Shao Cheng left, and Xiao Yi’s crying voice echoed in everyone’s ears.

“Second Senior Brother, don’t

want it, I want to follow you!” “Second Senior Brother, don’t leave me!” “Master, I want to follow

Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother…” “Senior Brother, you talk, take me…” “Oh, Second Senior Brother, you are not generous, you and Senior Brother, don’t take me…” Many

people had black lines and were very speechless.

I don’t know, I thought that Lu Shaoqing was going to a fun place and didn’t take her.

Lu Shaoqing dug his ears and flicked at Mu Yong, “It’s much cleaner.”

Mu Yong’s face remained unchanged, and he looked at him coldly, “Let’s do it.”

“Alas!” Lu Shaoqing looked at Mu Yong and sighed faintly, “I’m very unhappy now.

“Immerse myself in the sadness of being separated from Master and Junior Sister, and wait until I am in a better mood.” Mu

Yong’s face immediately sank, he knew that things would not be so easy, but he didn’t expect that as soon as Shao Cheng left on their front foot, Lu Shaoqing began to play tricks.

“Are you going to break your oath?” the

others were also stunned.

No, everyone swears in front of their eyes, and they will violate it in a blink of an eye.


Dao heart has been eaten back, not to mention cultivation, it is good to be able to save your life.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head and smiled, “Whatever, since I made an oath, of course I won’t violate it.”

“I’m just waiting for the mood to get better and come out of the sadness of parting, and I’ll strike again.” ”

Mu Yong was smart and reacted immediately.

Ten thousand lying grooves in his heart, he found a loophole.


He did not set a time.

Although Lu Shaoqing swore that it was Shao Cheng, they would close the crack when they left.

But how long did Shao Cheng leave them?

There was no time limit, and Lu Shaoqing generously drilled into this loophole.


Yong knew why Lu Shaoqing was not afraid to swear.

Lu Shaoqing can be bold enough to play word games, and he is not daunted at all.

Mu Yongqi ah, he was still calculated by Lu Shaoqing.

The others were also stunned, and soon figured it out.

Before anyone else could say anything, the icy voice came from the air again, “Be clever!” ”

Our patience is limited, you can try!” The

icy voice, with icy killing intent, issued an icy warning.

Lu Shaoqing sighed helplessly, “Alas, I also said that I don’t interfere in the merging period, gee…”

“Stick out your head in the coffin, don’t face!” ”

But I can also understand, after all, the monster is too terrible, and I am afraid, and I don’t hesitate to join hands with the Demon Race to bully me, a handsome Terran man.”

“Can understand, can understand…”

The voice was not loud, but it spread throughout Rucheng.

After everyone listened, their faces became very strange.

The sarcasm in these words can be heard by three-year-olds.

“Good, good!” The master of the Fusion Period hidden in the secret was furious, “Find death!” Like

a gust of wind blowing, the next moment the sky and the earth darkened!

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Everyone raised their heads in horror, and a big hand fell from the sky and grabbed Lu Shaoqing.

The big hand exudes a thick, terrifying aura.

Like the hand of an immortal leaning down from above the nine heavens, nothing in this world can escape this huge hand.

The big hand pressed down towards Lu Shaoqing.

The entire Rucheng trembled under the coercion of this big hand.

Everyone believed that if it weren’t for the restraint of those who made the move, Rucheng would collapse in an instant.

Mu Yong immediately retreated far away and looked at Lu Shaoqing coldly.

“Find death!”

Mu Yong sneered.

He didn’t think that Lu Shaoqing could resist the power of the Convergence Period, even if Lu Shaoqing was very strong, no matter how strong it was, it was only the Refining Period.

However, in Mu Yong’s line of sight, Lu Shaoqing’s expression was indifferent, and he was not nervous at all.

Mu Yong was stunned, under the target of the merging period, can he be so calm? Is this guy so psychologically strong

? Can he be so calm in the face of the merging period?


enough, you must die.

You must not be allowed to plague the world as much as he did.

Mu Yong whispered, “Now, it depends on how you die!” However

, the next moment, a sword light lit up and soared into the sky, like a sun bursting out!

“Boom!” The

power that destroyed the world erupted, and the entire Rucheng shook up and down, and the solid ground cracked, as if there were countless earth dragons turning over below.

Countless people were horrified, once this force broke out, not only would Rucheng be destroyed, but these low-level cultivators would not be able to escape.

But soon someone snorted coldly.

The raging power was quickly quelled.

There is a merger period to secretly make a move to stabilize Rucheng.

Everyone looked at the sky in horror.

Ji Yan stood with a sword, the heaven and the earth were bright, the sunlight shone on Ji Yan’s body, in the eyes of everyone, Ji Yan seemed to be under the sword god, and the brilliance of the light made people dare not look at it directly.

Who wins and who loses?

Many people wonder.

Ji Yan and the master of the Convergence Period no longer attacked, and everyone had no way of knowing whether they would win or lose.

However, the surrounding air seems to be much colder.

Many people feel goosebumps on their skin and have a sense of danger in their hearts.

Mu Yong smiled, “Why? Do you plan to continue to grieve?” Lu

Shaoqing sighed helplessly, “Alas

!” “There is no way, on the territory of the Terrans, being ridden by the Demon Race on the head to and urinate, sad!” Lu

Shaoqing’s words made many people look ugly, and many people were very angry in their hearts.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing’s figure, many people suddenly felt a little sympathy in their hearts.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t say anything more, stepped out in one step, and came to the crack.

The crack is one-third larger than before.

It was pitch black, and it was impossible to see inside, as if opening a blood plate and a large mouth, exuding a terrifying aura.

Lu Shaoqing frowned and looked inside, he did not probe his divine sense to explore.

Lu Shaoqing slowly stretched out his hand, and the black lightning on the edge quickly converged towards Lu Shaoqing as if it smelled delicious.

In an instant, Lu Shaoqing was shrouded in black lightning…

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