“Lu Shaoqing, come out!” The

voice was like rolling thunder, spreading throughout Rucheng.

Lu Shaoqing can also be regarded as a celebrity in Rucheng.

Hearing Mu Yong actually call Lu Shaoqing out in public, he couldn’t help but arouse everyone’s curiosity.

“What is Mu Yong going to do

, take the opportunity to take revenge?” “Helped fight off the monster, we owe him a favor, so we want to take this opportunity to clean up Lu Shaoqing?”

“Strange, what are you going to do?”

the Rucheng monks were curious.

Jian Bei and the others also looked at Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing lay leisurely on the tree trunk, squinting his eyes, comfortable and comfortable.

“Second Senior Brother, Mu Yong will call you again

!” “You know,” Lu Shaoqing disagreed, “you bark like a dog!”

“Coward!” Zhuge Xun gritted his teeth indignantly, “Don’t you dare to go out and face Master Mu Yong?”

“Let him bark, if I go out, my last name will be written backwards.” ”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t plan to go out, he wanted to save people, come from the door.

“How?” Mu Yong’s voice continued, “Don’t you dare to come out?” deliberately

speaking loudly, rolling back and forth over Rucheng, as if echoing.

However, after shouting for a long time, there was no trace of Lu Shaoqing.

The location was still white and misty, and no figure could be seen, as if he had already left.

This can make Mu Yong depressed.

Forehead bruised, nasty guy, on purpose.

I shouted for so long, I could actually bear it.

In Muyong, there are people or representatives of the five families, three factions and other forces.

Seeing that Mu Yong was going to call Lu Shaoqing out, Ao Changfeng was a little unhappy, “What did you call him for?” After

the battle with the monster, the Terran side fell for three refining periods, which frightened the large and small forces in Zhongzhou.

Regarding Mu Yong’s previous conditions, the big and small forces here in Zhongzhou quickly reached an agreement.

Yanzhou, give it to the demon race.

The cultivators of Yanzhou did not agree, they went to take it back themselves.

Mu Yong said lightly, “Crack, only he can close it.”

“What?” everyone was shocked, looking at each other in disbelief.


“He’s a bastard guy

, can close the crack?” “Just kidding, an outlander, can close the crack?


crowd fell silent.

They knew that Mu Yong didn’t have to joke with them at this time.

“He, how did he do it?” asked Jian Wencai.

For Lu Shaoqing, he didn’t know much.

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But knowing that his son and daughter are close to Lu Shaoqing and are friends.

Jian Wencai’s impression of Lu Shaoqing in his heart was still good.

Moreover, there is also a genius plan, the Jian family is eager to win Lu Shaoqing over.

Well, he has this ability, it seems that he has to let his son find a way to win him over.

Jian Wencai’s eyes flickered.

It’s a shame to have that ability.

If this crack appears again in the future, the Jian family will not be able to make numbness?

Mu Yong shook his head, “I don’t know, but everyone, he can turn it off, naturally, he can also turn it on!”

Jian Wencai was even more confused in his heart, if he could, he wanted to send a message to his son and let his son leave Lu Shaoqing quickly.

That kid, big trouble.

Jian Wencai roared in his heart, this is not a lucky star, but a disaster star.

Qi Dai laughed, “Mu Yonggongzi, can you let him close the crack?” Mu

Yong saw everyone’s expressions in his eyes, and his smile became more and more profound, “Of course, otherwise I wouldn’t be here.”

“Guys, these monsters have no feelings, they cannot communicate, they exist for only one purpose, destruction.

“Our holy family is different, and all the holy family wants is to have a foothold in this world. The

Ao family and the Gongsun family roared even more, “Let him close the crack.” ”

Two of the three refining periods of the fall were people from the Ao family and the Gongsun family, and they died of distress.

The resentment towards Lu Shaoqing also deepened.

“Can’t let the monster keep coming out.

Everyone nodded secretly, and the death of three refining period masters was enough to make everyone present afraid.

No one wants to let their refining period fall.

Fall one, the loss is enough to make people cry at night.

Qi Dai looked at the position where Lu Shaoqing was, “But now that he has not appeared, what should I do?” Mu

Yong’s smile remained unchanged, Zhizhu was in his hands, full of confidence, “Since I am here, there is naturally a way.”

After a pause, Mu Yong drank again, “Lu Shaoqing, are you going to ignore your senior wife?”

“Second Senior Brother!” Xiao

Yi’s face changed when he heard this.

Shao Cheng also rushed out from behind, holding a sword, murderous, “Damn the demon clan, I slaughtered him!” Lu

Shaoqing sat up, there was not much expression on his face, it seemed that he had already expected Mu Yong to come out this time.

Lu Shaoqing stood suspended in the air, the white mist on his head dispersed, and he looked at Mu Yong who was far away in the sky.

The eyes of the two collided in the air, and countless sparks seemed to burst out.

Lu Shaoqing soared into the sky, and Sima Huai and Gongzhong Pengtian, who were imprisoned and unable to move, followed him as if they were being dragged by an invisible rope.

“Mu Yong!” Lu Shaoqing smiled lightly.

“Lu Shaoqing!” Mu Yong also smiled faintly, and the expressions of the two were exactly the same.

With a smile on his face, but a cold glow hidden in his eyes, he couldn’t wait to put the other party to death.

The two stood opposite each other, and at this moment, they became the focus of heaven and earth.

Whether it is the cultivators of the Terran race or the cultivators of the Demon race, no matter how prominent their status is, at this moment, they are also foils.

The protagonists of Heaven and Earth are Lu Shaoqing and Mu Yong.

Mu Yong smiled and waved his hand, and a graceful figure appeared in vain…

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