The sword intent of the water attribute converged and surged towards the big fireball.

“Boom…” The

sword intent and spiritual power continued to impact, and the energy of the explosion spread in all directions.

The sky is constantly lit up with explosive fire.

The distant city of Rucheng even felt the tremor.

Watching the huge fireball fall apart under Mu Yong’s counterattack, it can’t cause the slightest damage to Mu Yong.

Lu Shaoqing frowned.

The Immortal Fireball Technique is a spell taught to him by the Dead Ghost Little Brother, and its power is unknown how many times stronger than the Fireball Technique.

Ordinary people can’t resist such spells.

Even if you can resist it, you have to get a little hurt.

Mu Yong is intact.

Very strong indeed.

In just over thirty years, from the Yuan Infant to the realm of refining the nine layers of the void, such a speed, apart from him and Ji Yan, Mu Yong was the first.

Even if the speed of cultivation in this world increased, Mu Yong’s speed was enough to shock the world.

Garbage geniuses like Qian Qian are only in the period of transformation until now.

Mu Yong is the true genius of the Demon Clan.

No wonder I have always looked at him unfavorably, it turns out that the same kind repels.

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze was faint, and his killing intent skyrocketed.

Since this is the case, then take the opportunity to kill him.

A murderous aura emerged from Lu Shaoqing’s body, sweeping in all directions, and the cold wind layer added a bit of coldness.

Lu Shaoqing’s killing intent skyrocketed, and so did Mu Yong’s side.

Lu Shaoqing was just a big fireball smashed down, and he almost had to resist it with all his strength.

The monstrous sword intent gathered together to withstand the opponent’s big fireball in front of him.

Lu Shaoqing not only had amazing sword intent, but even his spells were terrifyingly strong.

Such a person must take the opportunity to die.

Let him continue to grow, and get it in the future?

However, when Mu Yong was about to strike again, suddenly, he felt a sense of horror.

The sky darkened.

That’s right, the wind layer, which was already dark as night, dimmed.

Mu Yong looked up, only to see as if there were stars twinkling above the nine heavens.

Countless stars shining, covering the sky, is very beautiful.

However, in the good looks, Mu Yong felt the aura of danger.


Suddenly, a star light burst out, flashed down, and a silver light was projected from above the distant nine-sky starry sky.

The second, the third, one after another starlight burst, the light fell.

One hundred and eight paths fell from the distant starry sky, like a draped curtain falling above the nine heavens.

It looks good, but it makes Mu Yong’s hair stand on end.

What kind of sword trick is this?

A sword trick that fell from the sky?

Is it so outrageous?

Mu Yong sensed that every sword light above could destroy Rucheng ten times, eight times, one hundred and eight, even he did not dare to directly resist.

“Damn it!”

Mu Yong roared in his heart, where did this damn guy learn the move?

Mu Yong wanted to escape, but Dao Dao Starlight had already locked him firmly, even if he fled to the ends of the earth, it was useless.

There was no way, Mu Yong could only take a deep breath, the breath in his body rolled, the long sword in his hand lit up, and the light flashed.

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Lu Shaoqing seemed to hear the sound of the waves rolling.

Once again, it seems to be filled with seawater, becoming a vast ocean, gushing water, reminiscent of huge waves.

Countless seas tumbled and fluttered.

Mu Yong himself disappeared into the ocean.

Then the starlight fell.

A rumbling explosion sounded, and the heavens and the earth shook.

The light illuminated the pitch-black sky like day, and the terrifying energy constantly tore through the surrounding space.


The terrifying power continued to bombard, and Mu Yong’s blood spurted out.

The bursting sword intent was like a vicious wolf, constantly tearing at his body.

Don’t tear him to shreds.

Mu Yong was terrified, only through personal experience did he know how terrifying Lu Shaoqing’s move was.

As soon as he came into contact, Mu Yong knew that he would not be able to support it for long.

If he didn’t want to solve it, he would really die under Lu Shaoqing’s move.

The spiritual power in his body decreased rapidly, and the terrifying energy caused his body to begin to crumble.

“Damn, is this a sword move that humans can make?”

Mu Yong roared, he tried his best to resist, but any counterattack he made was to no avail.

The starlight falling from the sky was too strong, so strong that he could not resist it.

After more than ten breaths, the spiritual power in Mu Yong’s body had been exhausted, and the surface of his body was covered with cracks.

If he continues, his body will be completely torn apart.

However, the pressure from the sky began to gradually weaken.

Mu Yong breathed a sigh of relief so that he could get through.

However, at this moment, Mu Yong felt an even heavier pressure.

Looking up, in the starlight of the sky, a bright moon appeared.

The moonlight is cold and exudes the meaning of forest.

Mu Yong gasped, he seemed to smell the breath of death.

Is this still human?

Mu Yong roared in his heart, would normal people have so many terrifying killing moves?

Mu Yong was fierce in his heart, since this is the case, let’s make a trick.

The next moment, his whole person became solemn, and even his breath became different, as if he had changed a person.

In the vast light, Mu Yong’s figure became tall.

A figure grew in the wind, soared into the sky, and turned into a giant in the sky.

Lu Shaoqing noticed this breath and almost jumped up, “Your sister, Holy Lord of Dog Day!” In

the black sky, the huge black shadow seemed to turn its head and stare at Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing shivered, and he felt as if he was being targeted by something.

Uncontrollable fear spreads in the soul.

Lu Shaoqing’s side was very prepared, but if it didn’t work, he would shake people.

However, the huge black shadow just stared at Lu Shaoqing, and did not make a move against him, but stretched out his hand and grabbed it at the sky.

The scorching starlight dissipated, and countless stars shattered and extinguished.

The huge moon also gradually collapsed in the fall, and finally dissipated.

Lu Shaoqing vomited blood, and his killing move was easily dissolved in front of the other party.

Xiu made Lu Shaoqing’s scalp numb.

Grandma Li’s, it’s terrifying.

Finally, Black stared at Lu Shaoqing again, and then slowly dissipated, and Mu Yong’s figure also reappeared.

Lu Shaoqing held the long sword, his eyes flickered, and finally, he wiped the blood stains at the corners of his mouth and showed a smile, “Brother Mu, this is not right for you, you have a dog, the protection of the Holy Lord, you said it earlier….”

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