Of course, Jian Bei and Guan Daniu wanted to come to see the warriors of the Demon Clan.

Seeing Sima Huai and Gong Zhong Pengtian, Jian Bei was speechless.

“Big brother, are you addicted to capturing prisoners

?” Guan Da Niu shook his head, “What are you going to do, do you want to take the Demon Race as a pet?” Lu

Shaoqing wanted to beat the big cow, “I am hospitable, the Demon Race came from afar, as a Terran, I naturally want to invite them to a meal.”

“But you Zhongzhou are also very enthusiastic, much more enthusiastic than me.” Guan

Daniu was very satisfied, “Yes, Zhongzhou people are hospitable.” ”

Yes, they all kneel and lick people, I want to ask, did you sign any treaties to lose power and humiliate the country at the meeting

?” “Are you planning to send the Daoist to the bed of the demon race?”

Guan Daniu was almost choked to death.

Jian Bei also looked helpless.

Although Lu Shaoqing’s words were ugly, in fact, the forces in Zhongzhou showed some softness.

Even his Jian family didn’t want to continue to fight with the demon clan.

Jian Bei buckled the black pot on the head of the Qi family, “Big brother, you have to ask the Qi family.”

“They almost called the demon race the master.” ”

Everyone knows why the Qi family colludes with the Demon Clan.

They want to use the Demon Race to attack other families, and they want to become the number one force in Zhongzhou that they have been pursuing.

Compared to the enemy, traitors and traitors are the most hateful. You can join forces to kill them.

Jian Bei and Guan Daniu smiled bitterly.

There are the above ideas, they are just the younger generation, even if they are concubines, they can’t speak.

This kind of topic is also dishonorable, and Jian Bei changed the topic.

“Big brother, what do you want to do when you arrest them?” ”

Disgusting the Demon Clan, or continue to extort?”

“Said,” Lu Shaoqing said, “I’m going to invite them to dinner.”

“Let them know that not all humans are cartils.” Jian

Bei and Guan Daniu looked at Lu Shaoqing with contempt.

Sima Huai and Gong Zhong Pengtian of the Demon Race looked at the fragrant food in front of them with a puzzled expression.

Sima Huai snorted and said to Lu Shaoqing, “Don’t think that like this, we will break our oath and tell you the matter.”

Lu Shaoqing smiled and waved his hand, “Don’t worry, I didn’t plan to let you break your oath.”

“I said, just treat you to a meal and let you know that I am a good person.” ”

Good people?

Everyone didn’t believe it.

Guan Daniu opened his mouth even more, and he was very impulsive to complain.

You guy, you don’t look like a good person from anywhere.

Looking at a table full of meals, eight dishes and one soup, unique shape, fragrant.

Just by looking at the shape and aroma, you can tell that this is the work of a grand chef.

It doesn’t take tens or hundreds of years to make such a delicious meal.

Sima Huai and Gong Zhong Pengtian smelled such a fragrance for the first time, and on Cold Star, they had never smelled this smell.

Such a thought appeared in the hearts of the two at the same time.

Must be delicious.


, the two glanced around, and everyone gathered around, like watching monkeys.

Even Zhuge Xun is the same.

The two frowned, and suddenly felt that things were not simple.

“Why don’t you eat?” ”

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Eaten!” said Guan Da Niu loudly.


Jian Bei sneered twice, full of expectation.


Huai and Gong Zhong Pengtian couldn’t help but guess.

The gazes of the two couldn’t help but fall on Zhuge Xun next to them.

Zhuge Xun saw through the worries in their hearts at a glance, and said lightly, “There is no poison, feel free to eat.”

“Forget it, I’m not hungry, I won’t eat.” The cunning Sima Huai sensed that something was wrong.

I don’t think there’s any need to take risks for the sake of appetite.

Gong Zhong Pengtian also refused.

Lu Shaoqing smiled coldly, “My master is cooking, you don’t give face, do you?” “Don’t

blame me for being unkind!” Lu

Shaoqing threatened to make the two of them stunned.

Especially Gong Zhong Pengtian, he wanted to cover his face.

Just as the two were about to speak, Xuan Yunxin suddenly sat at the table.

Everyone was stunned, what did Xuan Yunxin want to do? Xuan

Yun smiled brightly, like flowers blooming, brilliant and moving.

Even Sima Huai and Gong Zhong Pengtian couldn’t help but take a few more looks.

“I am honored to taste the craftsmanship of my predecessors. After

speaking, he ate it first.

After Xuan Yunxin ate it, everyone found that Xuan Yunxin’s face actually remained unchanged, and he ate one bite and a second bite.

After Sima Huai and Gongzhong Pengtian saw Xuan Yunxin eat, the two looked at each other and also moved their chopsticks.

However, as soon as the dish was ingested, after chewing twice, the faces of the two immediately changed.

“Gag!” the

two of them knelt beside them and vomited.

The feeling they couldn’t describe, not smelly, on the contrary, a little scent.

But the instinct in the body makes them repel.

It was as if what they were eating was not a dish, but something that did not belong to this world.

The body is repelling from the inside out, and even the soul is repelling with it.

The intestines and stomach in the body are peristalsis, expelling their stomach juice.

Not poison, better than poison.

The two of them were retching, their bodies were trembling, and their breath was rapidly languishing.

There was already an injury, and with such a vomit, the two felt like they were going to die.

Sure enough, poisonous!

The two vomited so much that they wanted to cry, did they inside?

Jian Bei looked at the two with sympathy, “It’s really pitiful!” ”

Yes,” Guan Da Niu was worried, with fear on his face, “This delicacy is not something that ordinary people can afford.”

Zhuge Xun, who was a demon race, laughed.

Comfortable, everyone has the same experience, and they are not afraid of going back and being laughed at in the future.

Everyone looked at Sima Huai and Gong Zhong Pengtian sympathetically for a while before they suddenly remembered that there was another person on the table next to them.

Everyone’s eyes fell on Xuan Yunxin.

Although Xuan Yunxin’s face turned pale, she really swallowed it.

Jian Bei and Guan Daniu looked at each other and felt admiration.


two got close together and complained, “Wipe, what did Yunxin’s sister do?”

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