of your hidden family?” ”


Xiao Yi muttered, “No, the people of the hidden family are so instigated, everything powerful is blown, right?”

“Already too scared to even speak? So timid, can’t pee your pants, right?

Zhuge Xun raised her eyebrows, and she opened her eyes, only to find that Xiao Yi was staring at her lower body.

Suddenly that angry ah, “Shameless!

Xiao Yi snorted, looked at Zhuge Xun, and laughed, “Sister Zhuge I thought you were dumb.”

“You’re dumb, your whole family is dumb.”

Zhuge Xun was angry in his heart, a hateful human being.

“What are you angry for?” Xiao Yi smiled, “Don’t be angry, women are prone to wrinkles when they are angry.” ”


Zhuge Xun snorted coldly, “There is a kind of release of me and a fight with me.”

“Forget it, you are not my second senior brother’s opponent.” Xiao Yi waved his hand.

Zhuge Xuncai didn’t believe it, and said hatefully, “You let him release me if he had a kind, and only after beating him did he know.” ”

Just kidding, the lineage of my hidden family, one of the strongest geniuses in my youth, am I not an opponent of a weak human being?

“If it weren’t for the sneak attack, he wouldn’t be my opponent at all.”

“Yes, yes,” Xiao Yi nodded, “It’s normal that you can’t prevent a sneak attack.” ”

Even if you make a dignified move, you can’t prevent it.

“Come on, let’s chat, when the time comes, I will help you ask my second senior brother for an intercession.”


Zhuge Xun couldn’t help but roll his eyes, quite amorous.

Isn’t the brain of this human in front of you normal?

Still chatting?

If you give me back to action, I’ll blow your dog’s head out.”

Zhuge Xun thought fiercely in his heart.

I was captured, and I had to talk to someone.



She didn’t want to do such a childish thing, snorted coldly again, turned her head, and didn’t want to pay attention to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi smiled even more happily, “It’s interesting, such a personality, it’s no wonder that the second senior brother likes it.” ”

No wonder let me find out about her family.

Xiao Yi simply went straight to the point, “You should marry my second senior brother.” ”


Marry him?

Zhuge Xun almost exploded.

She felt offended and humiliated.

She is the eldest lady of the Zhuge family, the genius of the hidden family, and the existence of the refining period.

A weak human wants her to be a couple?

“Kill me if you kind, don’t humiliate me like this.” Zhuge Xun said angrily.

“Who humiliated you?” Xiao Yi became strange, “What are you so angry for?

“You don’t even know how many people want to be my second senior brother’s Taoist.”

After speaking, Xiao Yi patted Xiao Hei’s little short legs riding on her neck, “Right, Xiao Hei?

Xiao Hei nodded and said seriously, “Yes, Dad is the best!” ”

Zhuge Xun completely exploded, and he was so angry that he was all over his body….

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