The third battle resumed, and the Terran monks once again desperately resisted.

However, this time the monsters are waiting for work, in good condition, and there are many of them.

The cultivators of the Terran Refining Period fell behind from the beginning.

They were wounded and defeated.

In the end

, there were three cultivators of the Refining Void Period who were defeated in the encirclement of monsters, screaming and being torn to pieces by monsters.

Sorrow filled the world, and the monks wept bitterly.

The fall of the cultivators of the refining period made them completely desperate.

Taking advantage of the chaos of the Terrans, a refining period monster took advantage of the void to enter, approached Rucheng, and grabbed it with a claw dozens of miles away.

“Boom!” In

the midst of the loud sound, the northeast corner of Rucheng instantly collapsed and disappeared.

The earth cracked and collapsed, large and small formations collapsed in the terrifying power, and countless cultivators disappeared in a scream.

As if looking down from the sky, Rucheng is like a four-sided bag bitten off by something.

“Damn it!”

the Terran cultivator hurriedly stopped the fish that slipped through the net.

Fighting is increasingly unfavorable for the Terrans.

Soon, two more were injured and surrounded by several monsters.

Not to mention the Wudu monsters, once they find that someone is injured, they will immediately surround and kill the Terran cultivators with a numerical advantage.

The two Terran cultivators were in danger, but the Terran side could no longer spare any strength to rescue.

Seeing that the Terran cultivators were caught in a bitter battle, Jian Bei looked at Lu Shaoqing, “Big brother, don’t you make a move?” Now Jian Bei

knows that the only cultivators in the refining period are Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan.

If the two of them are willing to help, they can definitely relieve a lot of pressure on the Terran side.

However, Lu Shaoqing lay on the tree and did not plan to help.

You Zhongzhou has a lot of land and resources, and the masters are like clouds, so I, a foreigner, will not go out and lose people. ”

Jian Bei has the urge to take care of the big bull.

“Big brother, if you don’t make a move, Rucheng is in danger.

Jian Bei hurriedly patted the horse, “At this time, only the eldest brother can make a move.”

“Forget it, Zhongzhou is so awesome, I made a move, and I smiled generously.” Guan

Da Niu gritted his teeth, “The monster is coming at humans, you don’t shoot, what are you doing here?”

These days have been beaten three or four times.

Is there still heavenly reason in this world?

“Big brother, you make a move.” Jian Bei could only continue to persuade Lu Shaoqing, “When the monster defeats the others, even if the eldest brother makes a move, it will be surrounded.” ”

Xuan Yunxin and Jian Nan are still consolidating the realm in retreat.

Jian Bei was afraid that Jian Nan would run to help after leaving the customs, it would be too dangerous.

Or get the monsters done before Jian Nan goes out.

The only way Jian Bei thought of was Lu Shaoqing’s move.

Lu Shaoqing said to Jian Beidao, “Don’t worry, someone will make a move.” ”

Who?” Jian Bei was stunned, and then immediately worried, “Big brother, you won’t mean little sister, right?” ”

I don’t agree


However, after Jian Bei finished speaking, he noticed Lu Shaoqing’s disdainful gaze.

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“Gee, sister control!” Lu Shaoqing looked at it with disdain, pointing to the sky, “Take a good look, they will come soon.” ”


Jian Bei and Guan Daniu were both stunned.

Listen, it seems that there are quite a few people.


three of them were guessing, and Xiao Yi directly pounced, jumped up the tree like a monkey, squatted next to Lu Shaoqing and asked, “Second senior brother, second senior brother, who is it?”

Soon there was a roar over Rucheng, “The Holy Race is here, the monster has to make a second time!” The

next moment, several figures appeared in the sky.

At this time, the demon race struck.

The Demon Race also had enough Refining Void Period masters, and the combined number of them and the Terran Refining Void Period cultivators exceeded the number of monsters.

With the addition of the demon race, the monsters are at a disadvantage.

At this moment, Xiao Yi understood who Lu Shaoqing was talking about.

“Second Senior Brother, you have long expected that the Demon Race will help?” Zhuge

Xun looked at Lu Shaoqing in amazement, could he even guess this?

“Change me, and I’ll do the same.”

After speaking, Lu Shaoqing sighed a little regretfully, “Alas!” ”

Big brother, why are you sighing?” Jian Bei was puzzled.

“If there is no demon race, if I make a move, can I take the opportunity to ask for one billion and eight billion spirit stones?”

Jian Bei is full of black lines.

Now it’s a matter of life and death, and you actually think about spirit stones.

Soon, cheers were heard in the distance.

With the help of the Demon Clan, the Terrans once again repelled the monsters.

After the monsters had fallen a few, they retreated.

The Terran cultivators only cheered for a while, not for long.

After the joy, there is deep worry.

The monsters of the refining period appeared more and more every time.

Even if the Demon Race joined, the Terran side was not happy.

What about the next time

, the next time there are thirty or fifty refining period monsters, or more?

Once it can’t be resisted, is there any hope for Zhongzhou?

“Big brother, how much do you think the monster will come next time

?” “I don’t know, maybe a hundred

?” “It’s better to die fat, guess what?” Jian

Bei hurriedly covered Guan Da Niu, “Fatty, don’t talk.” ”

The power of the crow’s mouth, Jian Bei has already seen it.

“Big brother, do you have any solutions?” Lu

Shaoqing pointed to the crack, “It’s very simple, just close the crack.”

Jian Bei asked with anticipation, “Big brother, can you?” ”

Can’t!” Lu Shaoqing said nonsense with his eyes open, “Who loves who goes.”

As soon as the words fell, Mu Yong’s voice sounded above the sky of Rucheng, “Lu Shaoqing, come out…”

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