After Lu Shaoqing thought twice, he still gave up killing Mu Yong.

The black shadow just now, he dared to be 100% sure, it was that dog day holy lord.

Moreover, it is still the period of convergence.

No matter what the black shadow was just now, whether it was divine thought or doppelganger, Lu Shaoqing didn’t have the confidence to fight.

Muyong can summon it once, and he can definitely summon it a second time.

He didn’t want to take risks.

Mu Yong gasped, and his breath was very weak.

He stared at Lu Shaoqing deadly, his eyes were full of killing intent, and he couldn’t wait to pounce and kill Lu Shaoqing.

“Damn it!”

Mu Yong looked at Lu Shaoqing angrily, without the slightest calm and gentle look.

On the contrary, there was an annoyance, and he couldn’t wait to get rid of Lu Shaoqing quickly.

“What are you angry for?” Lu Shaoqing smiled and encouraged, “Being angry is not good for your body.

“It’s just a normal exchange between us, why did you ask the Holy Lord Old Man to come out?”

Normal discussion?

Mu Yong hated even more, I was almost killed by you.

Do you dare to say that it is a normal discussion?


What was even more unacceptable to Mu Yong was that Lu Shaoqing didn’t seem to have any problems at all.

After a fight with him, it seems that he did not sweat.

In other words, he Mu Yong suffered and was injured, and even forced to take out the hole card, which only made Lu Shaoqing vomit a little blood.

Mu Yong was uncomfortable.

I felt so uncomfortable that I wanted to vomit blood.


Mu Yong looked at Lu Shaoqing, who was full of smiles, and he knew that Lu Shaoqing was afraid of his hole cards.

He had some confidence in his heart, gradually regained his calm, and said to Lu Shaoqing, “You are very strong.”

Lu Shaoqing was proud and proud, “Of course, after all, I am more handsome than you.”

“Strong, as it should be.”

Hold on, hold on!

Mu Yong took a deep breath and didn’t want to pay attention to Lu Shaoqing’s trash talk.

“But, next time, I won’t let you be so proud again.”

“I will definitely defeat you.”

Mu Yong has confidence in himself, he is also a genius, and he does not think that he will be weaker than Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing scoffed, very disdainful, “Next time? I will get more and more handsome, you, will only get more and more ugly. ”

Damn it!

Mu Yong’s anger rose again.

He even moved to play the hole card again to kill Lu Shaoqing.

But the thought was only fleeting.

He wasn’t sure if he could kill Lu Shaoqing with his hole cards.

You can’t waste your hole card on this bastard.

He could see that Lu Shaoqing didn’t want to fight, and he snorted coldly, “How are you willing to release people?” ”

It’s better to negotiate here than in public.

The real purpose of public negotiations is not to get people.

Now, they should have shot, right?

Mu Yong secretly guessed in his heart.

“Ah, take the spirit stone.” Lu Shaoqing put away his sword, rubbed his hands, and said, “I can give you a discount.” The

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corner of Mu Yong’s mouth twitched, and he wanted to spit on Lu Shaoqing’s face.


Is there a discount like this with you?

Mu Yong said coldly, “Kou 㭯 100 million, everyone else, 10 million per person.”

Lu Shaoqing was immediately dissatisfied, and instead of rubbing his hands, he pointed at Mu Yong and scolded, “Kou 㭯, are you your own son?”

“Ten million per person, you should be called Hanako?”

“Are you looking down on them, are you humiliating them? I absolutely do not allow you to do this. ”

Mu Yong is angry, you look so righteous and awe-inspiring, I don’t know if I think you are with them, and I am the bad person.

Mu Yong suppressed his anger, “My reserve price is this.” ”

Coincidentally, my reserve price is also this,” Lu Shaoqing smiled happily, “Not one less spirit stone will do.”

“You can go back and slowly scrape together the money, I’m not in a hurry.”

“Anyway, people are here, I promise not to starve them.”

Mu Yong’s murderous aura reappeared, and he found that negotiations could not take the initiative here.

The hostages are in the hands of the other party, and they appear very passive.

Damn it!

If only they could catch Xia Yu and them.

However, at this moment, a streamer flew from below, streaked across the sky and fell into Mu Yong’s hands.

Mu Yong took a look, and his face suddenly turned gloomy, revealing a smile.

Then, he regained his previous calm state under Lu Shaoqing’s doubtful gaze and became calm.

Lu Shaoqing was curious and asked, “Your father is here?”

Mu Yong’s smile froze, and he gritted his teeth secretly, “Hmph, Kou Yu and one hundred million of them each, you promise that I will give you spirit stones now, otherwise you will kill them.”

Lu Shaoqing’s heart was full of vigilance, and he didn’t have much joy, “Kou Yu himself said that it was worth a billion yuan. Mu

Yong’s move was very abnormal, and Lu Shaoqing had to suspect that Mu Yong had some conspiracy.

“If you say one more word, everything will be nullified.”

Mu Yong stood strong, “I’ll give you three breaths of time to consider.”

Lu Shaoqing thought about it, and he couldn’t imagine that Mu Yong had any confidence to be so strong.

Could it be that he discovered a great spiritual vein?

So don’t care about spirit stones?

“How about I give you a discount?” After thinking about it, Lu Shaoqing tentatively asked Mu Yong.

Mu Yong turned around and was about to leave, but Lu Shaoqing compromised, “Okay, 600 million spirit stones, I’ll release the people when I go back.”

“Kou is worth two hundred million, don’t bargain, I won’t bird you if you dare to bargain.”


As soon as Mu Yong heard this, he immediately pointed at Lu Shaoqing and shouted, “You swear that after receiving the spirit stones, you must release them.” Lu

Shaoqing didn’t swear, and Mu Yong couldn’t believe Lu Shaoqing at all.

Lu Shaoqing nodded, raised three fingers and vowed, “After receiving the spirit stones, I will release them.”

Mu Yong took out a storage ring with a cold face, and Lu Shaoqing’s eyes lit up.

However, Mu Yong did not immediately throw it over, but there was one more condition.

“Our deal cannot be known to others.”

“Well, I can assure you.”

Hearing this, Mu Yongcai coldly threw the storage ring over.

Lu Shaoqing’s consciousness swept away, and his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he was blind.

Six hundred million spirit stones, shining in it, it seems that Mu Yong has already been ready.

Lu Shaoqing put away the spirit stone and let out a long sigh of relief, the little brother of the dead ghost could recover.

He looked at Mu Yong, his eyes flashed, and the more he looked at Mu Yong, the more pleasing his eyes became, “Really generous, good man, you really don’t need me to give you a discount?”

Mu Yong shouted, “Less nonsense, release people…”

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