Lu Shaoqing and Mu Yongqi returned here and appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing that the two came back at almost the same time, everyone was surprised and curious at the same time, who won and who lost.

Mu Yong’s face was slightly pale, and his breath was slightly heavy.

Lu Shaoqing was calm and relaxed, as if he had gone out for a circle and came back.

Everyone is not a fool, just by looking at the state of the two, you can know who suffered a loss.

Kou Yu and the others’ eyes were dark, even Mu Yong was not their opponent?

Xiao Yi jumped over, “Second Senior Brother, you won, right?”

“Of course, I’m more handsome than him.”


Everyone didn’t understand what Lu Shaoqing meant.

Only Mu Yong secretly gritted his teeth.

Don’t give me a chance, or I’ll smash your face.”

Mu Yong glanced at the place, and found that there were three people lying next to Kou Yu.

It was Qian Qian, Ao De, and Gongsun Ci.

Mu Yong’s heart jumped, and he could guess that it was Ji Yan’s move.

But he couldn’t guess that Ji Yan would be so strong, and all three became prisoners.

In his expectation, the three of them would make a move.

Ji Yan will also come forward to stop it, and then the three of them will retreat.

It was the best picture he had ever imagined, and it was his plan.

The three of them took action to further let the people around them know the relationship between the Qi family, the Ao family, the Gongsun family and their holy family.

However, the capture of the three Qian exceeded his expectations.

These guys are really rubbish.

After discovering that Ji Yan is in the refining period, won’t he retreat as soon as possible and leave here?

Mu Yong scolded in his heart that the three people were useless.

He looked at Lu Shaoqing and said coldly, “Release people!”

Xiao Yi was surprised, “Second Senior Brother, are you going to release them?”

Lu Shaoqing nodded and said with a big grin, “Yes, he gave the ransom.”

Mu Yong was furious, “Bastard, you promised.

“How much is the guarantee worth?” Lu Shaoqing despised, “I didn’t swear again. ”

Muyong hates that.

Especially everyone’s eyes looked at him, making him regret that he didn’t let Lu Shaoqing swear not to say it.

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, and Kou Yue, Luan Xingyue, Luan Xi, Jian Lan, and Cui Wei were lifted.

“Damn it!”

After Kou Yu recovered his strength, he immediately rushed towards Lu Shaoqing, his expression was hideous, like a mad demon, “I’m going to kill you.” ”

Having grown so big, the first time he was so humiliated, the hatred and killing intent in Kou’s heart had already reached its peak.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t say a word, and he kicked Kou Yu fiercely, sturdy, and kicked him in the face fiercely, kicking him to the ground.

Kou was almost crippled by Lu Shaoqing before, and his strength had already been greatly damaged.

Now the combat effectiveness that can be exerted is less than 20% of the usual.

Lu Shaoqing trampled him on the ground and said to Mu Yong with a smile, “Look, this is the second time I’ve captured him.” Mu

Yong’s heart jumped, why wouldn’t he be so shameless?

However, Lu Shaoqing was as shameless as he thought.

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Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand towards Mu Yong with a smile, “A hundred million spirit stone, do you want me to give you a discount?”

Mu Yong’s teeth were almost crushed, “Damn, don’t go too far.”

“What is excessive?” Lu Shaoqing was puzzled, “I let him go, I didn’t ask him to say thank you, he actually had to bite me in turn.”

“You say, can I get used to him?”

“I have already released him, he took the initiative to attack me, he couldn’t beat me, and he became my prisoner again.”

Mu Yong was so angry.

In my heart, I greeted Kou 㭯 a hundred times.


Is the brain loaded with?

Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand to Mu Yongdao, “Come on, give me another hundred million, and I’ll let him go.” Mu

Yong hated it, “Hugh! ”

Don’t give it?” Lu Shaoqing was not disappointed, but instead put forward another condition, “What news did you receive just now, tell me, and I will release you.”

Lu Shaoqing was very curious about this.

If it is a large spiritual vein, you have to do anything.

When Mu Yong heard this, he first stared at Lu Shaoqing strangely, and then laughed, “Huh, want to know?

“Guess for yourself.”

Lu Shaoqing was furious, pointing at Mu Yong and drinking angrily, “Well, if you don’t take a billion spirit stones now, don’t think that I released him.” ”

Make, dream!”

Kou Yu is very spineless, even if he is stepped on, he is roaring, “You don’t want me to bow my head.”

“Master Muyong, you don’t have to worry about me, you can kill him.”

“Shut up!” Mu Yong shouted angrily.

If I could kill him, I would still be here to talk nonsense with him?

You idiot, if it weren’t for you, why would I be so passive?

“One hundred million!” Mu Yong was simply too lazy to bargain and prepared a mouthful.

“No, it’s a billion yuan, hey,” Lu Shaoqing pointed to Qian Qian, Fei Fei, Ao De and Gongsun Ci, “Don’t you plan to do them?”

“They’re cheaper, fifty million spirit stones per person.”

“Don’t go too far!” Mu Yong suddenly felt a little headache.

He even wanted to take out another hole card he used against Lu Shaoqing.

Just when Mu Yong was embarrassed, Lu Shaoqing spoke again, “Reluctant, right?”

“In this way, tell me the news you just made, she stays, and then all of you can roll.”

This everyone, including Zhan Gui, who wanted to cry next to him.

He became little transparent.

And Lu Shaoqing’s mouth she thinks she is Zhuge Xun.

Zhuge Willow’s eyebrows rose, and he shouted angrily, “Why do you want me to stay?”

“Because you’re not worth anything.” Lu Shaoqing’s words were so angry that Zhuge Xun only hated that he couldn’t blow himself up, otherwise he would definitely die with Lu Shaoqing.

Xiao Yi whispered next to him, “This is love…” The

second senior brother really took a fancy to the young lady of the demon race, and planned to force people to stay.

Mu Yong raised his eyebrows, “What do you want to do?”

“She has to go with her too.”

“How many spirit stones do you want?”

Mu Yong was fierce in his heart, now let you be proud, and when my plan is completed, you will know what regret is.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head and said with a smile, “She is priceless, no matter how many spirit stones you have, it is useless…”

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