Black lightning enveloped Lu Shaoqing, forming a black lightning ball.

After seeing this, the cultivators in the distance gasped one after another.

“He, is he still alive

?” “Dead, right?” “Absolutely dead, just a small lightning bolt can turn a Avatar Divine Period into ashes, not to mention so much!”

“Human, how can it be possible to close the crack

?” “Alas, the Demon Race deceives people too much, deliberately using such means to strangle our Terran genius, right?”


was talking about it, and they all felt that Lu Shaoqing was dead.

After all, black lightning is too terrifying for anyone to bear.

Even Mu Yong couldn’t help but mutter.

With so much lightning, will it become slag?

After all, this is what he gave me.

Just as everyone was talking, the black lightning ball disappeared with a crackling sound.

In everyone’s sight, black lightning seemed to disappear out of thin air.

The sharp-eyed person saw very clearly, and the black lightning submerged into Lu Shaoqing’s body.

“He can absorb those

lightning!” “He

, he’s really different

!” “Can he really

close the crack!” “Look, the crack is starting to close!” Without the

black lightning, the crack began to close.

The crowd was shocked, but soon someone became excited.

“He can

really close the crack!” “He is standing by while we are desperately fighting to resist the monster

!” “Damn, if he had made a move earlier, my friend would not have died!” “Damn…”

Did he open the crack?”

Seeing that Lu Shaoqing could really close the crack, the gazes of many cultivators looking at Lu Shaoqing had changed.

At this moment, Lu Shaoqing was guilty!

Mu Yong heard the angry words of many cultivators and laughed.

His plan was half successful.

The crack is slowly closing, very fast, and at this speed, it will all close in half a day.

Lu Shaoqing clapped his hands and returned to Mu Yong.

Mu Yong smiled and applauded

, “Hard work!” “Next, continue!” Lu

Shaoqing did not refuse this time, but agreed very much, “Good!”

He waved his big hand, and the void crack appeared, and the whistling void storm instantly gushed out.

The surrounding space became distorted.

Lu Shaoqing waved at Mu Yong, “Bye bye, see you in a hundred years!”

It seems to be a chatter between friends.

Before Mu Yong could speak, he heard an angry shout, “Let go, let me go!” Mu Yong

saw Zhuge Xun who was controlled by Lu Shaoqing, and his heart jumped, and a thought popped out.


Yong immediately shouted angrily, “Leave Zhuge Xun behind!”

He has been ignoring Zhuge Xun.

Even if Sima Huai and Gongzhong Pengtian were cut, he didn’t think of changing Zhuge Xun back.

If you want to blame, blame Zhuge Xun, although he is a prisoner, but he is very different from other prisoners.

Standing next to Lu Shaoqing, it is easy to make people think that Zhuge Xun is from Lu Shaoqing’s side.

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Having been cut off from the two hidden families, it was difficult for him to explain.

Now that Zhuge Xun was taken into the void by Lu Shaoqing, it was even more difficult for him to explain to the people of the hidden family.

Abominable, damn bastard humans.

Lu Shaoqing looked back and smiled, “What for? It’s not your horse

!” “Bye bye you!”

When the time comes, I must find a way to kill you.”

“Damn it!” Mu

Yong roared, striking at Lu Shaoqing.

However, Ji Yan snorted coldly, so that Mu Yong had to stop.

Mu Yong anxiously said to Gongsun Tun and Ao Changfeng, “Let your people make a move, stop them!” However

, at this moment,

“Roar!” A

terrible roar came out from the cracks in the distance.

Heaven and earth shook, and the breath of terror spread like fear in everyone’s heart.

“Fit, fit!” someone


Today really poked the nest of the fit period.

Mu Yong’s face also changed.

stared at Lu Shaoqing in disbelief.

A thought arose in his heart, the hateful bastard fellow, did he expect that there would be a monster in the merging period

, was it a coincidence, or was it expected?

Lu Shaoqing smiled, “Hurry up and stop it, maybe it can reopen the crack!”

At this moment, no one can care about Lu Shaoqing, and the Convergence Period hidden in the secret can only deal with the upcoming Convergence Period monsters first.

Lu Shaoqing controlled Zhuge Xun and Ji Yan into the void.

Mu Yong looked at the closed void crack, and his face was very ugly.

Zhuge Xun was taken away, Sima Huai and Gongzhong Pengtian were cut down, and the representatives of the three hidden families were all destroyed here.

There will definitely be more gossip.

The people below will definitely have other opinions about him, and even people’s hearts are floating.

As for the hidden family, there will definitely be trouble for him.

The relationship with the Holy Land will break down again.

What a vile and shameless guy.

Mu Yong was very upset.

In his plan, Lu Shaoqing did not resist at all, and could only obediently accept his arrangement.

Stepping into the void, wandering for five hundred years, completely unable to turn over.

In the void, there are many dangers, and there is no aura.

In the void, there is no way to cultivate if you don’t die.

After five hundred years, the strength of him or others has advanced, even if Lu Shaoqing can come back, Lu Shaoqing, who cannot make an inch, will not be able to set off any storms at all.

However, under his coercion, Lu Shaoqing was like a dying wolf and bit him fiercely.

Not fatal, but disgusting enough.

So disgusting that Mu Yong wanted to vomit.

How could such an abominable bastard appear among humans

, “Lord Munaga, what should I do?” the

First Holy Son and the Third Holy Son came together.

The two looked at Mu Yong with a somewhat unnatural face.

The confrontation between Mu Yong and Lu Shaoqing cannot be said to be a one-sided victory.

Mu Yong’s face was gloomy, and he whispered, “It’s not over yet!” His

wrist flashed, and a small bag appeared in his hand.

Kou Yu and Yu subconsciously whispered, “Shifting God Bag!” Mu

Yong injected spiritual power into his pocket, and the God Shifting Bag floated up as if he was conscious, and then swooped into the void……

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