Lu Shaoqing patted the coffin and roared angrily, wanting to settle accounts with the little brother of the dead ghost.

“Is it easy for me to earn some

spirit stones?” “I just want to lie on the spirit stones and sleep, is it so difficult?” ”

Eat it when you open your mouth, you use it as a snack?”

“Come out, I have to teach you a good lesson today…”

Lu Shaoqing roared for a long time, and did not see any movement from the little brother of the dead ghost.

Lu Shaoqing also felt tired, sat on the ground with his butt, and said sadly, “You are so bad and squeak.”

“Without this, you want spirit stones, can you discuss with me

?” “Why so many spirit stones this time?”

Lu Shaoqing burst into tears.

After a while, a divine thought came.


Shaoqing was stunned at first, and then furious.

It was like a bomb being ignited, blowing up.

“I’ll make you a Cao Cao!” Lu Shaoqing jumped up from the ground, the anger in his body making him feel his blood boiling.

“Damn!” Lu Shaoqing roared at

the coffin again, “Collect some interest?” “Who do you think you are

?”, “Have you discussed with

me?”, “How much is the interest rate? How long is it? Have you told me?” ”

I, I, I’m going to spray you…”

The saliva flew and rained down on the coffin, shining under the starlight.

Listen to the tone of the dead ghost little brother, as if he owes it.

The hard-earned spirit stone is returned to it, and it has to be given interest.

Although it is a fact, it was the dead ghost little brother who helped him.

But it’s not pleasant to think about.

He actually had to be charged interest.

What’s even more heinous is that the charges are unreasonable, opaque, and you can eat as much as you want.

How much the interest rate, what the principal is, how much interest is not clearly told to him.

Naked overlord behavior.

Lu Shaoqing was angry when he thought about it, and he trembled with anger.

Lu Shaoqing took the spirit card over, and without saying a word, wrote the four words of the dead ghost little brother on it.

However, the spirit card flashed, and even the words infused with spiritual power could not stay on it for a moment.

“Reverse you!”

Lu Shaoqing roared, not believing in evil, and once again wrote Wang Baeggan

on it! However, no matter what Lu Shaoqing wrote, there was no way to leave the slightest trace on it.

So angry that Lu Shaoqing wanted to smash the spirit card.

Lu Shaoqing saw that this method could not work, so he simply changed to another method.

Holding the spirit card, he knocked on the coffin and shouted angrily, “Give me an explanation

!” “Otherwise, I will throw the spirit card into the pit!”

Lu Shaoqing is even more angry, do you think that I can’t help you if I hide and be a shrunken turtle?”

“Snap!” When Lu Shaoqing threw the spirit card on the ground and was about to sit on his ass, the dead ghost little brother finally reacted.

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“What do you want?”

said God with a hint of helplessness.

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he was overjoyed in his heart, but his face was cold on the surface, and he said, “In the future, you have to listen to me, as many spirit stones as I give you, you will eat as many spirit stones.” After

a moment of silence, the divine thought came

, “No!” “Give me a price reduction, 10,000 spirit stones a month!” The price of the Time House is too expensive, 200,000 spirit stones a month

, and you have to fly double, one hundred years is four hundred million.


was silent for a while before the dead ghost brother spoke

, “Can’t descend!” “Wipe, can’t descend?” Lu Shaoqing was angry, “Are you a fool?”

The little brother of the dead ghost didn’t all explain, “Your strength has improved, and the spiritual power required has become more and more huge. ”

Two hundred thousand spirit stones for a month, wherever they are placed, it is a big pie.

But Lu Shaoqing was not satisfied, the fine water flowed, now the price is so high, what should I do in the future? When

it comes to the merging period, does it want a million spirit stones?

“One hundred thousand a month!” Lu Shaoqing put forward his own conditions again, “It will always be this price!”

“I see you have no sincerity at all. Lu Shaoqing didn’t care, and sat down on his ass.

At the critical moment, the voice of the dead ghost little brother sounded in time, “One hundred thousand a month, can give you a hundred years.”

Lu Shaoqing stopped and stared at the coffin in a posture.

“Really?” ”

Really, but use it up all at once. ”

One hundred years, that’s 120 million.

Even if it is a double flight, it is 240 million.

This price is a hundred years, good value.

Lu Shaoqing also thought about continuing to strive for a few more points, “One hundred years, installment.” ”

A hundred years of cultivation, a bit long, he hasn’t tried it yet.

“If you don’t agree, just do it!” the dead ghost little brother’s attitude was resolute, “You can try to sit on it.”

“What about the rest? Why don’t you send a few exercises?” ”

Get out!” The

dead ghost little brother couldn’t stand it, a force surged in, and Lu Shaoqing was kicked out.

“Alas, forget it,” Lu Shaoqing stood up and patted his butt, “so be it.”

“Count me out, kick me out without bowing my head, and write my last name backwards without tearing down your bed.” ”

Although there are no hundreds of millions of spirit stones, but they have also won a preferential price for a hundred years, and it can be regarded as about 200 million left.

I feel a little more comfortable.


, “Alas!” Lu

Shaoqing sighed faintly, “is unpalatable, and spirit stones are hard to earn.”

Shaking his head, a flash came outside.

Xiao Yi and they had not returned yet, and Lu Shaoqing was also happy and quiet, and came to a tree to lie down again.

But even so, Lu Shaoqing didn’t have much clean time.

The next day, Zhuge Xun, Sima Huai and Gong Zhongpengtian came to find Lü Shaoqing.

“Hey, did you two recover so quickly?” Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but praise, “The physique of the Demon Race is really good, much better than that of the Terrans. ”

The faces of Sima Huai and Gongzhong Pengtian are as ugly as they are.

“What the hell do you want?”

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