Zhuge Xun scoffed at Xiao Yi’s words.

“This counterattack on the Ancestral Star, Lord Muyong personally commanded as the commander, how could he just deal with you a small human being after doing so many things?”

Although this human being is hateful, it is also hateful.

But it wasn’t enough for Mu Yong to pay so much attention.

Xiao Yi pouted, “Sister Zhuge , you don’t understand this.” Seeing

Xiao Yi despising herself, Zhuge Xun shook her head, but smiled instead, these days of getting along, she also saw Xiao Yi’s personality clearly.

Although the brain will run crooked from time to time, it is still very good to be a person.

He is very sincere with his own people and has an innocent heart.

She was also very happy to get along with Xiao Yi, so she stood in the position of a friend and said to Xiao Yi, “If Master Mu Yong wants to target your second senior brother, then he will die.”

“Kinaga-sama is the smartest person I’ve ever met.”

Mu Yong parachuted and became the commander of the army of tens of thousands of demon races.

The people below were able to believe in him, but not only because he was the Lord’s envoy.

Without two strokes, how can the Terrans be defeated, and how can the Terrans bow their heads and agree to peace talks?

Even Zhuge Xun herself did not dare to be disrespectful to Mu Yong.

Xiao Yi looked at Zhuge Xun with a strange face, staring at Zhuge Xun with a hairy heart.

Glared at Xiao Yi, “What kind of eyes are you?”

Xiao Yi said, “Sister Zhuge , you can’t turn your arms outward and destroy your own prestige.”

“After becoming a family, you have to trust the second senior brother.”

Zhuge Xun understood what Xiao Yi meant, and pounced in anger, “I’ll kill you…”

Shao Cheng was stunned, his face was also strange, and he looked Zhuge Xun up and down.

Well, tall, a head taller than me.

The body is strong, and the one is big enough to be fertile.

Although Zhuge Xun is a demon race, his skin is not white.

But compared with those burly and tall demon races who are only two or three meters at every turn, she can be regarded as petite and delicate.

As for appearance, as a cultivator, as long as it is not a special exercise, it is generally not bad.

Among mortals, it is a hundred percent heavenly fairy.

Shao Cheng looked at Zhuge Xun, the more he looked, the more satisfied he became, nodding while looking.

The personality is also good, and when the time comes, he may be able to cure Shaoqing.

Zhuge Xun felt a chill on his side, turned his head, and found Shao Cheng staring at him with strange eyes.

Her cold hairs stood up, and she took two steps back and looked at Shao Cheng vigilantly, “What do you want to do?” ”

If the apprentice is disrespectful, the master will definitely not be much better.

Shao Cheng laughed, kind and kind, with pampering in his eyes, “Good, good.”

Zhuge Xun took a step back again, and the vigilance in his heart was full.

Seeing this, Shao Cheng said to Zhuge Xun, “Don’t be nervous, are you hungry?” I’ll cook something for you to eat.

“No thanks!” Zhuge Xun politely refused.

Shao Cheng’s actions made her feel stunned.

Xiao Yi next to him turned pale, and hurriedly waved his hand, “Master, no need, everyone is a cultivator, who will be hungry?”

Xiao Yi seemed to have encountered a flood beast, and his face turned white with fright.

Shao Cheng glared at her, “What do you mean?”

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“I have already undergone cultivation in the demon realm and obtained the true scriptures from many of my colleagues, and my cooking skills have long been different from the past.”

Demon Realm?

When Zhuge Xun heard this, his beautiful eyes were full of curiosity.

“You guys, have you been to the demon world?”

The three places of the human world, the demon world, and the demon world are isolated, and it is difficult for ordinary people to come and go.

“Been there.” Xiao Yi replied very easily, as if he was going shopping, “Isn’t it the demon world, the environment over there is much better than your demon world.”

Zhuge Xun rolled his gaze, “If it’s a craft in the demon world, I’d like to try it.” ”

Does Senior Shao Cheng want to cook?”

“Exactly, we want to taste it too.”

A voice sounded, and four figures appeared.

Jian Bei, Guan Daniu, and two beautiful figures.

Xuan Yunxin and Jian Nan.

A red dress, like colorful red flowers, fluttering.

Dressed in white, like rolling snow, it looks cold.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi cheered, “Sister Yunxin, sister Jiannan!”

“Long time no see!”

Xiao Yi pounced and hugged the two of them one after another, his head rubbing on their chests.

Fortunately, there was no blockbuster.

Xiao Yi smiled and was very happy.

Everyone is acquaintances and there is not much politeness.

After Xuan Yunxin and Jian Nan landed, after saluting Shao Cheng, their eyes swept around.

I didn’t see the familiar figure, and the expressions on the faces of the two were the same, and they wanted to speak.

Xiao Yi saw through their thoughts at a glance, “Want to find the second senior brother?”

“They go out and have something to do.”

Although everyone was curious about what was going on, Xiao Yi did not take the initiative to say, and they did not ask more.

Jian Bei muttered in his heart, and looked at Shao Cheng, “Did the senior go to the demon world to learn art?” Guan

Daniu also had saliva at the corner of his mouth, “Demon clan, is it delicious?”

Xiao Yi stared at Jian Bei with an unkind face, “What are you going to do?”

“Want my master to cook for you this wretched man?”

Jian Bei smiled, “Can’t you try the craftsmanship of your predecessors?”

“The eldest brother has said that if you cultivate without eating, what else do you practice for?”

The other Jianbei may not be interested, but from the craftsmanship of the demon clan, he is interested.

Guan Daniu nodded in agreement, “That’s right.

Seeing this, Shao Cheng smiled even more happily, “Okay, I’ll cook something delicious for you to taste…” Xiao

Yi wanted to hit someone, these two guys, on purpose, right?

She stared at the two people, “What my master has made, you better finish it for me.”

Guan Daniu laughed, patted his chest, and laughed with assurance, “Don’t worry, no matter how much I can eat…”

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan have been gone for more than half a month.

More than half a month later, Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan returned.

After returning, Lu Shaoqing was suddenly shocked, “Depend, what are you doing here?” Is it poisoned…”

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