Reporting Lu Shaoqing’s name doesn’t work.

Neither Jian Bei, nor Guan Daniu, nor even Xiao Yi knew.

But now Xuanyunxin has reached its limit.

Anyone with discerning eyes can see that Xuan Yunxin will definitely not be able to carry the eighth thunder.

Right now that Lu Shaoqing was not here, Xiao Yi immediately shouted to the sky, “Heavenly Tribulation, give some face, my second senior brother is Lu Shaoqing.”

“Sister Yunxin is his friend. The

voice rolled, and Xuan Yunxin in the distance also heard it.

She smiled wryly.

She had reached her limit, and she did not have the confidence to cross the eighth heavenly tribulation.

Maybe that’s it.

I knew that I should prepare well before I got through the disaster.


I was too anxious.

Xuan Yunxin reviewed in his heart, and at the same time had gradually lost his fighting spirit.

She raised her head and looked at the clouds in the sky.

But even so, she didn’t want to give up easily.

While there was still some time, Xuan Yunxin hurriedly sat down to meditate and rest.

However, sitting like this is a day.

Xuan Yunxin also felt that something was wrong.

She stopped meditating and looked up at the clouds above the sky.

The robbery cloud circled and slowly turned, and the lightning flashed in the cloud, exuding heavy pressure, but it did not fall the emperor overbearing thunder.

According to the frequency of the previous thunder, the eighth thunder had already fallen.

And now, the eighth thunder has completely disappeared.

Wouldn’t it?

Xuanyun was stunned in his heart.

Jian Bei and Guan Daniu in the distance also held their heads and felt unbelievable.

“Fake, huh

?” “Dreaming?”

the two muttered, feeling that the world was crazy.

Xiao Yi laughed, “Hehe, it’s really the name of the second senior brother that is easy to use.” ”

Anything that is related to the second senior brother becomes abnormal.

Xiao Yi said to Xuan Yunxin in the distance, “Sister Yunxin, hurry up to heal your injuries and don’t miss the opportunity.” When

Xuan Yun heard this, he also suppressed the surprise in his heart, and hurriedly sat down to heal his injuries.

The night passed and the sun came out.

Xuan Yunxin has been healing his wounds for a day and a night.

Although it was not immediately cured, it also recovered a lot.

At this time, the speed of the clouds above the head began to roll faster, emitting a dull roar.

Xuan Yunxin stood up, holding several spirit talismans in her hands, she could deal with the eighth thunder.

“Boom!” The

eighth thunder fell, and although Xuan Yunxin resisted it hard, he finally survived.

In the end, the ninth thunder fell, although there were some twists and turns, but in the end, Xuan Yunxin also crossed without danger.

Xuanyun Xindu ended the tribulation and stepped into the refining period.

Jian Bei and Guan Daniu looked at the robbery thunder that gradually dispersed in the sky, and their expressions were still extremely shocked.

“Big brother, it’s too fierce!” ”

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That guy, it’s too weird. ”

With a name, you can make the Heavenly Tribulation give face and give enough time to rest.


Suddenly, there was a heaven-shaking sound from the dispersed calamity clouds, a huge thunder sounded, and a silver lightning appeared from the calamity clouds, streaked across the sky, and disappeared into the sky.

“What happened?” Although

strange, Xiao Yi and the three did not delve into it.

Heavenly Tribulation, and Lu Shaoqing is involved, a little abnormal, it is very normal.

Just Guan Da Niu muttered, “It’s best to go and chop that guy…” Lu

Shao’s side, taking advantage of the time to come to the place where he lived before, activated the formation, and then entered the time house.

It has been more than three years since the storage ring, and the crack is still there, and it has not been repaired for a long time.

After Lu Shaoqing came in, he looked at the coffin and spirit card that had only recovered a little luster.

Lu Shaoqing snorted and said to himself, “It’s still full of gold here in Zhongzhou, if you don’t come here in Zhongzhou, God knows when it will take to make up these hundreds of millions of spirit stones.” ”

Lu Shaoqing already has more than 860 million spirit stones on hand.

Among them, Mu Yong’s ransom of 600 million, and the spirit stones in the storage rings of Kou Yu and others also have more than 100 million, plus the recent Sima Huai and Gongzhong Pengtian spirit stones.

Calculate it, it is less than nine hundred million.

“Alas, violent dismantling is doomed to a great loss.

“But forget it, there is no benefit. ”

Hehe…” With

the spirit stone, the dead ghost little brother can quickly come to life, and Lu Shaoqing’s mood is also very good.

In the footsteps of an upstart, he came to the coffin step by step like a duck, knocked on the coffin, “Dead ghost, get up.”

“Four hundred million spirit stones, it should be enough.

Speaking of this, Lu Shaoqing slapped the coffin hard, “Don’t eat too much.”

Then Lu Shaoqing threw the spirit stone into the incense burner.

One hundred million, two hundred million, three hundred million….

Seeing that there was no sign of stopping, Lu Shaoqing’s face changed.

“Lean, don’t go too far!”

Without responding to Lu Shaoqing, the light of the spirit stone still flickered, and then disappeared, and the pure energy was swallowed.

Soon, four hundred million spirit stones were devoured.

Lu Shaoqing felt it, and his face turned pale, “No, you haven’t replied yet?” The

previous estimate that more than four hundred million spirit stones could be repaired was a wrong estimate.

Lu Shaoqing was so distressed that he wanted to cry, “It’s excessive, don’t think that spirit stones are easy to earn.” ”

Can you be considerate of me, a sad migrant worker?” The

incense burner is not large, but it devours the spirit stone like a bottomless pit.

Seeing it, Lu Shaoqing wanted to jump in by himself.

In the end, another 170 million spirit stones were invested before the incense burner stopped devouring, and the surrounding light was completely restored.

Even, there are a few dazzling points.

The surroundings were once again filled with a thick cloud of spiritual energy, and the stars and moons shone overhead.

In the depths of the distant starry sky, the silhouette of a bright moon becomes more and more real, and it seems to be able to emit faint moonlight.

The starry sky above your head is beautiful.

Lu Shaoqing did not have the slightest intention of appreciation.

Together with the first time, he invested a total of 690 million spirit stones.

Of the eight hundred million spirit stones in hand, there are only about 290 million left, and even 300 million cannot be reached.

“It’s not a person, you’re not a person,” Lu Shaoqing covered his chest, feeling extremely distressed, “You eat spirit stones as snacks, are you still human?”

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