“Damn humans, I fought with you!” Luan Xi was furious, and he rushed directly towards Lu Shaoqing.

The power in his body was imprisoned, and he stumbled like a mortal.

Lu Shaoqing easily kicked him back and scolded, “Give me honesty, or I’ll kill you.” Knowing

that Lu Shaoqing wanted a ransom of 100 million, after thinking about it, he seemed to understand, and said coldly, “Even if we take the spirit stone, our embarrassed appearance will be known by others.” This

seemed to be for Lu Shaoqing, but it was actually for Luan Xingyue and other saints.

Telling them that cooperating with Lu Shaoqing would only make him more and more humiliated.

“The saints have the courage to face their own failures and get up from wherever they fall.”

Kou Yu struggled to stand up, forcibly endured the pain in his body, and looked at Lu Shaoqing angrily, “So, you want to use this method to humiliate me and wait, you dream!”

“If you want to kill or kill, whatever you want, I frown, I don’t have the surname Kou.”

Worthy of being the first holy son, with a strong personality, the tall figure standing up attracted the exclamation and admiration of several women such as Luan Xingyue, Jian Lan, and Cui Yuan.

“Huh?” Xiao Yi was suddenly surprised, “Has he become so crazy? Zhuge

Xun, who was standing next to her, didn’t want to speak, but seeing Xiao Yi’s surprised appearance, she also felt a trace of pride in her heart.

This is our holy family.

The Holy Race who will not easily bow their heads and admit defeat.

Even if you fail, you dare to face it directly and never run away.

Unlike your Terrans, full of all kinds of inferior personalities.

Zhuge Xun seemed to return to his previous arrogant appearance, “Hmph, our holy clan will not bow to your human clan. ”

You only dare to extort spirit stones from us, I think you don’t have the guts to kill us, you, hum…”

Xiao Yi understood Zhuge Xun’s words, “Are you saying that he knows that we don’t kill him, so he deliberately did this to take the opportunity to brush some prestige in front of you people?”

“I can’t see it, it’s very cunning.”

Knowing that Lu Shaoqing would not kill himself, he deliberately showed a strong and unyielding appearance.

In this way, even after being put back, people can know that even if he is captured, he has not bowed his head and has been resisting, so that he can save a little face and not be so humiliated.

Zhuge Xun sneered, “Don’t underestimate our holy family. ”

Cut,” Xiao Yi was very disdainful after she understood it, and she said to Zhuge Xun, “He is miserable.”

“My second senior brother hates others to pretend to be compared in front of him the most…” ”

Only my second senior brother pretends to compare, and no one else can pretend to compare in front of him.”

The others were encouraged by Kou’s words and became excited.

“Yes, the Son is right, we swear to death.”

“You want to humiliate us, dream.”

“Hmph, our holy clan will not easily bow our heads and admit defeat

…” “You kind of kill us…”

Lu Shaoqing waited for them to finish roaring, clapped his hands, and gave a thumbs up to Kou Yu, “Very good, real man.”

Kou Yu smiled coldly, secretly disdainful in his heart.

Human, shameless human, see what else you can do with me?

Lu Shaoqing pointed at Kou Yu and said, “You are so fierce, well, your ransom has been raised to 200 million spirit stones.”

“Do you need to improve a little too?”

The others, who were still thinking about shouting, immediately closed their mouths.

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Kou Yu was also stunned, and then sneered even more, “It’s useless if you call it a billion, anyway, I won’t give you half a spirit stone.”

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes lit up, “This is what you said, a word is a decision!” ”


Then, with a wave of his hand, the surrounding formations stopped running, and the thick white mist dissipated in the breeze.

The figures of everyone gradually appeared in the sight of the onlookers outside.

The onlookers outside have already surrounded this place densely, and at a glance, there is a vast sea of people.

Those standing on the ground, floating in the air, swords stagnating in the air, sitting on beast spaceships, and so on.

The number of people has exceeded 100,000, and even the Demon Race cultivators have tens of thousands.

And in the distance, there are more divine senses constantly probing here.

Countless spiritual senses gathered here, and the surrounding spiritual power stirred, and this place has become the focus center of Rucheng.

The white mist cleared, and everyone stopped talking and held their breath, looking dead here.

When everything was revealed in front of everyone, everyone was in disbelief.

The first holy son Kou 㭯, the Luan family’s concubine Luan Xingyue, Luan Xi, the sword family’s Jian Lan, the Cui family’s Cui Yuan, and other forces.

Their faces were pale, and the breath in their bodies was disordered, and they looked very embarrassed.

And Zhuge Xun standing on the side.

Oh, and Zhan Gui lying on the ground.

Anyone with a discerning eye can detect that something is wrong with them.

They were like prisoners in front of Lu Shaoqing.

Exclamations, one after another.

“No, it won’t?”

“Oh my God, me, what do I see? I’m not dreaming, am I? ”

They, they…”

“What happened?”

“Ji Yan! Xiao Yi! Also, Lu Shaoqing…”

“God, they left Zhongzhou and came back again.”

“Haha, this is the hero of our Terran race, haha, this is the hero of our

Terran race…..” Countless people on the Terran side were ecstatic.

On the contrary, the cultivators on the Demon Race’s side couldn’t believe this scene.

They couldn’t believe that the First Son had become someone else’s captive.


, they are the pride of our holy family, why is this?”

Of course, some people recognized Lu Shaoqing’s three senior brothers and sisters, and they were extremely shocked.

“Are they?”

“Damn, it’s them, the Terrans who are in trouble with the Holy Land, damn it…” Various

sounds were mixed, and the huge sound wave exploded throughout Rucheng like a bomb.

Kou Yu and the others were also stupid, they never expected Lu Shaoqing to be so decisive and directly expose them in front of everyone.

Now, they feel as if they have been stripped of their clothes, under the vast court, they are being looked at.

When everyone was almost done, Lu Shaoqing slowly walked out, facing everyone’s gaze, he took a deep breath and suddenly shouted, “They bully me…”

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