An Qianyan had a somewhat tired look on her face, the surface of her clothes was stained with some dirt, and her weak breath made her look a little embarrassed.

Xiao Yi’s eyes were red, “Senior Sister

!” “Senior Sister Qianyan!” Shao

Cheng’s eyes spewed fire, and he couldn’t wait to rush over and cut Mu Yong and these demons into ten segments and eight segments.

“Junior Brother Shao, Shaoqing…” An

Qianyan was very surprised, but he didn’t expect to see them here.

Then An Qianyan’s face darkened, and he once again caused them trouble.

Lu Shaoqing nodded at An Qianyan, and then looked at Mu Yong coldly, “What conditions?” Mu Yong

smiled slightly, pointing to the crack in the distance, “Close it

!” “I know you can close!”

As soon as these words came out, the whole city was in an uproar.

“Wouldn’t it

?” “He, can he close?” “How does Mu Yong know?”

“Since he can close, why hasn’t he been closed, but to watch us humans die in vain?”

Even Zhuge Xun was surprised, this bastard guy can close this terrible crack?


course, Lu Shaoqing knew what would happen if it was closed in full view.


, his gaze swept over the heads of the family such as Qi Dai, Jian Wencai, and others who were standing not far away, and his heart was as clear as a mirror, “It seems that what agreement have you people reached?”

“That’s right,” Mu Yong did not deny it, but was generous and loud, and once again spread throughout Rucheng, “They have already agreed, and Yanzhou is controlled by our holy family.”

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the five families and three factions were a little unnatural.

But it’s just a little unnatural, but a little conscience is a little uneasy.

After the unease, it is taken for granted.

Dead Taoist friends do not die poor Dao.

It is better to betray the interests of Yanzhou than to lose the interests of Zhongzhou.

The monks of Rucheng were in an uproar again.

Two words appeared in everyone’s mind.


monks from Yanzhou roared even more angrily, “Damn, what qualifications do you have to agree?”

“We don’t promise!” “That’s right, we don’t promise!”


want to fight the demon race to the end…” However

, only the cultivators of Yanzhou were protesting loudly, and not too many people cared about them.

Their protests seemed to others nothing more than pale moans and shouts.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but glance at Mu Yonggao.

With the recognition of the forces in Zhongzhou, the demon clan can occupy Yanzhou in an upright manner and become the master of Yanzhou.

Everything seems reasonable and legitimate.

The resistance in the future will not be so fierce.

In the future, the Immortal Demon War will happen again.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but guess in his heart, doing so many things and laying out for so long, in order to get this recognition

? After Lu Shaoqing guessed in his heart, he said to Mu Yong, “Is it?

Mu Yong shook his head and pointed to the crack again, “I promised them to close the crack. ”


It’s shameless enough to have my demeanor.

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For the first time, Lu Shaoqing experienced the shamelessness of others facing themselves.

I will take the benefits, and the dirty work will be done by you.

“Use me as a bargaining chip?” Lu Shaoqing stared at Mu Yong, “Your face is so big, do you think I will listen to you?”

“You have hostages, and I also have hostages!” Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, and Sima Huai and Gong Zhong Pengtian, who couldn’t even speak, appeared.

“Two for one, I suffer a loss.

An Qianyan said, “Shaoqing, you don’t have to worry about me.

“You can do whatever you want, kill him, avenge me, and avenge Xia Yu.” When

Lu Shaoqing heard this, his gaze suddenly became a little more murderous, “You killed Xia Yu?”

Mu Yong said lightly, “No, she fell into the void during the battle, and I don’t know if she lives or dies.”

“You close the crack, and I’ll release your senior lady.” ”

Mu Yong’s shamelessness and meanness made many Race cultivators secretly despise.

Lu Shaoqing’s killing intent was a little more, and he shook his head, “You forced me.”

“It seems that I can only kill you all.”

Mu Yong was not worried at all, “Yes

?” “I admit that you are very strong, but, with so many of us, can you fight it?” Several

cultivators of the Demon Race stood behind Mu Yong, looking murderous.

With so many people joining forces, Lu Shaoqing couldn’t please even the late nine-layer realm.

There is no way.

It can only shake people.

Lu Shaoqing smiled coldly, “Come out!” The

white figure flashed, and Ji Yan appeared.

Everyone instantly felt a sharp breath, which was pressing.

Everyone couldn’t help but jump in their hearts and felt an inexplicable pressure.

Mu Yong, on the other hand, is the most direct.

Ji Yan looked at him coldly, and Mu Yong felt as if he was being pointed directly at the door by a divine sword, which would stab him through at any time.

Mu Yong’s face changed in an instant, and this feeling was familiar to him.

“Fit period!”

Mu Yong gritted his teeth, his tone full of shock.

At the same time, I was a little panicked.

The plan of the merging period is not included in his calculation.

The plan he calculated was the refining period.

Mu Yong’s words were very light, but it was like a bomb exploding in Rucheng, making everyone dizzy.

“Together, in the merging period?” “Are you kidding?”

“This, is

this true?” “Is this the merging period?” Many

people stammered,

dumbfounded, unable to believe that this was true.

How long has it been since Ji

Yan left Zhongzhou, but how did he become a merging period when he returned?

Jian Bei and Guan Daniu were also dumbfounded, and the two held their heads, feeling as if they were dreaming.

“It’s actually the fit period?”

“Even more outrageous than the big brother!” ”

This is the real genius.”

“Quick, slap me, let me see if I’m dreaming…”

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