The moment Xuan Yunxin swallowed the food, she also wanted to vomit.

The stomach turned over, and the bitter juice instantly rushed up.

The instinctive rejection of the body made her very uncomfortable.

But her mind turned over and over with only one sentence.

Senior Sister Xia Yu said that it was delicious! Since Xia Yu

can eat it, I can also eat it.

Xuan Yunxin swallowed it after chewing casually, and then clenched his teeth to prevent himself from spitting it out.

First bite down.

The stomach turned upside down, and the stomach seemed to be convulsing.

The second bite of the belly, even the soul wants to break free.

Xuan Yunxin’s face became more and more pale, and he felt unbearable.

But after the third mouthful, Xuan Yunxin felt better.

It seems that it is not so unpalatable.

There is a special taste that reverberates in the mouth.

Bitter, but also a little sweet.

The seniors didn’t make it so unpalatable.

Xuan Yun suddenly had such a thought in his heart.

Also, seniors are kind and kind to others, treat people peacefully and courteously, and such people cannot be useless even if they make meals casually.

Not to mention the careful preparation of the seniors, these meals are poured into the efforts of the seniors.

I just saw the surface, but I didn’t see the meaning behind it.

Thinking about it like this, Xuan Yunxin suddenly felt that Shao Cheng’s food was no longer so unpalatable, but began to look like a delicacy.

Therefore, every time she eats, she has to feel it carefully.

Feel the meaning behind the meals and feel their true taste.

She seemed to feel Shao Cheng’s concern for the apprentices.

Trying to improve his cooking skills, he also wants to give his apprentices a warm meal to eat.

It is the master’s love for his apprentices, this is a father who wants to give his children the feeling of home.

Xuan Yunxin had never seen his parents, was adopted by the master, and was also used as a tool.

She has never felt the warmth of home, let alone her father’s love.

Feeling this feeling for the first time, Xuanyun’s heart burst into tears.

At the same time, she felt that Shao Cheng’s meals were getting better and more delicious, and she ate more and more.

At the same time, that heart is becoming more and more stable and steady.

Guan Daniu whispered, “Wipe, it’s really terrible, it’s numb to eat.”

“It’s so terrifying that I can’t vomit or cry, I can only cry silently.” Shao

Cheng next to him already wanted to find a seam to drill into.

He has poured all his feelings into it, why is it still so unpalatable?

Lu Shaoqing comforted Shao Cheng, “Master, it’s okay, work hard to improve.”

Keep letting them try, and you’ll be able to make something delicious that everyone will praise.”

Xiao Yi even went to the nozzle bull, “Dead fatty, you don’t eat, what are you saying here

?” “Why don’t you allow Sister Yunxin to be so delicious that she was moved to tears?”

But his own master himself hurts.

Others are not allowed to question Master.

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Guan Da Niu was not convinced, thinking it was a joke, “Cut, moved?”

Senior Shao Cheng is a good person, but his craftsmanship is really not flattering.

The little girl, with short knowledge, blindly trusts the master.

“Why don’t you say that she can break through if she eats?” However

, as soon as Guan Daniu’s words fell, there was a sudden fluctuation next to him.

Everyone followed the fluctuations and looked at them and were shocked.

It was impressively transmitted from Xuanyun’s heart and body.

The breath rolled, and the whole person became ethereal and dusty.

The surrounding spiritual power gathered, and Xuanyunxin’s figure seemed to be about to leave this world.

Dark clouds began to gather in the sky overhead, and the air around them gradually became solemn.

Guan Daniu was dumbfounded, “Won’t it?” Jian

Bei took a step next to Guan Daniu and said to Guan Daniu, “You really are a crow mouth.” ”

I’m not, I don’t,” Guan Daniu felt that he was wronged, “This is definitely a coincidence.”

Xuan Yun’s heart came to her senses, sensing that she was about to break through, she stood up and saluted Shao Cheng, “Thank you, senior!”

She glanced at Lu Shaoqing, and then rushed to the sky and left here to find a place to cross the robbery.

Lu Shaoqing patted Shao Cheng’s shoulder, “Master, look, this is your craft, which can make people break through.” Shao

Cheng was also half-convinced, could it be that his craft had really improved?

He said happily, “Okay, I’ll continue to polish my craft.” ”

Well, the two demon races who naturally still kneel on the ground and vomit.

Jian Bei and Guan Daniu glanced at each other, and then stared at the food on the table.

The two sat down in unison.

Xuanyunxin can eat a breakthrough, they should also be able to.

But soon, the sound of retching sounded one after another.

The two soon knelt.

“Second Senior Brother, do you want to follow and take a look?”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head and said resolutely, “Don’t go.” ”

The main thing is thunder in the sky, and he is easy to be engaged on the ground.

For safety, stay here and don’t go to the fun.

“If you want to go, you will go, I have to stay here to watch the prisoners.”

Xiao Yi couldn’t help it, and finally took Xiao Hei and Jian Bei and Guan Daniu to observe.

The sky thundered and huge lightning fell.

Looking at Xuan Yunxin, who was bathed in heavenly thunder, Xiao Yi muttered, “This is an ordinary Heavenly Tribulation.”

“If nothing else, at least long enough.” ”

The time it took for the thunder to fall was long enough, not as frequent and fast as before.

Jian Bei and Guan Daniu, who had seen Ji Yan crossing the calamity, also nodded secretly.

Indeed, this is the robbery of normal people.

The first, the second, the third, and soon, came the seventh.

The seventh Tribulation Thunder fell, and Xuan Yun’s heart rushed up to the sky, surviving the seventh Heavenly Tribulation with the spirit talisman in his hand.

However, at this time, she already felt that she seemed to have reached the limit, the seventh-level spirit talisman in her hand shattered, and she was also bombarded into the ground by the thunder.

“Oh, Sister Yunxin can’t support

it?” “What should I do?” Guan

Daniu interjected next to him, “Doesn’t it mean that it’s okay to report the name of your second senior brother?”

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