Rucheng is thousands of miles away, above the wind layer.

The blue and cyan figures stood opposite each other, and the whistling wind blew the clothes of the two to a hunting sound.

Mu Yong looked calm and stared at Lu Shaoqing, “I haven’t seen you for many years, and you have become stronger and stronger. Mu

Yong’s tone was flat and he looked very polite.

However, Lu Shaoqing didn’t have the heart to pretend to be polite here, and he scolded, “If you blind your dog’s eyes, you will pair your glasses if you are short-sighted.”

“Do you only look at me at this? Can’t you see the rest?

“I’m sorry to say I’m a genius.”

Mu Yong was surprised, his brows furrowed slightly, and Lu Shaoqing’s words made him secretly reflect in his heart.

Did you overlook something?

Mu Yong immediately combed through his mind to see if he had missed something in Lu Shaoqing.

No way, Lu Shaoqing is his recognized and the most dangerous opponent.

Facing such an opponent, Mu Yong felt that he could not be too careful or cautious.

This time, it was important to bring Lu Shaoqing to Zhongzhou, and he didn’t want to let his plan fail because of his neglect.

However, Mu Yong combed through the process of his encounter with Lu Shaoqing several times, and did not find that he had overlooked anything.

As for the plan, he had already thought about it and thought about it, and did not think that there was any omission.

Therefore, Mu Yong couldn’t help but ask, “What else?”

Lu Shaoqing brushed the hair on his forehead with his hand, shook his head, proud, and said narcissistically, “I’ve become handsome, didn’t you find out?”

“Your myopia is a little serious, it’s all said, don’t peek at Grandma taking a bath, you don’t listen.”

I’m special!

Mu Yong couldn’t bear it, drew his sword and slashed.

“Give me death!”

Can’t bear it.

Such a bad human being, he had to be hacked to death, and he couldn’t be allowed to speak.

Mu Yong felt that he was being fooled.

He still seriously combed through his mind for a long time, and as a result, he came to this?

No more.

“Handsome? I’m more handsome than you!

Mu Yong gritted his teeth and roared.

The sword light lit up, a dragon-like voice sounded, and a huge giant whale appeared.

The moment the surrounding wind whistled seemed to become an endless ocean, faint water vapor, giving people an incomparably heavy pressure.

Lu Shaoqing laughed, “Stinky shame, you a demon clan dare to say handsome in front of the first handsome man of my human race?”

“Let me hack you to death and let you know what it costs to brag.”

Mo Jun’s sword stabbed out, the sword intent skyrocketed, and a huge divine bird appeared.

Blazing flames erupted and heat waves rolled.

The giant whale let out a long groan, its tail flashed, and the monstrous water vaporized into rolling waves and swept towards the divine bird fiercely.

The wings of the divine bird flapped, the rolling heat wave, and the hot temperature seemed to make the heavens and the earth seem to burn.

The collision of fire and water, two diametrically opposed sword intentions collided.

The huge wind layer was instantly torn apart, and the whistling wind was annihilated, and there seemed to be only two sword intents left in heaven and earth.

The divine bird and the giant whale collide and constantly fight.

Mu Yong’s eyes flashed, hmph, over the years, I have also improved rapidly, you and I are in the same realm, I don’t believe I will lose to you.

Come on, there was no victory or defeat before, and today I made a decision.

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However, as soon as this thought appeared, he felt a powerful force rushing towards him.

Mu Yong snorted, looked up, and saw that the divine bird transformed by Lu Shaoqing’s sword intent had penetrated the body of the giant whale, and the monstrous flames seemed to roast the giant whale.

Finally, the giant whale screamed and shattered in the firelight.

Mu Yong spurted out a mouthful of blood, incredulous, “No, it can’t be! ”

Everyone is in the ninth layer of the refining period, why are they invincible to each other?

“Nothing is impossible,” came Lu Shaoqing’s smug voice, and he drew his sword at him, and the divine bird swooped down and grabbed Mu Yong fiercely, “The same move, you think it will work for me?”

“Let you, the dirt bun demon, see what a handsome guy is.”

Mu Yong shouted, and the sword intent rose up into the sky again, forming a barrier of sword intent in front of him.

At the same time, a touch of blue crossed, and the giant whale reappeared, falling from a higher sky.

Tarzan wanted to suppress the divine bird.

The divine bird chirped, the heavens and the earth shook, and under the command of Lu Shaoqing, it rushed up into the sky and collided with the giant whale again.

This time, both sides died together, and the two sword intents dissipated.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing, who had a relaxed demeanor, Mu Yong felt great pressure.

“You, how is that possible?”

Mu Yong felt that it was difficult to accept.

Everyone is refining the nine-layer realm, for Mao, you are stronger than me?

Before he could still fight back and forth with Lu Shaoqing.

Why does Lu Shaoqing seem to be a little stronger than him now?

It’s hard to accept, it’s really hard to accept.

Lu Shaoqing was even more proud, full of narcissism, “I’m more handsome than you, so I’m better than you.”

“So you can’t see things accurately, I’m more handsome, you have to be careful?”

“The stronger the person, the more handsome he is, and vice versa.”

“How could an ugly devil like you beat me?”

Mu Yong was even more uncomfortable.

That mouth is so abominable.

If you don’t tear it, you can’t help yourself.


Mu Yong drank again, and the light of the long sword in his hand burst out.

Mu Yong held a long sword, majestic, and the blue light wrapped around him, standing above the heavens and the earth like a rain god.

This time, an endless rain of swords seemed to fall in the sky.

The invisible sword intent transformed at this moment, falling like a rainstorm.

Every drop of rain can destroy a world.

Mu Yong’s sword killing move, if this move is made in Rucheng, the people in Rucheng are estimated to die.

However, for Lu Shaoqing, although Mu Yong’s sword was huge, in fact, its power was much more dispersed.

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand coldly, and a huge fireball rumbled above the sky.

Immortal Fireball!


“Great Meteorite Summoning Technique, see if I smash you!”

A huge meteorite fell, bringing heavy pressure to shatter the surrounding sword intent.

Mu Yong’s expression became solemn, and he felt threatened in this enlarged version of the fireball technique.

This guy!

Mu Yong’s murderous aura skyrocketed, and the rain of swords in the sky seemed to have received an order, surging towards the huge fireball like a piranha…

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