Zhuge Xun felt that he had never been so humiliated in his life.

She was actually liked by a weak Terran, and it was disgusting enough to think of making her a Taoist.

What is even more humiliating is that he is still a scumbag who is married for the second time.

The daughters are so old.

What did she marry for?

As a concubine?

Being a stepmother?

Zhuge Xun only hated herself for being imprisoned, otherwise she would definitely kill everyone here.

Zhuge Xun was furious.

Zhuge Xun, who was extremely angry, looked at Xiao Hei who was shaking his little short legs, and inexplicably felt a sense of grievance.

After coming here thousands of miles from the cold star, he did not make meritorious achievements, but became a prisoner under the steps, and was so humiliated.

Fancy by a second-married human being.

Is there anyone more miserable than her?

Xiao Yi saw Zhuge Xun snorting, and she smiled even more happily, “Are you excited?”

“Also, after all, my second senior brother is wise and martial, and it is normal for you to be excited.”

“However, don’t be so excited, the eight characters have not been brushed off. If you want to get the approval of my second senior brother, you have to work hard, otherwise you will be disliked in the future…”

Zhuge Xun almost fainted with anger.

A scumbag who is married for the second time, and still wants to dislike her?

Did she drop the price to this point?

Zhuge Xun trembled his body, gritted his teeth, and couldn’t speak well, “Dare, dare to humiliate me, I, I and you are incompatible…”

Xiao Yi was strange again, “What are you so angry for?”

“It’s not so easy to get through the door.”

“Even if my second senior brother accepts, my senior brother’s level will not be good.”

“But don’t worry, I will do my best to help you, even if I write my thoughts, I will admit it.”

A wave of anger rushed straight to his brain, and Zhuge Xun almost fainted with anger.

“You, you deserve to die…” At

this moment, Zhuge Xun felt that Xiao Yi was the most damned person.

Lu Shaoqing had to rank second.

“No, I’ve done it all, you’re still like this?” Xiao Yi was not happy, “You are a bad woman.

“You want to be my sister-in-law, almost yet.”

“If you don’t have a chest, your ass is a little big, hey, you shouldn’t have given birth to a monkey, right?”

Zhuge Xun is about to collapse.

This hateful human woman has a mouth that is too vicious.

Just a few words made her burst into anger.

She gritted her teeth and stared at Xiao Yi deadly, “You…” took

a few deep breaths to calm her mood, she forced down the anger in her heart to calm herself down.

Zhuge Xun, who had recovered her calm, sharpened her eyes and stared at Xiao Yi, “What do you want to ask”

She had already raised her vigilance against Xiao Yi in her heart.

She has understood that the woman in front of her is not simple.

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“Hehe,” Xiao Yi smiled happily, “Ah, let’s talk.”

“Get familiar first, anyway, you will be a family.”


Zhuge Xun’s anger was almost suppressed.

Who wants to be a family with you?

Weak, shameless, indecent, vile bastard humans, do you deserve it too?

What a damn human being.

“What are you doing here? Provoke our holy family? Zhuge Xun did not dare to continue to entangle with Xiao Yi on these issues, and the Xiao Yi in front of her already made her feel a little afraid in her heart.

Before she could speak, she almost called her sister-in-law.

If you don’t open your mouth, in a while, maybe she will already be the little girl on her neck.

So, it’s better to cope with it, and you have to quickly change the topic.

“Think too much, we just want to find Master Mother, who cares about your demon clan.” Xiao Yi said truthfully, “I arrested you because you came to the door to make trouble and hit my second senior brother’s hand.” ”

Those idiots in the Holy Land.” Zhuge Xun was angry and scolded Luan Xingyue, Jian Lan and the others in his heart.

Without some strength, he dares to learn from others to make trouble, pure and pure to find death.

Why are you so stupid and why did you come here to stand out for them?

“Yes, a bunch of fools, my second senior brother said it before…”

Zhuge Xun’s pupils shrank sharply and stared at Xiao Yi, “You, have you been to Cold Star? ”

You were the ones who made a big fuss in the Holy Land before?”

The hidden family closed up, knowing that there were human beings making a big fuss in the Holy Land, but without knowing the specific information, the Holy Land would not publicize it.

Zhuge Xun knew that there was such a thing, but he didn’t know who it was and what his name was.

Now from Xiao Yi’s words, she heard a different meaning.

“Yes, it was very dangerous at that time,” Xiao Yi said with a grin and a grin, without the slightest expression of so-called fear, “If it weren’t for the second senior brother, we wouldn’t be able to escape.” ”

Is that bastard guy so powerful?

For the first time, Zhuge Xun looked at Lu Shaoqing in the distance with skeptical eyes, and Lu Shaoqing would find a tree to lean on, holding Erlang’s legs, hanging Erlang’s appearance, and he couldn’t see the slightest bit of a master.

Sensing Zhuge Xun’s gaze, Lu Shaoqing also looked over.

The two sides looked at each other, and Lu Shaoqing waved his hand with a smile.

Zhuge Xun actually looked away in a panic, but soon, she reacted, what am I afraid of him doing?

A shameless, obscene, whimsical, second-married man who wants to eat swan meat.

Zhuge Xun looked back viciously, his eyes sharp, but he saw that Lu Shaoqing had already looked away, clasping his nostrils, looking bored.

Disgusting bastards!

Zhuge Xun was angry in his heart.

“What are you going to do to release me?” Zhuge Xun didn’t ask what they were going to do, and he didn’t bother to pay attention to Luan Xingyue and Jian Lan.

She just wants to get out of here, and then, take revenge.

“I don’t know, look at my second senior brother.”

Xiao Yi shook her head, she couldn’t guess Lu Shaoqing’s thoughts, but she comforted Zhuge Xun, “Don’t worry, my second senior brother knows how to pity Xiang Xiang and cherish meat the most, you don’t need to be afraid.” ”

I’m afraid?

Zhuge Xun opened his mouth and had the urge to bite.

My hermit family is afraid of you weak humans?

Time soon passed for more than half a day, and suddenly, there was a heaven-shaking cheer outside….

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