They bullied me.

The sound reaches everyone’s ears with incredible clarity.

Everyone’s faces suddenly became strange.

Big brother, how do you look like you bully them, right?

Don’t think we’re blind and can’t see it.

Their embarrassed look is not pretended at first glance.

And Kou Yu and the others were about to vomit blood.

In public, is there such a despicable human being?

Zhuge Xun opened his mouth, and his beautiful face was full of shock.

What a shameless, such a vile human being.

This kind of thing, also dare to open your mouth to say?

Who bullies whom, isn’t it clear at a glance?

No wonder the ancestors said that human beings are inferior races, and only the holy race is a noble and noble existence.

If nothing else, just this human named Lu Shaoqing in front of him deserves to die.

It is not too much to be cut by a thousand cuts.

The cultivators on the Demon Race side were furious.

It’s just a genius who bullied us, and now he dares to rake it backwards.

“Damn it, damn humans, you really deserve to die!”

“You dare to humiliate the genius of my clan like this, you are not sorry to die…”

“Weak human being, do you dare to fight me?”

“Hurry up and release the people, otherwise you will wait to be exterminated…” Countless

demon cultivators roared like wild beasts, anger, hatred, killing intent, etc. mixed together, forming a powerful storm that rushed straight towards Lu Shaoqing.

It was almost a gathering of the powerful power of all the demon cultivators here.

This is also the strength of the demon cultivators.

Their strong physical bodies made it easier for them to combine attacks and gather strength, which was simpler and faster than Terran cultivators relying on formations.

At the moment, there was no one to command, and they instinctively gathered this powerful force, and facing this force was equivalent to facing tens of thousands of demon cultivators.

It was the Avatar Period, and he didn’t dare to resist it easily.

The howling storm swirled and made a sharp whistling sound, and under this force, the houses and the stone slabs on the ground were shattered everywhere it passed.

The ground as hard as iron also cracked in front of this force.

The momentum was huge, and many people’s faces changed greatly.

The storm of power that condensed the anger of all the Demon Race cultivators rushed straight towards Lu Shaoqing.

Many people’s eyes began to sharpen, staring firmly at Lu Shaoqing.

“This is a powerful force, see how you can resist it?”

“Can you also take the opportunity to see how good this guy of yours is?”

“Hey, can’t stop it, it’s a joke.”

“If the strength is not good, the end will be miserable…” In

the face of the incoming storm, everyone was watching Lu Shaoqing’s performance.

Look at how Lu Shaoqing will resist.

Even Zhuge Xun became serious and highly concentrated.

She wanted to take the opportunity to see how strong Lu Shaoqing really was.

However, Lu Shaoqing suddenly flashed and came behind Kou and the others, allowing Kou and them to face this force directly.

They were all imprisoned, and they couldn’t exert any strength to resist.

That force surged like a tide, drowning Kou Yu and the others.

Under the mighty force,

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Kou Yu and the others sprayed blood from their mouths one after another, and the passers-by who were weaker screamed blood.


Finally, he fell down screaming, his body shattered, and the Yuan baby escaped from his body.

A black shadow flashed, but Lu Shaoqing quickly grabbed Xiao Hei in his hand.

“Good daughter, don’t be impulsive.”

Lu Shaoqing did not stop those Yuan babies from escaping.

The shattered body, blood splattered the ground, and several yuan babies fled in embarrassment.

This scene shocked everyone.


many people didn’t expect.

Some people speculated that Lu Shaoqing would resist hard, and some people speculated that Lu Shaoqing would dodge, but no one thought that Lu Shaoqing would use Kou and them as a shield.

How shameless!

Everyone couldn’t help but complain in their hearts.

Before everyone could react, Lu Shaoqing shouted loudly, “My spirit stone, you are so despicable.”

“What are you people going to do?” Kill and kill?

“You demons are going to rebel, aren’t you? Didn’t you see the First Saint Son, the Luan family, the Jian family, and the Cui family’s lineage here?

“They’re my friends, and with me, you don’t want to hurt them again.”

Lu Shaoqing’s words spread throughout Rucheng and fell in the ears of the demon cultivators.

They felt a tightness in their chest and felt very uncomfortable.

Even, there is a feeling of wanting to vomit.

Such a disgusting human being, I really want to kill him.

This is the voice of many demon cultivators.

On the Terran side, there was silence for a long time, not knowing who spoke first.

“How despicable!”

This sentence was met with a secret nod from many.

Although they were dealing with the Demon Race cultivators, they still couldn’t help but have this kind of complaint.

Kou Yu and the others were already injured, but they were further injured by the impact of their own people’s strength.

And Lu Shaoqing’s words made them no longer able to bear it, and they vomited blood one after another.

I have seen shameless, but I have never seen such shameless humans.

He used them as shields and said that they were his friends.

It’s bad luck to be your friend.

“Damn,” the demon monk roared again, “release the people, or you will regret it later.”

“Yes, damn humans, you’re looking for death!”

“Release the Holy Son and them, otherwise we and you will not die…”

Lu Shaoqing was not afraid at all, but asked expectantly, “Do you want to continue?”

“Come on, hurry, I’ll pick up here.”

Although he really wanted to kill Lu Shaoqing, these demon cultivators did not dare to do this anymore.

Two more times, and their first Son would have to say goodbye to them.

“Don’t you dare?” Lu Shaoqing showed a little disappointment, very disdainful, “Also said the demon clan, I see that you are called the Ying clan.” His

words made many demon races so angry that they wanted to vomit blood, and also made many Terrans secretly happy.

The Terran Bitter Demon Race has been around for a long time, and now someone has jumped out of the Hard Demon Race, making them feel excited, and they can’t wait to let out a few long roars to vent the pain in their hearts.

“Little friend, you did this, it’s a little too much…” Suddenly

an old voice came…

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