The two sides stood opposite each other and waited.

After a long time, Lu Shaoqing stared at Mu Yong, “The crack, you opened it?”

“The person who can open the cracks of the black abyss, you are the only one in this world. ”

Under the smile, there is a cold killing intent.

It was an unforgettable, killing intent that penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

Mu Yong’s words made many people’s gazes looking at Lu Shaoqing become wrong.

They have seen the horror of the black abyss cracks.

Many of the monks’ relatives and friends were buried at the hands of monsters.

They hate monsters to the bone, just as they hate those who open cracks.

The meaning of Mu Yong’s words was obvious, that is, Lu Shaoqing was the one who opened the crack.

Lu Shaoqing naturally understood Mu Yong’s sinister intentions, and he smiled coldly, “If I open it, I will go to the Mi family to open it.” ”

He, such a cruel heart.

Qi Dai couldn’t help but feel a chill in her heart, and scolded when she broke her mouth, “Bastard guy, you have such a vicious mind.” ”

Qi Dai didn’t dare to imagine the scene where the crack appeared in the Qi family.

Mu Yong said to Lu Shaoqing, “Since you can close the crack, why are you not willing to contribute?”

Lu Shaoqing pointed at Mu Yong, “Don’t talk nonsense, I can’t close it.” ”

To kill is not to admit it.

“It’s useless for you to deny it, your senior lady is in my hands…”

led Lu Shaoqing to interrupt Mu Yong’s words, “I know, there is no need to talk nonsense.”

“I’ll kill you when my senior brother comes back.”

Mu Yong didn’t speak, and Qi Dai couldn’t help it again.

Senior Brother Zhangkou, Senior Brother Shut Up, do you think your senior brother is very good?

Qi Dai smiled coldly and laughed mockingly, “Ignorant Xiao’er, do you think Ji Yan can promise me the ancestor of the Qi family?”

“Who dares to say that he can beat my ancestor of the Qi family?” Lu

Shaoqing blinked, “It turns out to be a broken product.” ”

Reverse contempt back, “Congenital deficient incomplete goods dare to be arrogant?”


Dai was angry and roared, “You wait, I see how you can laugh at that time…”

“Ignorant child!” ”

Three realms, what does Ji Yan win?”

“Ji Yan is a genius, but in front of the older generation, he is still a little tender.” ”

The seniors of the Qi Realm are not afraid of setbacks and go up against adversity, who can compare with him with this kind of perseverance?” ”

Young and vigorous, do not know how to advance and retreat, too rigid and easy to break, hey

…” “The dead duck has a hard mouth, does not hit the south wall and does not look back, wait for him to cry…”

Guan Daniu also got together with Jian Bei.

Guan Daniu muttered, “You say, can Ji Yan Gongzi win?” Jian

Bei shook his head, “I don’t know.”

“I’ve heard of this old guy in the world, it’s amazing, it’s very strong.

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“He is already a three-layer realm, and Ji Yangongzi is just a one-layer realm, and I believe that it has not been long since he stepped in, it is difficult.” Guan

Daniu nodded, “Yes, it’s difficult.”

Jian Bei glanced at him and suggested, “Why don’t you use your mouth to help Ji Yan Gongzi?”

Staring at Jian Bei with an unkind face, he had a kind of fighting posture that wanted to hit people, “I said I’m not a crow mouth, no!”

The more Guan Da Niu thought about it, the more angry he became, and he huffed, “I said that Ji Yan Gongzi defeated the Qi Realm and will come back now, is it possible?”

The white figure appeared, and the white-clothed Ji Yan once again appeared in front of everyone.

Jian Bei opened his mouth and looked at Guan Daniu.

Guan Daniu cried, “Don’t bring this…” Ji

Yan suddenly appeared so that many people couldn’t react for a while.

Came back so soon,

and Ji Yan didn’t see any injuries on his body.

Could it be that the two sides left to fight and came back?

Lu Shaoqing asked Ji Yan, “Lost to the crippled goods?” Ji

Yan said lightly, “How is it possible? It’s too weak!” The

tone was filled with disappointment, but also contained domineering, making everyone stupid.

Is it so


“No, it can’t be

!” After Ji Dai

reacted, she held her head and screamed like a woman.

He couldn’t accept this fact and couldn’t believe it was true.

“Impossible, impossible, how can Lao Zu lose to you?” He

let the Qi family come out, thinking of raising the banner and letting the world know that the Qi family is strong, and the Qi family is the first in the world.

Qi Jie lost to Ji Yan, and the behavior of the Mi family this time is a joke.

The world will think that the Qi family is weak.

“I don’t believe it, it’s impossible…” Qi Dai immediately sent a message to Qi Jie to inquire, but he couldn’t get a response for half a day.

“You slaughtered people?” asked Ji Yan from Lu Shaoqing.

“Escape!” replied Ji Yan truthfully, appearing light and breezy, showing a masterful demeanor.

After all, it is the merging period, even if it is a broken parallel cargo, it is not so easy to kill.

Lu Shaoqing went to comfort Qi Dai, “Don’t worry, you can’t die, don’t cry.” ”


murderous heart.

Qi Dai really wanted to cry.

After Lu Shaoqing comforted Qi Dai, he turned to look at Mu Yong, “Release the person.”

“Accompany me another 100 billion spirit stones, and I won’t worry about you this time.”

Although Mu Yong had a somewhat solemn expression, he did not panic, nor did he mean to lower his head, “Let’s close the crack first.” ”

You can’t understand people, do you?” Lu Shaoqing’s eyes widened, “Don’t force me to release Senior Brother!”

Ji Yan stepped forward and was about to take action, when a voice suddenly sounded, “Little friend, why be aggressive?”

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