The long sword shone coldly, the sword light rushed into the sky, and the sword intent that burst out made the surrounding cultivators exclaim.

“So strong!”

“It is worthy of being the first sword cultivator in Zhongzhou!”

“Sure enough, he is the strongest of the young generation in Zhongzhou.”

“A terrible sword, Lu Shaoqing is not here, can anyone resist it?”

The people around exclaimed, and more people turned their eyes on, they wanted to see how the people inside resisted.

“Xiao Yi is here, can she block it?”

“Xiao Yi may be able to, his previous strength is already in the late stage of Transformation God, and it is not much worse than that of Qian Qian.”

“Don’t forget, this time, they are not the only ones.”

As soon as the words fell, two powerful auras erupted next to him.

Ao De and Gongsun Ci also followed.

Ao De may not be very talented, but it is also worse than the five families and three factions.

If compared to ordinary cultivators, he was a proper genius, and Ao De was now already in the fourth realm of the middle stage of the Transformation God.

The spiritual power roared out, blooming with dazzling light, and finally turned into a red giant beast in the air, opening its teeth and dancing its claws and pounced into Xiao Yi.

Gongsun Ci held a folding fan in his hand, he had to compete with Gongsun Lie in everything in the clan, even the weapons, he had to face the world, he was no worse than Gongsun Lie.

The folding fan glowed with green light, and with a gentle wave, a violent storm roared up, destroying and rushing past.

The three joined forces, and the terrifying aura that erupted made the faces of the onlookers change greatly.

Countless people could not withstand this coercion and scattered and retreated.

“Terrible, terrible.”

“Is this the strength of the five families and three factions?”

“This, they join forces, who else is their opponent?”

“It’s over, Lu Shaoqing is not here, no one can resist their joint efforts.”

“Hey, the house was stolen

…” “No one can save them…” Many

people spoke in an affirmative tone and their words were conclusive, thinking that Xiao Yi was dead.

Qian Qian, Ao De, and Gongsun Ci looked relaxed and full of confidence.

This was the first time that the three of them had joined forces, but the three Avatar Stage had joined forces, and even if Xiao Yi was no matter how evil he was, it would be impossible to resist the three of them.

There can be no one against three.

Hmph, let you run rampant, wait for you to come back, just cry.

The attack of the three was fierce, roaring, the ground seemed to have been plowed, revealing deep marks, and cracks continued to spread into the distance.

As for the houses, they were reduced to pieces in the face of terrifying coercion, and finally disappeared in the roaring power.

Rucheng, who had the blessing of the formation, trembled under this powerful force, like thousands of troops galloping.

It is also like a magnitude 12 earthquake.

If it weren’t for the deliberate control of the three of Qian and only letting this force rush straight towards Xiao Yi and them, Rucheng would have shattered in half in front of this force.

Feeling the terrifying power and smelling the breath of death, Zhuge Xun’s face changed greatly, and he couldn’t help but say to Xiao Yi, “Oops, hide quickly.” ”

If her strength remains, she has no problem at all.

The problem is that she is now imprisoned and has no strength.

Faced with the three of them, she did not dare to guarantee whether she would survive.

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As for Xiao Yi, he will definitely turn into pieces under this attack.

Although it is very annoying, after these days of getting along, Zhuge Xun still can’t bear Xiao Yi to die like this.

Even if it is death, she has to kill it.

However, Zhuge Xun’s reminder, Xiao Yi ignored it.

Instead, he stood where he was, calmly watching the surging power.

A burst of coercion spread, Xiao Yi’s hair was blown into chaos, and Xiao Hei held Xiao Yi’s head, also looking very calm.

Zhuge Xun was stunned, didn’t he, can’t this girl understand my words?

Or is she bent on death?

Zhuge Xun did not believe that Xiao Yi could resist the joint efforts of the three Avatar Gods.

Just when Zhuge Xun, even everyone was puzzled.

A sword light appeared, silver light shining, like a shooting star that appeared out of thin air, slashing by.

Compared with the attacks of the three of Qian Qian, it looked very inconspicuous.

However, this sword light fell from the sky, and everyone felt a chill.

There was even a whizzing sound in their ears.

They felt as if they were in a world of swords, and every place in front of and behind them was covered with swords.

If you make a slight move, you will be completely strangled with ten thousand swords.


“Ah…..” The

sword light fell, and the faces of the three of them suddenly changed, and just when they wanted to do something, they sprayed blood from their mouths, and countless wounds appeared on their bodies, and blood spurted directly.

In the end, the three fell from the sky screaming.

The attack of the three did not know when it quietly dissipated, the heavens and the earth returned to calm, and everyone came back to their senses.

At this moment, everyone’s faces were pale, their expressions were terrified, and they were sweating profusely.

Being in the world of swords just now was an illusion.

But there is no doubt that in that state, as long as the other party wants, they will really be added to the body by ten thousand swords and completely strangled.

“Yes, who is it?”

Some people don’t know.

But there are also people who speculate, “Ji, Ji Yan?”

“After not seeing him for so long, his strength has gone further, right?”

“He has been in the late stage of Transformation God for a long time, and now it must be the refining period.”

“No wonder that girl has no fear, it turns out that there is still a plan behind her.”

“Yes, we all forgot Ji Yan, he is such a master, he should not be ignored…” Zhuge

Xun sweated profusely, her eyes looked back, there, she could not see Ji Yan’s figure.

A human figure will appear very small or even invisible after a few miles away.

But she also seemed to see Ji Yan’s figure, that white figure, high above, looked extremely tall, terrifying, unfathomable, as fearsome as a god.

Zhuge Xun’s heart beat violently, and with that sword light, she felt the greatest fear in the history of her life.

Her intuition told her that Ji Yan was by no means as simple as the refining period.

It is even possible to be stronger.

How strong it is, Zhuge Xun does not dare to continue to imagine, because, it is too terrible…

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