The tube bird was stunned.

Looking at the careless Lu Shaoqing, his heart moved.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing’s gaze also changed.

This kid, kind of interesting.

Zhuge Xun, who was standing next to him, also frowned, this guy.


Daniu wanted to cry, “Dare to love me for being beaten in vain?” Lu

Shaoqing denied it, and said to him seriously, “No, I really want to beat you.” The

tube bird snorted, “Boy, don’t let me die.” ”

I’m still here as a father, and you dare to bully my son in front of me

?” “No, I want to beat him anyway, you can’t stop it, right?” asked Lu Shaoqing with a smile.

A happy smile, but it made the tube bird depressed.

Lu Shaoqing was right, he really couldn’t help it.

“Uncle Bird, we’re just friends fighting, what kind of hand are you adults meddling, right?”

“If the big cow can beat me, my master will not put a single fart.” Skills are inferior, and they will definitely not be shameless to find parents. Guan

Bird and Guan Daniu rolled their eyes at the same time.


the tube bird nodded, “Okay, in a word.”

“Well, I’ll ask first, and tell me the news that you know about my senior wife.”

The tube bird pondered for a moment, but finally shook his head, “I don’t know.” ”

I don’t know,” Shao Cheng was anxious, “Isn’t Tianji Pavilion the most powerful intelligence?”

“When they left Rucheng, we didn’t know, but occasionally heard that the Demon Race sent people to surround and kill them.

“Later, our people only learned about An Qianyan and Xia Yu’s appearance in Don City, and as for the rest, the demon race was tightly blocked, and our people could not find any information.

“Perhaps only the Demon Race knows their whereabouts.”

After Lu Shaoqing listened, his expression did not change much.

He already had such a guess in his mind.

An Qianyan and Xia Yu are likely to fall into the hands of the Demon Clan.

Shao Cheng looked at Lu Shaoqing worriedly, “Shaoqing, this…” Lu Shaoqing

shook his head at Shao Cheng, “Don’t worry, they won’t be in danger.”

Shao Cheng felt a little relieved, he gritted his teeth, “Damn the demon race, what are they going to do?”

This point was also what Lu Shaoqing cared about.

If he didn’t care about this, he would have gone to Mu Yong to ask clearly.

However, he was afraid that Mu Yong would do something bad with An Qianyan and Xia Yu in his hands, especially against him.

If you rush to the door, it is easy to step into Mu Yong’s trap.

One step is careless, and you lose all games.

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Mu Yong was the smartest man he had ever met, not very old, but like an old youkai who had lived for thousands of years.

The demon invasion, under his command, the people here in Zhongzhou were beaten like dogs, and they wanted to make peace.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t know what Mu Yong was going to do next.

But he knew that not being in a hurry, not taking the initiative to find Mu Yong, not letting Mu Yong take the initiative was only good for him and not harmful.

Hold Zhuge Xun and a few people in his hands, even if Mu Yong has any conspiracy, he will not have no chips in his hand.

Lu Shaoqing thought for a moment and said to Shao Cheng, “Master, hone your craft, don’t worry about the affairs of the master.”

Shao Cheng nodded, he naturally believed in his apprentice.

“You be careful.

Lu Shaoqing smiled, “Don’t worry, I guess he is mainly coming at me, and they are just chips.” ”

You kid, as my fat boy said, is very narcissistic.” Guan

Daniu rolled his eyes, how could it be reasonable, the father betrayed his son.

“It’s not narcissism, it’s a fact, Muyong that bastard is in conflict with me, and I’m going to kill him sooner or later.” Guan

Bird laughed even harder, “Boy, do you know how strong the Demon Race is?” ”

According to the information of my Tianji Pavilion, there are no less than thirty cultivators in the Refining Void Realm, they really want to kill you, more than thirty people besiege you, and they can’t kill you if they don’t believe it.” ”

Since you said this, Guan Bird will tell all the information he knows,” Mu Yong clearly proposed in the last negotiation that they wanted Yanzhou.

“According to what we know from the treacherous mouths of the demon race, there seems to be a big change in the demon world, and the demon race must settle in the thirteen states.

“So, no matter what Mu Yong does, he does it for the sake of the demon race, and it can’t just target you as a small human being. ”

Although you little bastard is a little annoying, it won’t cost people so much energy to deal with it.

Lu Shaoqing nodded, “You have a point.

“But I still feel that Mu Yong is jealous that I am more handsome than him, and will definitely do whatever it takes to deal with me.” ”

My fat boy is right.

You guy is a narcissist.

Guan Bird didn’t want to look at Lu Shaoqing’s triumphant narcissistic look, and said, “Boy, it’s your turn to tell me the information of the Demon Clan.”

“It’s up to her. Lu Shaoqing sold Xiao Yi, “I still have business.”

Xiao Yi was not happy, “Second Senior Brother, what are you going to do? Lu

Shaoqing pointed to Zhuge Xun and said, “I want to go shopping with her.”

Zhuge Xun rolled her eyes, “Hugh!”

If you don’t want to, you have to think about it!” Lu Shaoqing said with a smile, “I’ll go shopping with you until Mu Yonglai redeems you back.”

However, just as Lu Shaoqing’s words fell, there was a sudden fluctuation in the sky in the distance.

A gloomy and cold aura swept across the world.

Everyone looked up, and the cracks across the sky continued to emit black mist outside.

The black mist spread rapidly, and soon occupied a large area.

Some of the monks who could not escape screamed and disappeared into the black mist.

Without waiting for everyone to react, a pair of scarlet eyes appeared in the black mist….

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