The three men, Jian Bei, Guan Daniu, and Zhan Gui, were almost lying on the ground, weak, pale, and occasionally retching twice.

And the three girls Xuan Yunxin, Jian Bei, and Zhuge Xun did not lie on the ground, but their faces were also pale, their breath was weak, and they looked loveless.

Proper poisoning.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but wonder.

Mu Yong, that bastard shouldn’t be able to beat it, so take the opportunity to poison it, right?

The poisoning of monks is not so easy to resolve, and may not even be solved for a lifetime.

Lu Shaoqing became serious.

Mu Yong, that bastard, don’t talk about martial virtue, take the opportunity to steal the house?

Just at this moment, Xiao Yi jumped out, “Second senior brother, senior brother, you are back?” ”


Lu Shaoqing did not answer Xiao Yi’s question, but asked Xiao Yi instead, “What did they do?” ”

Did you eat?”

Xiao Yi shook his head, “Eating doesn’t have such a big reaction.”

Then he whispered, “Master has to show his hand.”

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan were abrupt.

Lu Shaoqing said, “Has Master gone to the demon realm for further study?”

“Where did the courage come from?”

Ji Yan glanced at everyone and left here directly.

Xiao Yi tugged at Lu Shaoqing’s clothes, “Second Senior Brother, how is it?” ”

What about them?”

Shao Cheng, who was eavesdropping on the side, couldn’t help but come out.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “I didn’t find anyone, I inquired, and I found the place where the battle took place, and it was not too early to end.” Seeing

Shao Cheng’s expression darkened.

Lu Shaoqing comforted Shao Cheng, “Master don’t worry, I didn’t see the corpses of Master and Lady.”

“It should not have been beaten to pieces, most likely captured.”

“Can’t die.”

Shao Cheng rolled his eyes, “Don’t talk.

Shao Cheng sighed depressedly, collected his mood after a while, and asked Lu Shaoqing, “What next?” ”

Make a fuss here, intending to let An Qianyan and Xia Yu know that their plan to come here has failed.

Shao Cheng could only ask about Lu Shaoqing’s next plan.

His strength can’t help anymore, so he can only rely on his apprentices.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t have much to worry about, with Ji Yan around him during this period of integration, his confidence was enough.

He comforted Shao Cheng, “Don’t worry, when the time comes, go to Mu Yong and ask for someone.”

Shao Cheng remembered what Xiao Yi had said and became worried, “Mu Yong won’t have any conspiracy against you, right?”

“That kid, I don’t look like a good person.”

Lu Shaoqing was not worried, “There is a senior brother, what are you afraid of?” ”

What winds and waves haven’t you seen?

Muyong, afraid of a hair.

No matter how powerful it is, can it be more powerful than sacrificing gods and rampant gods?

Mu Yong is just a demon race, who is the illegitimate son of the Holy Lord.

Shao Cheng thought about it, there is a plan to say that this period of convergence is here, and many things are not afraid.

“Well, when the time comes, go find him and see if he did it.”

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Shao Cheng’s killing intent rolled in his heart, and the honest man only hated his lack of strength, otherwise he would definitely beat Mu Yong to death.

“Gag!” Jian Bei came over dryly, “Big brother!

Shao Cheng’s face turned red, he didn’t have the face to stay here, and left in a hurry.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and asked, “How is it?” Is it tasty?

“My master’s craftsmanship is good, right?”

Jian Bei’s face turned pale, and he wanted to vomit even more.

He looked fearfully at the direction where Shao Cheng disappeared, “The craftsmanship of the senior, really…”

Jian Bei didn’t know what words to use to describe it.

A large meal has been prepared for a few days, and the color and aroma are complete, but the taste does not dare to compliment.

More powerful than poison.

Almost wiped out a few of them.

Jian Bei had palpitations, “Big brother, why don’t you tell me that the craftsmanship of the predecessor is so good?”

“My master’s craftsmanship is so good, will I show off everywhere?” I’m a very low-key person. Lu Shaoqing despised Jian Bei, “Instead, it’s you, it’s still reasonable for you to bring a group of people here to rub food and eat?”

Xiao Yi followed with contempt, “That is, I have said it all, you yourself also said that what senior’s craft must be tasted, cultivation without eating to cultivate in vain.” ”

Jian Bei has no reason to cry if he wants to cry, he found it all by himself.

Jian Bei covered his chest and said, “Big brother, we are here to tell you that beware of the demon race to do things.”

Speaking of exactly, Jian Bei’s expression became serious, “The peace talks, which were originally scheduled for three months, have already started ahead of schedule. ”

The representatives of the large and small forces of Zhongzhou have already negotiated with the demon clan a few days ago, and all this is said to be requested by Mu Yong in advance.”

Lu Shaoqing frowned, what did Mu Yong that bastard want to do?

Lu Shaoqing asked Jian Bei, “Wasn’t your family called for a meeting?”

“My father went.”

“Didn’t send some news back?”

Jian Bei shook his head, “No, my father and I can’t get in touch.

Lu Shaoqing immediately solemnly reminded Jian Bei, “Be careful, Mu Yong is very despicable.

“If your dad is killed, where are you going to cry?”

“Bah!” Jian Bei wanted to hiss Lu Shaoqing’s mouth, “Big brother, don’t talk nonsense, I’m afraid.”

“What are you afraid of?” Lu Shaoqing pouted, “I’m not in charge of big bulls.” Guan

Da Niu came over at this time, “What?

After understanding a little, he also said to Jian Bei seriously, “It’s very reasonable, the demon race is not faithful, maybe your father will really be…”

Jian Bei was anxious.

Lu Shaoqing can say, but not the big cow.

That mouth, very poisonous.

Jian Bei pounced and roared viciously, “You shut up for me!”

Xiao Yi asked with some concern, “Second Senior Brother, what are you going to do?”

Lu Shaoqing shrugged, “What else can I do?” ”

Go and ask.”

As said before, with a plan, Lu Shaoqing’s confidence is enough.

Can’t beat, can’t run?

“Okay, you two don’t stay there,” Lu Shaoqing stopped Jian Bei and Guan Daniu, “Take me to find them.”

“Where are they meeting?”

Suddenly, Lu Shaoqing raised his head with some feelings.

In the distant sky, a black crack appeared, like the eyes of the devil opened, looking down at the earth, and a strange and cold aura blew through Rucheng like a cold wind…

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