The scarlet eyes, far apart, can also see clearly, as striking as dark lanterns.

The next moment, a terrifying aura erupted and spread rapidly.


the countless Terran cultivators screamed.

The weaker cultivator exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

Even the cultivators of the Transformation God Period spat out blood in their mouths and fell to the ground screaming.

“Refinement, refining period

!” “Oh my God, run away!” many

cultivators panicked.

Rucheng also felt that terrifying aura here.

Countless cultivators turned pale.

The powerful aura spread, blowing like a storm.

Here in Rucheng, a white light lit up, one formation lit up, and then extinguished one by one.

During the refining period, the fluctuations emitted alone were enough to plunge Rucheng into an earthquake.

Under this pressure, many monks vomited blood and wailed.

“Monster of the refining period!” Lu

Shaoqing couldn’t help but sharpen his gaze.

The monsters of the refining period appeared, and more monsters of the refining period will appear next.

Even, will there be monsters in the merging period?

Lu Shaoqing suddenly had the urge to go to Mu Yong.

Regardless of three seven twenty-one, bring Shi Niang back, and then quickly leave here.

The strong sense of oppression during the refining period made the cultivators of the Race and Demon Race retreat as soon as possible.

This third holy son ran away with people for the first time.

In the Transformation God Period, he didn’t want to deal with the monsters of the Refining Void Period.

This is Zhongzhou, and the demon race can’t fight hard for the Terrans.

Gradually, the black mist dispersed, and the monsters of the refining period appeared in everyone’s sight.

After someone saw it, they couldn’t help but exclaim, “This, is this a human being

?” “God, human beings have fallen?” The

refining period monster that appeared in the black mist was exactly the same as that of humans.

Perhaps the only difference is its eyes.

Scarlet eyes, shooting a gaze that wants to destroy the world.

After it stopped in the air and observed for a while, it roared angrily, and then rushed straight to Rucheng.

When the monks of Rucheng saw this scene, they were frightened, and countless people frantically fled into the distance.

If the monsters of the refining period strike at Rucheng, the entire Rucheng will be destroyed in an instant.

These low-level cultivators would also disappear in an instant.


, just when the monster of the refining period was killed, several streams of light instantly lit up here in Rucheng.

Several people with powerful auras appeared.

The aura on their bodies lingered, and their aura was ethereal, like the arrival of immortals.

No one can see their true face.

But the powerful fluctuations they emitted told the numerous cultivators.

They were also cultivators of the Refining Void Period.

“Monsters, dare to make a second time?” a

hollow voice sounded coldly, shouted, and a ray of light went straight to the refining void period monster.

One of several people shot and stopped the monster.

“Roar!” the

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refining period monster roared angrily, setting off a storm that ravaged all directions.

Then the monster fights the man who kills.

Under the deliberate guidance of that cultivator of the Refining Void Period, he took the Refining Period monster away from here.

A crisis seemed to be lifted, and many monks breathed a sigh of relief.

Some couldn’t help but cheer.

“Haha, it’s still our Terran strong

!” “Great, Rucheng is the safest!” ”

No need to escape, you can stay here at ease…”

However, their cheers did not last long, and black mist once again poured out from the cracks in the distance.

The next moment, several more human-like monsters appeared.

The cheers of all the Terran monks stopped abruptly.

“This. This…” The

monks of Rucheng were shocked again.

“Roar!” The

monsters roared, and the sound wave spread, setting off a storm again, shaking the heavens and the earth.

“How daring

!” “Damn it!” The

cultivator of the Refining Void Period who appeared from Rucheng also turned pale.

At once, several more refining periods appeared, which made them also have a bad premonition in their hearts.

However, since there are monsters in the refining period, they can only make a move.

The existence of any refining period cannot be taken lightly.

Otherwise, Rucheng will be destroyed in an instant.

Soon, terrifying fluctuations continued to sound from the sky above the nine heavens.

Even from such a distance, Rucheng was constantly trembling under the impact of fluctuations.

The monks of Rucheng also trembled with their trembling.

The tube bird also had a numb scalp, “Damn, damn it!” ”

How can there be so many monsters

in the refining period?” Xiao Yi, the object of the upcoming interview, pouted, “We have all seen it in the refining period? ”

I don’t see it.

Sure enough, you still have to go out and walk so that you don’t become a dirt bun.

The people around were scared to death, “Fit, Convergence Period?” Jian

Bei doubted, “It’s impossible, after encountering the Convergence Period, can you still come back?”

Xiao Yi smiled, “Hehe…” ”

My second senior brother and senior brother’s awesomeness, do I need to tell you? Xiao Yi’s

eyes lit up with a look that you are all ignorant, and he didn’t care about the battle in the refining period, and rushed directly to Xiao Yi,” Hey, hey, little girl, can you

tell me?” Guan Daniu also came over and said to Xiao Yi with a grudge, “Sister Xiao Yi, you and I are so familiar, it’s not kind, you have to tell me.” ”

For the genius, discovering a big news and not being able to dig it is even more uncomfortable than killing him.

Guan Bird glared at Guan Daniu, “Why? fat boy, you want to rob with your father?” Guan Daniu

was not happy, “Dad, what are you doing here?”

Xiao Yi smiled, “Want to know?” the

two nodded one after another.

Xiao Yi said arrogantly, “I won’t tell you.”

Guan Daniu gritted his teeth, “Sister Xiaoyi, you are becoming more and more similar to him, you know?”

That bastard guy has broken a cute sister.

“Is it?” Xiao Yi was happy, but quickly became modest, “But I still have a gap from the second senior brother. ”

For Xiao Yi, it is best to be an existence like Lu Shaoqing.

Jian Bei suddenly spoke, “If this continues, will there be monsters in the merging period…”

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