“Look what you said,” Lu Shaoqing sat on the branch of the tree, condescendingly, and said with a smile, “What do I want to do?”

Lu Shaoqing said to Zhuge Xun, “You guys are also members of the hidden family, why do you want to give Mu Yong a dog for Mao?”

“Doesn’t it mean that the hidden family is not afraid of the Holy Land?”

said Gong Zhongpengtian coldly, “What our hidden family does, it is not your turn to point fingers.”

Lu Shaoqing nodded, “That’s too, it’s your business if you go to the Holy Land as a dog.” ”


Zhuge Xun and the three of them hated in their hearts, and they wanted to beat Lu Shaoqing to death.

Zhuge Xun said coldly, “How are you willing to let us go?”

This was the purpose of the three people coming to Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing took them prisoner here and warmly invited them to dinner.

They didn’t want to kill them, so the three planned to come to Lu Shaoqing to negotiate to see if they could get Lu Shaoqing to release them.

“Having said that, let Mu Yong take the spirit stone to redeem people.

Lu Shaoqing thought that he had spent a large amount of spirit stones just now, and his heart ached terribly, and he spoke a lot louder, “One billion spirit stones for one of you, less than half of them can’t do.” ”

Not to mention this, as soon as Sima Huai and Gongzhong Pengtian are mentioned, they want to vomit blood.

“Give me back the storage ring!”

roared Gong Zhong Pengtian.

Sima Huai also gritted his teeth.

The two are now poor, and their entire wealth has been taken by Lu Shaoqing.

“What’s it called?” Lu Shaoqing drank back even louder, “That’s my thing.” Why

are there such hateful and damn humans?

Sima Huai and Gong Zhongpeng were trembling all over.

I, I’m going to kill you.”

“Snap!” Lu

Shaoqing slapped over, and Gongzhong Pengtian was fanned tens of meters, “Don’t threaten me, I don’t want to say goodbye to a billion spirit stones.”

Don’t bother me!” After

speaking, he slapped Sima Huai aside.

Then his gaze fell on Zhuge Xun.

Zhuge Xun instantly tensed up, like a nervous cat.

“You dare?” Lu

Shaoqing smiled and waved his hand, “Don’t panic, I’m a gentleman, I don’t hit women.” ”

Zhuge Xun doesn’t believe it.


Obviously a bastard.

“What the hell are you going to do to let us go?”

asked Zhuge Xun again.

Lu Shaoqing’s answer was still the same, “I said it, let Mu Yong take the spirit stone to redeem people.”

“What if he doesn’t come?” Zhuge Xun’s face was gloomy.

“If he doesn’t come, I’ll be miserable,” Lu Shaoqing had a headache, “I have to take care of your food and housing.”

“So, don’t treat people like dogs.

Zhuge Xun gritted his teeth in anger, “100 million spirit stones, let me go.”

“No!” Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “Billion billion, do you have it?” glanced

at Zhuge Xun’s storage ring, thinking in his heart whether to snatch it over.

What if there really is a billion billion, what will happen then?”

“Moreover, I only want spirit stones, and nothing else.” ”

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One billion spirit stones, of course Zhuge Xun does not.

Zhuge Xun said hatefully, “Aren’t you afraid of my

hidden family?” “Cut!” Lu Shaoqing seemed to have heard a big joke, “Still blowing

?” “Your huge hidden family has just come to you three little cats, where can you go?” ”

Are you here to tell me jokes?”

Lu Shaoqing’s perfunctory laughter, as if coaxing the appearance of a child, made Zhuge Xun want to climb up and bite Lu Shaoqing to death.

Bastards, bastards killed by heaven.

At the same time of anger, Zhuge Xun also understood that Lu Shaoqing would not let go of himself easily.

The hidden family simply frightened Lu Shaoqing.

The struggle between Lu Shaoqing and Mu Yong is far from over.

The lineage of their own hidden family has become a pawn in their fighting method.

Thinking of this, Zhuge Xun was irritable to death.

Lu Shaoqing smiled, “Thunder split

?” “You don’t know that Tiandao is my brother?” “I am

the younger brother of Tiandao, and Tiandao takes the most care of me…” As

soon as the words fell, there was a boom in the distance, and a lightning bolt came in the air.


Countless small currents appeared around, and the air was filled with the smell of thunder and lightning.

Zhuge Xun felt that the hair on his body was slightly fluttering, and there was even a faint electric current streaking through, and there was a tingling feeling.

The lightning speed was extremely fast, and it did not give Lu Shaoqing any reaction, and directly slammed on Lu Shaoqing’s head.


tree under Lu Shaoqing’s butt was also affected, turning into pieces in the crackling lightning.

“Whoosh!” Lu

Shaoqing also shouted and fell straight to the ground.

The sudden falling lightning startled Zhuge Xun.

The moment the lightning fell, she even smelled the breath of death.

However, lightning came and went quickly, as if it was just to split Lu Shaoqing.

After Zhuge Xun came back to his senses, he looked at Lu Shaoqing, who was lying straight on the ground.

Lu Shaoqing, who was lying on the ground, had faint black smoke coming out of his body, and his hair was bent and curled, emitting a scorched smell.

The body also occasionally twitches twice.

Zhuge Xun saw the comfort and happiness in his heart.

You deserve it.

Brother Tiandao, blow, continue to blow!

Pretend to be struck by lightning, I finally understood this sentence.

Sure enough, for the Heavenly Dao, you have to be in awe.

Hmph, why don’t you kill this bastard guy?

Lu Shaoqing looked at the sky incomprehensibly, and slowly exhaled a mouthful of white smoke.

Lu Shaoqing got up with an explosive head, pointed to the sky and cursed.

“Bastard, did I provoke

you?” “Split me, did you split the wrong person

?” “Don’t you see such a big chick next to you?”

Now he is not going to watch, and he is also chopped.

Is there still Tianli

?” “Huh….,” Zhuge Xun smiled happily, “Brother Tiandao?”

“It seems that Tiandao really takes good care of you.”

“Stinky chick, don’t force me to bite you…”

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