
sound of a tube bird was heard in the distance, and Lu Shaoqing smiled happily.

“Let’s go, let’s go see how much Uncle Bird ate. ”


Zhuge Xun frowned, she didn’t want to go over, but she couldn’t help but want to go over and see the embarrassed look of others.

However, compared to the embarrassed look of others, she couldn’t see Lu Shaoqing’s proud look.

She said unpleasantly, “What a guy with a bad personality.”

When Xiao Yi heard this, he shook his head and looked sideways.

Seeing the unhappiness on Zhuge Xun’s face, she felt the need to change Zhuge Xun’s opinion of Lu Shaoqing.

Alas, you can’t let Sister Zhuge have a misunderstanding of the second senior brother.

Otherwise, how will you pass through the door in the future?

Holding Cheng and seeing the door will also make a fuss.

Xiao Yi shook his head, “Sister Zhuge you don’t know something.

“Second Senior Brother must have his reasons for doing this.

Xiao Hei, who was lying on Xiao Yi’s head, also waved his small fist and said, “That’s right, Dad is the best.”

Zhuge Xun turned his head to look at Xiao Yi and Xiao Hei.

One big and one small, both of their eyes revealed a clarity.

However, Zhuge Xun felt that he saw stupidity in the eyes of the two.

These two guys are not saved.

Zhuge Xun made a conclusion for Xiao Yi and Xiao Hei in his heart.

Already blind trust in that bastard guy.

That guy said that is fragrant, these two guys will also be convinced

, right? Zhuge Xun shook his head and smiled coldly, “Naive!”

“Be careful that he sold it…”

Xiao Yi was not happy, “Sister Zhuge is not right about this, even if it is sold, it is selling you.” ”

I’m the junior sister of the second senior brother, how can I be sold.


, sure enough, humans are stupid enough.

Boring emotions, meaningless.

Zhuge Xun sneered disdainfully and stopped talking.

Lu Shaoqing appeared with Guan Da Niu and Shi Shiran.

Sure enough, the tube bird knelt on the ground and gagged.

His hands trembled, and his strength seemed to be drained.

Shao Cheng was next to him, very depressed, what went wrong?

“Uncle Bird, are you all right?” asked Lu Shaoqing with a smile.

The round body of the tube bird snorted.

It’s terrifying.


Bird angrily looked at Lu Shaoqing, this bastard boy, not kind.

Even, he glared angrily at his son, “Fat boy, are you going to kill your father?”

Guan Bird was so angry that he wanted to beat his son.

And dare to talk back.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and was a good person, and helped the tube bird up, “Uncle Bird, please sit!”

A mouthful of food is even more powerful than a level ten poison.

Guan Bird felt that his whole person was empty.

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It’s even harder than dealing with the big cow.

Lu Shaoqing helped the Guan Bird up and sat next to the table, pointing to the food on the table, “Is it delicious

?” “Do you want to eat more?”

The fragrance was fragrant, but the face of the tube bird turned white again.

Another urge to vomit.

“You boy, despicable!” “You are all despicable!” Sure

enough, the upper beam is

not right and the lower beam is crooked, no wonder there is such a hateful apprentice, and the master is also a bad embryo.

Those guys in Qi Zhou have to deduct wages.

What shit intelligence came back.

What is thick and honest, the first old good man of the Lingxiao faction.


the thick and honest surface is a vile and shameless and cunning old slippery head.

Lu Shaoqing said dissatisfied, “Uncle Bird, how can you scold people?” ”

My master is kind enough to cook, you don’t appreciate it, you actually scold people.”

“No, you must finish this table today, otherwise I must seek justice for my master.” ”

After eating this meal,

the bird’s face turned pale again.

Might as well tell him to plug that black crack in the sky.

“You, boy, what do you want to do?” Guan

Bird glared angrily at Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing sat down, opposite Guan Bird, and asked with a smile, “Uncle Bird, I want to ask, do you know the whereabouts of my senior wife?”

Actually teasing my elder like this, will I forgive you so easily?”

Shao Cheng said to Guan Bird, “Bird Daoist, I hope you can tell us.” ”

You don’t have any sincerity in this meal, I’m weird to tell you.”

Lu Shaoqing pointed at Zhuge Xun, “Uncle Bird, do you know who she is?”

Guan Bird snorted, a little proud, “This little thing, can’t hide from me.” ”

The intelligence of Tianji Pavilion is not a joke, Zhuge Xun’s identity has already been investigated.


Shaoqing smiled unchanged and asked, “So, do you know the information about the Holy Land of the Demon Race and the Hidden Family?”

Even the Tianji Pavilion couldn’t know more about the Demon Clan.

Lu Shaoqing continued, “My junior sister and I have been to the Demon Realm, jumped on the sacred mountain of the Holy Land, knew a lot of people from the Demon Race, and knew some information about the Demon Race.

“Do you want to know?”

said Guan Daniu breathlessly, “Damn, this information does not tell me.”

“Not kind.

Lu Shaoqing’s words were tempting, and when the bird heard this, his little eyes suddenly burst into green light, like a hungry wolf who saw meat.

“You tell me what we want to know, and I can tell you what you want to know.” ”


the tube bird was visibly moved.

No genius can refuse.

The intelligence of the demon race, who is not rare,

but the tube bird is also worried about what traps there will be.

“Since you want to exchange information with me, why do you beat up my fat boy and tease me?” Lu

Shaoqing propped his chin and said nonchalantly, “If you don’t clean up, you still put me here to pretend to be an adult…”

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