“Damn!” ”

The Jiedan Period, the Yuan Infancy Period, the Transformation God Period, and now there is also the Refining Void Period, will there be a Convergence Period in the next step?”

Several people gathered together with gloomy faces in Rucheng.

He is the head and head of the five families and three factions.

Except for the Tianji Pavilion, the remaining seven people are here.

The bottomless cracks and the endless stream of powerful monsters made the people of the five families and three factions smell the danger.

“What else

can I do?”

Jian Wencai, the head of the Jian family, frowned, “I can only find a way to close the crack, otherwise, once the monster of the merging period appears, all of us will have to die.” Who

doesn’t have a merging period?” said the head of the Qi family, Qi Dai, lightly, “I’m not afraid if I appear.” ”

Hey, the Qi family is so majestic, do you dare to easily disturb the ancestor of the merging period?”

Yang Gao, the head of the Holy Yang Sect, smiled coldly, “Besides, how many merging periods does your Qi family have?”

The body is strong, and the muscles are bulging like a dragon.

Qi Dai snorted, “How many are related to you

?” “It has nothing to do with me,” Yang Gao shook his head, “Once the monster above appears, will it not be one, can your Qi family block it?”

Even during the refining period, several appeared.

If there is a merging period, maybe there will be a few of them, who will be able to fight at that time?

Ao Changfeng, the head of the Ao family, stood on the side of the Mi family and helped the Mi Dai speak, “Whether there will be monsters in the merging period is not certain.”

As soon as the words fell, a voice sounded, “I can tell you for sure that there will be an existence of the Convergence Period!”

Everyone was shocked, and the next moment, Mu Yong appeared in front of several people.

“Mu Yong!”

some people’s faces were ugly, especially Yang Gao shouted, “What

are you doing here?” “Also, how do you know that we are here?”


Wencai, Yang Gao’s brows furrowed even more.

Mu Yong smiled lightly, “Of course, everyone’s main enemy now is those monsters.

Ao Changfeng couldn’t help but ask, “What kind of existence are they?”

“They come from a higher dimension, are numerous in number, and are powerful, far from what you people can deal with.

“If you don’t want your Terran to perish, it’s best to close the crack, otherwise once the monsters of the Fusion Period appear, you will be completely finished.”

Mu Yong’s words were very light, but they made the faces of several people present difficult to see.

They knew Mu Yong’s horror, and even if only half of these words were true, it would be a catastrophe for the Terrans.

But Mu Yong appeared here, definitely not to scare them.

Jian Wencai coldly picked out the words, “What is your purpose in coming here?” he

did not directly ask how to close.

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Everyone is an adult and knows that some things come at a cost.

“It’s very simple, as I said before, our holy family needs Yanzhou.

Mu Yong’s smile was very light and light, but it made the hearts of those present sink.

The demon race wants Yanzhou, what will happen to the demon race after they have gained a foothold in Yanzhou

? What about Qizhou? What about Dongzhou? What is even more terrifying, what about Zhongzhou?

Mu Yong saw that they were silent and continued to speak, “You also know that now Yanzhou is in the hands of our Holy Family, and we don’t need your recognition, and Yanzhou is also ours.” ”

What Mu Yong values is the recognition of Zhongzhou, as long as the five families and three factions of Zhongzhou recognize that Yanzhou is a holy family, their holy family can return to the ancestral star in an upright manner.

And not rats that everyone shouts about.

It also shows that they are returning, not aggression.

In the future, the living environment of the Holy Family will be much better.

The silence of the crowd was even stronger.

Even Qi Dai kept his mouth shut.

Everyone knew the meaning behind Mu Yong’s request.

Once agreed, in the future, the Terran and Demon Race will live under a blue sky, and what will happen in the future, no one can say.

Jian Wencai said coldly, “You guys occupy Yanzhou, and then recharge your strength, continue to attack Zhongzhou, and play a good calculation.”

Jian Wencai’s tone when he said this was heavy and stressful.

Mu Yong smiled, “It’s okay if you don’t agree, our demon clan will immediately retreat, retreat to Yanzhou, and when you kill the monster here, we will strike again, at that time, can you stop it?” ”

I have already told you that there is a problem on our Hanxing side, you can agree or disagree, we are coming back here in Zuxing.”

“You agree, you can shed less blood, don’t agree, it’s a big deal to have another fairy and demon war, it’s a big deal to die together.”

Mu Yong said and his smile began to converge.

The body exuded a cold aura, and the killing intent lingered.

Even Yang Gao felt a hairbreak in his heart.

In the eyes of several people, Mu Yong’s body seemed to become infinitely large, exuding supreme coercion, and all things in the heavens trembled under this coercion.

However, Mu Yong was so aggressive, which also made them feel fire in their hearts.

Yang Gao snorted coldly, not afraid of Mu Yong’s coercion, “Do you think our Terrans are good bullies?”


Yong’s gaze became more and more cold, staring directly at Yang Gao, so that Yang Gao couldn’t help but avoid his gaze, Mu Yong slowly spoke, sending out soul torture.

“You guys, have you beaten me?”

everyone’s faces became very ugly.

If they could fight, they wouldn’t have thought of negotiating with the Demon Race at all.

Mu Yong lined up his troops and planned from afar, and the coalition army in Zhongzhou was not his opponent at all.

When he saw that it was almost the same, Mu Yong spoke again, “I can swear that during the time I have led, I will never invade Zhongzhou.” In

this way, everyone’s faces became much better.

Qi Dai was the first to speak, “I need to go back and discuss with the clan!”

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