“Huh? Did you just faint? Lu Shaoqing checked it, and then disdained, “The psychological endurance is too poor. The

crowd was speechless.

Jian Bei and Guan Daniu shook their heads together, muttering in a low voice, feeling pity for Zhan Gui, a demon clan.

“It’s too miserable, it falls into the hands of the eldest brother, and if you don’t die, you have to be crippled.”

“But no, offending this bastard, fainting may be the best option.”

“Gee, I’m still young, I haven’t seen my eldest brother’s methods…” Zhuge

Xun saw that Zhan Gui was forced to faint when she should, she wanted to say something, but finally closed her mouth.

Bastard humans don’t seem to be easy to mess with.

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze fell on Luan Xingyue and the others, his eyes roamed, and asked, “Who of you is willing to shake people?”

“Registration is voluntary, places are limited, first come, first served, don’t miss it.”

Miss your sister.

Everyone cursed in their hearts.

They are not fools.

Whoever shakes will offend whomever it takes.

They also saw Zhan Gui’s tragic situation.

They sign up when they have a hole in their heads.

Now it seems that they are doing this well.

“Isn’t there anybody?” Lu Shaoqing was disappointed and hated that iron was not steel, “Just now you scolded me for not planting it, what about you?”

“Even more unkind, I don’t even dare to shake people, and I say something to counterattack the ancestral star and kill all the Terrans.”

“Do you demons only brag? What about your devil guts? What about the Demon Egg? ”


Before the others could speak, Kou Yu shouted angrily, “You let me go, I’ll go find someone.” ”

You let me go, I’ll kill you in the first place.”

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze fell on Kou Yu, and he shook his head with a smile, “No! A

word made Kou so angry that he vomited blood.

Seeing that everyone is unwilling, Lu Shaoqing is not reluctant, the number of people is similar, and the quality is okay.

He gathered everyone together and said to everyone, “The people you shake cannot save you, and now there is one last option, let your family take the spirit stone to redeem you.” ”


What do you think of them?

Kou was the first to disagree, roaring angrily, “Dreaming! ”

The First Holy Son was ransomed like a hostage, should he still mix?

In the future, there will be no face to be a holy lord.

“Huh?” Lu Shaoqing was also not angry, pointing to the faint white fog around him, “I’ll disperse these white fogs later, what do you think will happen?”

Kou’s face changed suddenly.

The faces of everyone also changed.

Without the protection of the formation, everything here is invisible in front of outsiders, what is the difference between them and being stripped naked under the vast court?

“I’m very considerate for you, don’t be ignorant.”

Kou opened his mouth, but finally did not continue to speak.

He could tell which was more important than the other.

Everyone was silent, although they were unwilling, they were all acquiescing to Lu Shaoqing’s method.

“Very good,” Lu Shaoqing was satisfied, “It seems that everyone is very knowledgeable about current affairs.”

“Send a letter back to your family, report safety, and let them bring some spirit stones to change people.”

“Don’t worry, there are not many spirit stones.”

Not much?

Zhuge Xun spoke coldly, “How much do you want?” No need to find someone, I can give it myself.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes lit up, “Rich woman?

“Sure enough, the surname Zhuge is very powerful.”

Lu Shaoqing gave a thumbs up to Zhuge Xun, and then waved his hand, except for Zhuge Xun who only played, the storage rings in the hands of others all fell into Lu Shaoqing’s hands.

“I almost forgot…”

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Lu Shaoqing muttered, and then asked Zhuge Xun with a smile, “Brother Pig, seeing you so beautiful, you don’t have to.”

“Also, thanks for the reminder.”

Zhuge Xun was stunned?

I don’t understand what medicine is sold in Lu Shaoqing’s gourd, “What are you going to do?”

Her heart was full of vigilance, she didn’t think Lu Shaoqing would be such a good person.

“Say that, you’re so beautiful, forget it.”


Am I pretty to use it, do you say?

Zhuge Xun was not appreciative at all.

Xiao Yi came over with a grin next to him, “Look, how good my second senior brother is to you.” The

second senior brother was really interested in her.

Gee, the second senior brother Chun’s heart moved.

“Come, Sister Zhuge , let’s go to the side a little, don’t hinder the second senior brother…”

Lu Shaoqing’s behavior made the mouth hated even more.

“Damn, give me back my storage ring.”

“Damn, weak human being, you deserve to die

…” “Give it back to me

…” “I’m going to fight with you…” Facing

everyone’s roar, Lu Shaoqing shook his head and said righteously, “Don’t give it!” This is my loot.

Then he began to point like a soldier, pointing at Kou Yue, Luan Xingyue, Luan Xi, Jianlan, and Cui Xuan, “You, you, several of you are worth 100 million, others, whatever, fifty million.” ”

Kou Yue, Luan Xingyue, Luan Xi, Jianlan, and Cui Yuan were all priced at 100 million by Lu Shaoqing.

The other minor characters are a little lower, 50 million spirit stones.

Everyone almost fainted.

I didn’t say much just now, but I thought it was really not much.

I didn’t expect that opening my mouth was 100 million, 50 million.

Don’t use spirit stones as spirit stones.

“A hundred million? Why don’t you go and grab it?

“Damn, humiliating me so much, I will definitely not let you go.”

“Abominable humans…”

Lu Shaoqing smiled happily, these people are good people, don’t be angry with good people.

He said to Kou Yu, “Do you think you are not worthy of a hundred million spirit stones?”

“Wouldn’t you, do that to yourself?”

“And you little characters have less than 50 million spirit stones, you can also give me 100 million.”

Everyone shut up for a moment.

Like Kou Yu, Zhuge Xun, the lineage of these big powerful families, naturally they will not admit that they are not worth 100 million spirit stones.

It’s not that it’s not worth it, but more than 100 million spirit stones.

They feel noble and the more valuable they are, the better.

As for the other demon cultivators, the power from which they come from is not large, and a hundred million spirit stones can be obtained, but what to eat and drink at home?

Small forces are mainly pragmatic, and they wish they were as cheap as possible.

“That’s right, what’s so noisy?”

“Hurry, send a message back, let your people bring spirit stones, by the way, those who want to store the ring, also take spirit stones to redeem.”

“As for how much, you know in your own hearts…”

Lu Shaoqing’s smile made everyone seem to see a butcher sharpening his knife to the pig and sheep.

These are the pigs and sheep ready to be slaughtered.

“Damn,” Luan Xi roared angrily, “aren’t you afraid of offending our holy family?

Lu Shaoqing looked at Luan Xingyue, “Is there a problem with his brain?”

“First of all, it’s none of my business if he has a problem with his brain.”

Luan Xi was angry, “What did you say?

Lu Shaoqing said to Luan Xi, “Even if you have a brain problem and are disabled, I will not give you a discount, the same is a hundred million spirit stone…”

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