“Poof!” The

blood qi rushed back, and Mu Yong felt a sweetness in his throat and wanted to vomit blood.


Mu Yong swallowed the blood in his throat, he roared angrily at Lu Shaoqing, “Bastard guy!” ”

Why are you still cursing?”

Weren’t you very brave just now?

Two refining periods said cut and cut.

The momentum is like a rainbow, but the next moment it withers.

Many people want to complain.

Fast man,

“You admit defeat?” Mu Yong was still gritting his teeth in resentment.

Lu Shaoqing nodded, “Admit defeat, you release people, I will help you close the crack.”

Shao Cheng was anxious, “Shaoqing…” The

appearance of the black crack allowed these cultivators in Zhongzhou to see the horror of the monsters.

Many monks died tragically at the hands of monsters, which of the dead monks and the living monks did

not bring their relatives to the past? Can close the crack, why not close it earlier

? Why wait until now?

Can you have this ability, but hide on the sidelines without saying a word, or close under the threat of others.

Therefore, Lu Shaoqing made a move now, and not many people thought of his goodness, but would resent him.

More importantly

, if you can close the crack, can you open the crack

? Who opened the crack strangely?

Shao Cheng didn’t want his apprentice to make a move at this time, and if he made a move, he would easily become a cross-border rat, and everyone would shout and beat.

Shao was overwhelmed.

Although he wanted to save An Qianyan, he didn’t want his apprentice to be in danger and be calculated.

Xiao Yi gently pulled Shao Cheng’s sleeve and said in a low voice, “Master, don’t worry, the second senior brother has his own measure.” At

this time, Xiao Yi trusted Lu Shaoqing more than Shao Cheng.

As a master, Shao Cheng was concerned about chaos, although he knew that the second apprentice was very smart, which made him calmly believe that he could not do it.

Lu Shaoqing turned around and smiled at Shao Cheng, “Master, don’t worry. Turning

to Mu Yong, “I can assure you, you release people, I will close the crack.” The

corner of Mu Yong’s mouth twitched, and then he sneered, “Guarantee?


you will close the rift, and you will have to step into the void and not return for five hundred years.” Lu

Shaoqing wanted to slap himself, and he didn’t play with guarantees before he knew it.

“Five hundred years, you are my Sun Wukong?” of course Lu Shaoqing disagreed, “Don’t go too far.”

Mu Yong said proudly, “There is no negotiation.

Lu Shaoqing frowned, “It’s too much, don’t think I can’t help you.”

Mu Yong’s gaze fell on An Qianyan, and he could feel his threat without even speaking.

Lu Shaoqing gritted his teeth, waved his hand, Zhuge Xun was pulled over, smiled coldly, and asked Mu Yong, “No negotiation?”

Although I am not afraid of death, it is still difficult to look at it indifferently when facing death.

Especially with Sima Huai’s bad Duke Zhong Pengtian in front of the two examples, Zhuge Xun was a little stunned in his heart.

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Mu Yong’s face also changed.

This bastard, blame, had to let himself redeem.

The concubines of three consecutive hidden families were cut in front of them, and it was difficult for Hanxing to explain.

Mu Yong did not dare to talk nonsense with Lu Shaoqing, his face was gloomy, and he directly reduced his conditions

, “Three hundred years!” “Ten years!” “One hundred years!” “One

hundred years!” Mu Yong gritted his teeth, “And Ji Yan will also leave with you.” ”

Ji Yan is a merging period, and it is too dangerous to stay here.

When the time comes, he will be staring specifically at him to kill, and he will not have the confidence to bear it.

Lu Shaoqing’s killing intent faded, so he said helplessly, “Well, for the sake of Senior Lady, we can only suffer a little loss as an apprentice.” However

, this also has a prerequisite, “You have to release my senior sister first, and after leaving safely, I will close the crack.”

“Yes, swear.

“Swear together!” At

that moment, the two swore each other, and everyone made a vow in front of everyone.

Everyone didn’t know what to say for a while.

After swearing, Mu Yong was also very cheerful and let An Qianyan go.

An Qianyan came back guiltily, her eyes were red, “Shaoqing, you don’t have to be like this.” ”

I don’t want to use the token given by Lu Shaoqing, so as not to cause trouble to Lu Shaoqing, but it will cause more trouble.

An Qianyan wanted to die.

Shao Cheng also sighed straightly, “You, can’t you think of a way slowly?” Lu

Shaoqing was also quite helpless, “Who knew that he was so shameless and despicable?”

Xiao Yi asked with anticipation, “Second Senior Brother, although you swore an oath, you don’t have to do it, right?”

Shao Cheng also looked at his apprentice expectantly, hoping that this time he could also break his oath casually.

However, Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “Just kidding, if you swear, you have to keep your promise.”

“You can’t just joke with Daoxin, this is what you taught Master.” ”

Shao Cheng is angry, I usually teach you, you don’t listen, but now you listen?”

Lu Shaoqing patted Shao Cheng’s shoulder and whispered, “Master, you and your master and mother should hurry back and give birth to a little master and nephew.” ”

It’s important.

Shao Cheng glared and blew his beard, raising his hand to hit, Lu Shaoqing hurriedly said, “Just kidding, joking.”

“Don’t worry, I have my own measure, isn’t it a hundred years?

“If it goes well, it won’t be long before you get back and see me.”

“You and Junior Lady hurry back, destroy the teleportation array, and inform the sect to get ready.

“The demon clan occupies Yanzhou, and this neighbor is not easy to get along with.

“Also, these are four oath tokens, and you can let these forces make requests at the critical time, and you can take them back and save them.”

“Senior Brother and I will go to the Void and come back.

“Really?” Shao Cheng also knew the gravity of the matter.

Zhongzhou here betrayed Yanzhou to the demon clan, and had a great influence on Qi Prefecture, and it was necessary to notify the sect as soon as possible to take precautions.

“I do things, you still don’t worry?” Shao

Cheng was silent, persuaded by his apprentice.

He also knew that staying would only add a burden to his apprentice.

“Okay, I’ll go back and wait for you. Shao Cheng gritted his teeth and nodded, “Be careful.”

Xiao Yi raised his hand next to him, and Lu Shaoqing added, “By the way, this fool will also be brought back…”

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