“Holy Son

, Holy Son!”

“Haha, it’s our first holy son!”

“The First Holy Son has personally come, and now, that ant of your Terran race is dead.”

“Hmph, as soon as the First Saint Son comes out, everyone on your Terran side will have to kneel…”

The cultivator of the Demon Race high-fived, his expression was feverish and hideous, and everyone looked very excited.

The voice soared into the sky and echoed above Rucheng.

The crazy voice, the frenetic breath, broke through all the clouds above Rucheng, revealing the clear blue sky.

The appearance of the Demon Saint Son boosted the morale of the Demon Race cultivators.

On the Terran side, on the other hand, morale plummeted and there was a wail.

“Oops, it’s the First Holy Son of the Demon Clan.”

“It is said that he is already in the middle stage of refining and can step into the late stage at any time.”

“His combat effectiveness is very strong, he has been passed down by the Holy Lord, and under the same realm, few people are his opponents.”

“It is said that he is pursuing Zhuge Xun who just entered, so he came this time to save the beauty of heroes.”

“It’s miserable, the people inside will be miserable, Kou Yu is not so good to talk, our genius has already had several people crippled by him and completely destroyed…” Even,

some old antiques who paid attention to here were secretly communicating.

“The demon race even came out with the Holy Son, and his attitude is very resolute.”

“Of course, this is a matter of future negotiations, and they will definitely not bow their heads.”

“Hey, who’s doing this? Could it be that kid from the Jian family? ”

Is the Jane family so rigid?”

“Hey, are there people from the Jian family here?”

An old voice sounded, “It’s not my Jian family’s people, this is no longer my Jian’s place.”

“Strange, who is it?”

“Hehe, just look at it, anyway, I won’t make a move.”

“Offend the Demon Clan, they asked for themselves…” Kou

Yu was a burly figure, coming from a distance, seemingly step by step, but in fact extremely fast, almost in the blink of an eye came here.

Zhan Gui was thrown away, and only after a few breaths did he run panting.

Kou Yu’s expression was calm, standing in front of the destroyed doorway, with his back to everyone, but he gave a strong pressure to the Terran and Demon cultivators.

Facing him, no one dared to speak easily.

I am afraid that one will accidentally provoke the other party.

Kou looked at Zhan Gui and asked lightly, “Here?”

Zhan Gui was terrified and nodded repeatedly, “Yes, that’s right.

“Hmph!” Kou snorted coldly and was about to enter.

Zhan Gui hurriedly opened his mouth to remind, “Holy Son be careful, that human is very despicable, be careful of his sneak attack.”

Kou sneered, full of disdain, “In the Holy Land, if it weren’t for his luck, he would have died a long time ago.

As his words fell, Kou walked in and disappeared from Zhan Gui’s sight.

Zhan Gui watched the white mist roll, like a giant beast devouring Kou Yu.

Zhan Gui was panicked and regretted it.

Why was I so arrogant before regretting myself?

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Zhan Gui also re-entered here, how he hoped that after passing through the white mist, he found that he was dreaming.

However, when he came in, he heard Lu Shaoqing’s voice ringing, “Wow, First Holy Son?

“Lucky meeting, lucky meeting, I know Yu very well.”

“Hyun is a good person.”

Zhan Gui hurriedly came over, and just came over and saw that Lu Shaoqing had already approached Kou Yu, and the distance between the two was already very close.

Zhan Gui opened his mouth, and finally he could only shout in his heart, be careful.

Luan Xingyue, who was not far away, also hurriedly reminded loudly, “First Holy Son, be careful of his sneak attack, be careful of his divine sense.

Zhuge Xun didn’t bother to speak.

The relationship between the hermit family and the Holy Land is not particularly harmonious.

Especially this Kou 㭯 is also interesting to her.

The same disgusting.

Kou looked at Lu Shaoqing with a sneer, he didn’t care on the surface, but he was actually prepared in his heart.

“Yes, Junior Brother Yu doesn’t think so.”

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he shook his head and sighed, “His misunderstanding of me is too deep.

Kou Yu didn’t mean to greet Lu Shaoqing, his face was cold, and he said murderously, “Let them go, I don’t care about today’s affairs.”

Lu Shaoqing nodded, “It is necessary, it must be released.” ”


Everyone felt strange, is it so easy to talk?

But the next moment, they knew why.

Lu Shaoqing rubbed his hands and said to Kou Yu, “Did you bring a spirit stone?” ”

Spirit stones?” Kou Yu was stunned for a moment, and then remembered what Zhan Gui said to him, “Want me to exchange people with spirit stones?” Dream! ”

How could the Holy Race bow down to a human being.

And also to take the spirit stone to redeem people, pass it out, this is still gained?

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, his smile suddenly disappeared, revealing a disdainful expression, “Won’t it?” No spirit stones dare to ask me to release people?

“The Holy Lord of the Dog Day doesn’t dare to do this, you think your face is big?”

“Damn, you dare to humiliate Master?” Kou Yu was furious, and the killing intent in his body was even worse, like a fierce beast that wanted to eat people, which made people feel terrible.

“Who humiliated him?” Lu Shaoqing was not afraid at all, “To tell the truth, you are not happy yet?

Lu Shaoqing seemed to be playing tricks, and said by the neck, “I want to say, the Holy Lord of Dog Day, what’s the matter?” Do you still dare to hit me? Kou

Yu couldn’t bear it anymore, his breath burst violently, and the killing intent fell, like a big mountain falling, and the powerful pressure made the ground here collapse instantly.

“I’m going to kill you.”

Hit you?

If I don’t crush you to ashes, I can’t quench the hatred in my heart.

Kou Yu had already decided to smash Lu Shaoqing’s corpse into ten thousand pieces.

Dare to humiliate his master, he, as an apprentice, must make a move.

Moreover, taking the opportunity to make a move and kill Lu Shaoqing, you can also save people and kill two birds with one stone.

Kou’s eyes flickered, and there was a hint of cunning in anger that did not match his appearance.

In the face of Kou Yu’s move, Lu Shaoqing did not choose to resist, but his figure flashed and came to Zhuge Xun.

“Brother Pig, protect me….”

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