Mu Yong suddenly calmed down, making Lu Shaoqing secretly vigilant in his heart.

He knew that Muyongcheng Mansion was extremely deep and very cunning.

The brain is perhaps the smartest of the entire demon race.

Well, of course, compared with me, it’s still a little worse.

Lu Shaoqing secretly guessed Mu Yong’s purpose in his heart, and at the same time quoted Kou Yong’s price again.

He first pointed to Luan Xingyue, Luan Xi, Jian Lan, and Cui Xuan, “One hundred million of them each, how about it?” Cheap right? ”


The onlookers were speechless.

Some people even wondered if Lu Shaoqing had no concept of spirit stones, opening his mouth was ten million, and closing his mouth was hundreds of millions.

Is it really a stone on the side of the road that can be picked up casually?

Mu Yong’s expression remained unchanged, and he pointed at the lifeless Kou Yu in the distance, “What about him?” ”

He,” Lu Shaoqing smiled even more happily, “I originally wanted to give him a price of two hundred million, but he disliked that the price was too low, not worthy of his identity, and must ask for ten hundred million.”

“I am a good person, I don’t know how to reject others, he says a billion, I will depend on him, a billion.”

“Look, I’m a good man, right?”

Looking at the triumphant expression on Lu Shaoqing’s face, Mu Yong wanted to spit on him.

Kou was angry over there, “Bastard, bastard, I…” ”

You dare to say, you didn’t say it?”

Lu Shaoqing asked rhetorically, and Kou was speechless.

But Kou Yu roared angrily at Mu Yong, “Master Mu Yong, don’t worry about me, he wants to kill or kill, whatever he wants.”

Mu Yong’s face showed a little depression.

If it was usual, he really didn’t want to care about Kou Yu’s life or death.

However, he now had to take care of it.

Kou 㭯 is the first holy son, and being humiliated here has already hit the morale of those below.

If he can’t keep Kou, the people below will have an opinion, and his authority will be challenged.

It won’t be so smooth in the future.

But dealing with Lu Shaoqing, how can it be so easy.

Mu Yong was inexplicably irritable in his heart, and couldn’t help but shout angrily at Kou Yu, “Shut up!

“That is, adults talk, children interject what?” Lu Shaoqing also said to Kou Yu, “So you remember him, and when you go back in the future, you will file a complaint with your dog master, or find a way to kill him.” ”

Naked public sow discord.

Mu Yong’s gaze fell on Zhuge Xun and asked, “What about Zhuge Xun?” ”

Not only because of Zhuge Xun’s strength, but more because of the forces Zhuge Xun represents.

The hidden family, he can’t leave it alone.

Otherwise, how to unite the demon race?

“She?” Lu Shaoqing glanced back at Zhuge Xun.

Mu Yong’s heart was instantly raised, shouldn’t the bastard guy open his mouth to ten billion?

In that case, I’ll have to go back and gather people to save people.

Lu Shaoqing turned around and smiled, “It’s free.” ”


With a roar, Zhuge Xun behind him wanted to rush up and bite Lu Shaoqing to death.


Why did the people of my hidden family drop prices so much behind them?

Xiao Yi hurriedly pulled Zhuge Xun here and said in a low voice, “Sister Zhuge don’t be angry, isn’t this good?” ”

It shows my second senior brother’s love for you.”

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Aren’t you a demon woman still not clear?


Zhuge Xun’s target immediately shifted, and he opened his mouth to Xiao Yi and bit down fiercely.

“Ah, Sister Zhuge what are you doing?”

“You dare to bite me? I bite you too, who won’t bite yet?

Lu Shaoqing ignored the dog-eat-dog behind him, and he stretched out his hand towards Mu Yong, “Did you bring the spirit stone?” Mu

Yong was depressed, of course he didn’t want to give spirit stones.

Not to mention that so many spirit stones are taken out and they are distressed, under the vast court, the demon race redeems people for spirit stones, and the human race must not die laughing?

“No negotiation?” Mu Yong asked lightly.

“Yes, why not?” Lu Shaoqing was very happy, and seemed to see the spirit stones flying in the sky, “And if you say it, I am also ready to give you a discount.” ”

Would you be so kind?

Mu Yong sneered, “How much discount?”

“One fold!”

A fold?

100 million spirit stones, a discount, that is, 10 million.

Mu Yong’s expression eased a lot, if so, he could also privately give the spirit stone to ransom people.

“So, each of you, each of them, you only need to pay 110 million spirit stones to take people away.”

“Oh, by the way, Kou Yu, you have to pay 1.1 billion spirit stones, this is a bit much, you think about it.”

How much?

Not only Mu Yong’s head was a little dizzy, but the onlookers were also a little dizzy.

Discounted, is that what it means?

Not a discount at a markdown, but a discount at a markup?

“Shameless fellow!” Mu Yong couldn’t help it again, the calm expression on his face couldn’t be maintained, gritted his teeth, and said fiercely, “It seems that you can only fight.” ”

It can’t be solved with spirit stones, so I can only try it with my fists.

“I’m afraid you won’t make it?” Lu Shaoqing did not refuse, but rushed to the sky, “Come on, watch me burst your dog’s head.”

Mu Yong followed closely, and the two of them disappeared into the sky, rushed straight to the wind layer, and instantly disappeared from everyone’s sight.

At the beginning, many people followed behind, wanting to see what kind of sparks the two would meet.

However, they soon lost the trace of the two, and even their divine sense could not find the two.

The two had a tacit understanding, disappeared without a sound, and went somewhere else.

Watching Mu Yong and Lu Shaoqing disappear.

The faces of the three people left behind, Qi Qian, Ao De, and Gongsun Ci, soon became different.

The three looked at each other, and they could understand each other’s thoughts without opening their mouths.

All three wanted to go to the same place.

Lu Shaoqing is not here, can the three of them take the opportunity to save people?

If it succeeds, Lu Shaoqing will not be rampant.

They also have more initiative.

Once this thought comes up, it grows like a weed, and it can no longer be suppressed.

“Do it?” Gongsun Ci asked in a low voice.

“There won’t be any problems, will it?” Ao De was a little worried.

“Hmph,” Qian Qian snorted coldly, “The three of us join forces, what are you afraid of?” ”

Qian Qian can’t wait to rush in and kill all of Lu Shaoqing’s people.

Now that he had such a great opportunity, Qian Qian was the first to rush out.


The sword light lit up, and Qian Qian, who was known as the first sword cultivator in Zhongzhou, showed his fangs…

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