The news that Ji Yan was in the period of convergence shook the entire Rucheng City not lightly.

The heads of the five families and three factions such as Qi Dai were also dumbfounded and couldn’t believe it.

They knew that Ji Yan was a genius, but they never expected that a genius would come to this point.

This is only how old it is already the period of fit.

Looking at the indifferent standing in the sky and the words of white clothes, countless people were in awe.

This is the real genius, and from now on, no one dares to call himself a genius in front of Ji Yan.

The pressure in Mu Yong’s heart increased greatly, and the variable of Ji Yan appeared.

How strong a fit period is, others may not know, but Mu Yong is very clear.

Together, these refining periods are not the enemies of Ji Yan’s round.

Lu Shaoqing saw Mu Yong’s expression as if he had died his father, and smiled coldly, “Let people go.”

“Otherwise, kill you!”

However, Mu Yong shook his head firmly, “Impossible!” ”

If you close the crack, I will naturally release the person.”


Mu Yong paused, “You still need to leave Zhongzhou.” ”

If you put my senior lady back, I will naturally leave Zhongzhou, who wants to stay in this broken place?”

Zhongzhou is better than your broken Qi state.

“Close the crack, you leave here, I will naturally release your senior lady. Mu Yong reiterated.

Ji Yan took a step and said lightly, “Release people!” A

sharp sword intent spread, and everyone was terrified.

It seems that the next moment the plan will draw the sword and watch.

A powerful pressure rushed towards Mu Yong.

The faces of the people around Mu Yong changed drastically in an instant, and some of them even spurted blood and stumbled down.

Mu Yong could see standing in place, his face was a little pale, but he did not show the slightest hint of cowardice.

Ji Yan frowned, and the killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Mu Yong sensed Ji Yan’s killing intent, his body instantly tensed, and when he was about to take out his last hole card, an old voice sounded.

“Hehe, young man, don’t be too crazy

!” “Whew!” As

if a gust of wind blew up, the pressure around Mu Yong suddenly disappeared.

An old man with a short beard appeared in front of everyone.

The old man looked ordinary and inconspicuous, but he firmly attracted everyone’s attention.


three words come to everyone’s mind.

The old man did not reveal his full breath, but everyone knew that he was in the period of fitness.

“Huh?” the

older man suddenly stared at the short-bearded old man who appeared in amazement.

“Good face familiar

?” “Qi Dai saluted him, I remembered

, he is the Qi Realm! The ancestor of the Qi family!” “What? Is it the Qi Realm? Doesn’t it mean that he has already fallen

?” “More than two hundred years ago, he was still in the late stage of refining the void, it is said that he has little time, and he has just stepped into the nine-layer realm to forcibly impact the merging period, not to mention that he fell in the Heavenly Tribulation?”

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The Mi family is really colluding with the demon clan, damn it…” Many

people didn’t expect that the Mi family would send the Qi Realm to suppress the formation, which shows the determination of the Mi family.

To wear a pair of pants with the demon race to the end, one way to the dark.

When Ji Yan saw Qi Jie, his eyes suddenly flashed, becoming sharper and hotter.

As if seeing a beautiful woman, he stared at Qianjie deadly.

With such a hot and sharp gaze, Qi Jie also felt a little overwhelmed.

He snorted, “Boy, don’t be rampant, you’re still young.” The

tone was high, and he did not put the words in his eyes.


!” Wuqiu’s sword came out of its sheath, shining coldly, pointing at Qianjie, “Fight with me!” ”

Good, good!”

“It’s not big or small, I’ll teach you a good lesson for your parents.”

Shao Cheng was angry and wanted to draw his sword and rush over to slash to death.

The old thing, how old are you?

The Qi Realm rushed up to the sky, “Come on, I’ll let you see the power of the three-layer realm of the Combined Body!”

“Three, three-layer realm

?” “Does Ji Yan have this realm?” ”

It’s over, no matter how powerful Ji Yan is, he is not the opponent of the Qiu Realm…”

Let the Qi Jie make a move, it is really wonderful.

Hmph, let you people know that my family is the number one in the world.

Ji Yan and Qi Jie left, and everyone wanted to follow to see, but they also knew that with their own strength, they couldn’t see the battle between the two sides at all.

Mu Yong looked at Lu Shaoqing, “Do you still have any hole cards?”

“Enough?” said Rui Dai, “the tone is really big.”

“Talk as if words can win.” ”

My family’s ancestor is a three-layer realm of the Fit Realm, which is much stronger than Ji Yan.

Absolute crushing, how to lose?

Country dirt buns, never seen the world.

Do you know how powerful the merging period is

?” “Yes,” Lu Shaoqing said in a relaxed tone, “What’s so great about the merging period?”

Lu Shaoqing has full confidence in Ji Yan.

Not to mention that the realm is a three-layer realm, and the five-layer realm is also correct.

Many people choked on this sentence.

The tone is really big, you dare to say such things in a refining period?

Mu Yong couldn’t help but smile and shook his head, “You have confidence in Ji Yan, but I believe that he can’t make any waves.”

“He is just one realm, two realms away from the Qi realm.

“Take the

sword,” Lu Shaoqing looked at Mu Yong with contempt, “Or what?” Mu Yong shook

his head slightly, too lazy to fight with Lu Shaoqing.

He said lightly, “Let’s wait until they divide the victory and defeat.”

“Yes, that’s right,” Lu Shaoqing pointed at Mu Yongdao, “first let my senior lady come over and drink saliva…”

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