Du Jing is treacherous and very scheming.

He wanted to use this to make Xiao Yi surrender and admit defeat.

As long as Xiao Yi admits defeat, Du Jing can achieve the effect of killing two birds with one stone.

Xiao Chuang cursed on it.

“Abominable fellow, the grandsons of Gui Yuange.”

Ji Pengyue even suggested, “Do you want to find an opportunity to find Cang Zhengchu and them to practice?”

“Just enough to give Ji Yan a punch.”

Lu Ji disagreed, “What is the difference between us and the people of Guiyuan Pavilion when we do this?” ”

Guiyuan Pavilion can do things overbearing and faceless, and their Lingxiao faction can’t do this.

Si Yao interrupted them, “Less nonsense, pay attention to it to avoid any accidents.” ”

Although these Yuan Babies are here, the people who return to the Yuan Pavilion may not dare to die.

But it doesn’t mean that Du Jing won’t abolish Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi’s talent is very good, if he is abolished by the people of the Yuan Pavilion, it will be a big loss for the Lingxiao faction.

Yu Chang did not speak, his mind had already been placed on Xiao Yi in the square.

Once something is wrong, he will strike as soon as possible.

Xiao Yi’s side was already panting soon, and she didn’t work so hard against Xin Zhi.

Xin Zhi lowered the realm at that time, but let her take advantage and run.

Now Du Jing, more cunning than Xin Zhi, did not lower the realm, and forced her step by step.

Let her spiritual power quickly deplete, began to dry up, and there was not much left.

At the same time, Du Jing continued to lure her into surrender.

Like a fly, it buzzed in her ears, making her upset.

To surrender, for sure not to surrender.

No matter how little Xiao Yi was, she also knew that she would definitely not be able to surrender at this time.

If you surrender, you may be killed by the boss.

“In fact, it is nothing to be killed by the boss, but I am afraid that I will be kicked away by the second senior brother.”

Xiao Yi muttered in a low voice, “I don’t want to leave.” ”

Although the second senior brother is a bastard, sometimes he is also very annoying.

But she liked this kind of life, and liked to stay in Tianyu Peak, following behind the second senior brother with the disciples of Tianyu Peak.

This is more comfortable and happy than her days as the eldest miss of the Xiao family.

The senior brother is very strong, and the second senior brother is also very strong.

As junior sisters, even if they are not strong, they cannot be disgraced.

Although Xiao Yi was embarrassed, her eyes were full of determination.

She stared at Du Jing, always looking for an opportunity.

Seeing that Xiao Yi actually refused to give up at this time, he was still scrappy.

Du Jing was secretly troubled in his heart.

It’s all this time, are you still pretending?

What a nasty guy.

In that case, then I will let you die completely.

Du Jing sneered, “Aren’t you still a trick you haven’t used?”

“Come on, let me see how powerful your trick really is.”

After speaking, his spiritual power dispersed, and the fire snake entrenched around Xiao Yi dispersed, giving Xiao Yi time.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi did not hesitate, did not say a word, and mobilized the last spiritual power in his body.

A huge fireball appeared from the sky again, like the sun, rushing down into the sky and smashing towards Du Jing.

Xiao Yi gritted his teeth, eager to smash Du Jing to death with a fireball.

Du Jing installed it at this time.

With his hands behind his back, he looked up at the fireball in the sky, sneered, and slowly shook his head.

It seems like a pity.

“It’s just a matter of being strong outside.”

“Not a concern.”

The fireball is like an extraterrestrial meteorite, carrying a roaring fire, as if it wants to destroy the world.

When the fireball came above his head, Du Jing moved.

With a wave of his big hand, a volley of spiritual power converged and rushed straight towards the fireball.


A huge explosion sounded, and billowing smoke enveloped below.

Feeling the fireball on his head being defeated by himself, Du Jing smiled contemptuously.

Hit you again, see how you still hold on.

“You haven’t…”

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but he didn’t have time to finish.

His face changed drastically.

A sense of danger emerged.

In the thick smoke, a white light lit up, and the light was dazzling, stinging Du Jing’s eyes.

Let Du Jing subconsciously close his eyes.

A sword ray appeared from the billowing smoke, straight towards Du Jing.

Everywhere the sword went, thick smoke was swept in.

A piercing sword intent came with the sword radiance, making Du Jing feel his soul trembling.

He knew he was careless.

However, this did not threaten him, and the spiritual power gathered, and it was still a fire snake.

The fire snake rushed straight towards the sword mang, colliding violently with the sword mang.

Although it was a spell that was used in a hurry, its power was not enough, but it was enough to deal with Xiao Yi’s pressing sword.

The pressing sword radiance collided with the fire snake, and with a bang, both dissipated with the fire snake.

The smoke in front was blown away, Du Jing looked up, but was shocked to find that Xiao Yi in front of him had disappeared.

“Are you hiding?”

Du Jing sneered, and spiritual knowledge emanated.

However, at this moment, as soon as the spiritual sense spread, he discovered where Xiao Yi was.

Xiao Yi didn’t know when he came around behind him.

“Abominable fellow, look at the sword!”

Xiao Yi’s voice sounded.

The third-grade long sword in his hand stabbed towards Du Jing’s waist without hesitation.

Du Jing’s face changed again.

This time, Du Jing shouted angrily, the spiritual power on his body exploded, and an invisible shock wave rushed towards the surroundings.

But it was already too late.

Xiao Yi’s long sword had already stabbed him.

The gray shirt on the body is just an ordinary piece of clothing, defenseless.

Xiao Yi came around his waist.

But by this time, the shock wave had arrived.

Hit Xiao Yi hard.


Xiao Yi couldn’t bear this impact, blood spurted straight out, was knocked out, fell to the ground, and rolled a few times.

“Damn it, damn it!”

Du Jing’s face was already distorted.

Xiao Yi was able to abolish his waist.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and quickly enough, but suffered only a minor injury.

He forced the sword intent attached to the wound, and the spiritual power was moistened, and it returned to normal in a blink of an eye.

But Xiao Yi, a girl who only had the strength of one layer of foundation building, was able to hurt him, a master of the eighth layer of foundation building.

This was a great shame and disgrace that made him lose face.

Although the wounds on the body healed, the mental injuries could not be healed.

In front of so many people, the horse lost his front hoof and suffered a loss.

I can’t ask for this face.

Xiao Yi stood up trembling slightly, with blood at the corners of his mouth, his hair was disheveled, and he was very embarrassed.

But her eyes were bright, like stars in the night sky.

Xiao Yi patted his spirit armor, fortunately with the protection of the spirit armor, it would not hurt so badly.

She looked at Du Jing and smiled proudly, “Is this the strength of the eighth layer of the foundation?”

“You still don’t want to eat my sword?”

With regret in his tone, his gaze fell on Du Jing’s waist.

It would be nice to be able to tie a waist.

The second senior brother said all day that his waist was very replenished.

“Ah, ah…” Du Jing was so angry that he went crazy, his spiritual power rioted, and he roared, “I’m going to kill you.” A

powerful aura shrouded Xiao Yi, and he couldn’t care about anything anymore.

Killing intent filled every cell of his body.

If you don’t kill Xiao Yi, it is difficult to eliminate the hatred in your heart.

Faced with the attack of the gambling money, Xiao Yi gave up resistance and stood still.

Without any panic on her face, she stood calmly.

At this time, a voice sounded.


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