Du Jing’s attack instantly dissipated.

Yu Chang’s voice sounded.

“Victory and defeat have been divided, there is no need to decide life and death.”

“Go down.”

At this point, Xiao Yi took advantage and gave the Lingxiao faction a lot of face.

Yu Chang won’t let him continue fighting.

So angry that Cang Zhengchu and Zang Shao scolded Yu Chang for being despicable.

Xiao Yi smiled proudly at Du Jing and turned to leave.

She walked very slowly and was not lightly injured.

Xiao Yong was distressed.

I can’t wait to rush up and carry my daughter down.

Yet he couldn’t.

Xiao Yi’s current identity is a disciple of the Lingxiao Sect.

No one from Lingxiao’s side came down to help her leave, and he couldn’t be a father.

But Yin Qi rushed down.

Bring Xiao Yi back.

Yin Qi came back with Xiao Yi, angry, his little face was full of anger, “That bastard, I really want to slash him with a sword.”

Xiao Yi was not angry, but instead looked at Lu Shaoqing, “Second Senior Brother, am I okay?”

Xiao Yi was cautious, waiting for Lu Shaoqing’s evaluation.

Lu Shaoqing nodded, looking at Xiao Yi’s gaze full of satisfaction.

This is his junior sister.

But well, there is no praise.

“If you can’t fight, you can’t fight, and you can’t die if you admit defeat and surrender.”

“Die to save face.”

To be honest, Lu Shaoqing did not expect Xiao Yi to take advantage of Du Jing.

It’s nice to be able to do that.

In this regard, Lu Shaoqing could not find any fault.

This sentence seemed to be swearing, but Xiao Yi could hear the praise, and his mood was as happy as eating honey.

Their eyes narrowed, and their little faces looked proud.

Do not surrender and do not admit defeat, but also find the opportunity to fight back in a desperate situation.

Isn’t it just to get the affirmation of the second senior brother in the end?


Xiao Yi sighed here, “It’s a pity! ”

It didn’t pierce Du Jing’s waist.

And Lu Shaoqing’s side also sighed at the same time, “It’s a pity.” ”

I couldn’t stab the girl to death with a sword.”

After speaking, the two looked at each other.

Lu Shaoqing glared at her, “How?” Do you think that you are invincible in the world, but it’s a pity that you didn’t stab him to death?

“I see that you are becoming more and more proud and arrogant, this time the matter is over, you write me a summary of your experience.”

Xiao Yi’s eyes darkened, and he fell directly into Yin Qi’s arms.

“What are you doing?”

Yin Qi was very dissatisfied with Lu Shaoqing, “Junior Sister Xiaoyi is injured, you scare her like this.”

Lu Shaoqing saw through Xiao Yi’s trick at a glance, “Pretend.” Xiao

Yi had no choice, he could only open his eyes and be aggrieved.

“Second Senior Brother, I’m injured and can’t write.”

Lu Shaoqing was just about to take the opportunity to educate, when Du Jing’s voice came.

“Lu Shaoqing of Tianyu Peak, do you dare to come and fight me?”

Du Jing stood on the square, proudly held high, looking at where Lu Shaoqing was.

The crowd was surprised.

“He still wants to keep fighting?”

“He has suffered losses at the hands of the little girl, and he still wants to challenge the senior brother?”

“You don’t know this, it is said that this Lu Shaoqing is a shame of the Lingxiao faction, and his strength is not good.”

“So that’s the case, no wonder he wants to challenge it.”

“Yes, Lu Shaoqing faced the battle, and losing would be humiliating. If you dare not fight, it is even more humiliating. ”

Gui Yuange has a good calculation, how can it make the Lingxiao faction disgrace.”

“I wonder if Lu Shaoqing will fight?”

On the side of the Ling Xiao faction, everyone’s eyes also fell on Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing looked at Yin Qi, “Junior Sister Yin Qi, didn’t you just say that you were going to chop him?”

“Go, this is a good opportunity to chop him.” I cheer for you.

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Yin Qi looked at him expressionlessly, and had the urge to slash Lu Shaoqing, “He told you, you don’t go?”

Lu Shaoqing sighed and said sincerely, “I’m afraid I will kill him and cause a dispute between the two factions.” ”

Bullying my junior sister, I can’t help it.

Xiao Yi pouted and bragged. The second senior brother is lazy and doesn’t want to do it.

Yin Qi was even more unconvinced, she simply sat next to Xiao Yi, “You love to go, and it’s none of my business if you don’t go.” Although

Yin Qi really wanted to deal with Du Jing, but now Du Jing is challenging Lu Shaoqing, so she will not help Lu Shaoqing.

“Do you still want me to help you enter Senior Brother’s wooden house?”

“Just shoot.”

“Or I won’t help.”

Lu Shaoqing’s side was threatened.

Yin Qi was not angry, but sneered and counterthreatened, “If you dare to repent, I will let my master clean you up.” ”

Yin Qi is Ji Pengyue’s eldest apprentice and is deeply loved by Ji Pengyue.

Yin Qi’s threat is greater than Lu Shaoqing’s.

Lu Shaoqing is depressed, does he really want to play by himself?

“How? Lu Shaoqing, don’t you dare to come out to fight?

Du Jing shouted again.

“Don’t you even dare to fight me?”

Sick of it.

And endless?

I didn’t even plan to settle accounts with you, you actually shouted first?

Lu Shaoqing stood up and cursed at Du Jing below, “Sun Tzu, what is your dog barking there?”

“Think it’s great to win my junior sister?”

“Calling and shouting there, didn’t your master teach you how to behave?”

“Is there anything else besides barking?”

“With your head held high, you think you’re handsome?”

“When the pig sees you, they call you big brother, handsome.”

Lu Shaoqing’s scolding, Du Jing’s expression was confused.

I’ve only cried twice, why do you keep shouting in your mouth?

After the stunned, he was furious.

Damn, are you scolding me?

“You, you damn it!”

Du Jing’s lungs are about to explode.

“How? Did I honestly poke your sore foot?

“Don’t think you’re ugly, I won’t scold you.”

“I don’t want to humiliate myself and obediently roll down, I can not worry about you.”

Lu Shaoqing continued to point at Du Jing and curse.

Many people looked at Du Jing’s gaze full of pity.

It’s also pitiful.

Being scolded in public like this, and it is difficult to return the favor, has become a laughing stock.


Du Jing waited until Lu Shaoqing paused and roared, “Do you dare to come down and fight me?”

In order not to be interrupted, he used spiritual power, which was deafening, and the shouts echoed in the surrounding mountains.

Du Jing was angry, but not unreasonable, he knew that if he didn’t defeat Lu Shaoqing fiercely today, he would become a joke.

Only by defeating Lu Shaoqing can he turn the table around.

Defeated Lu Shaoqing, Lu Shaoqing’s words scolding him were equivalent to barking at the dog.

Lu Shaoqing was condescending and looked at Du Jing with contempt.

I can scold you to death, why should I go down.

“Why should I…” ”

Get down!”

Suddenly, a voice sounded in his ears.

It’s Yu Chang’s voice.

Lu Shaoqing looked up, and Yu Chang, the head of the gate, was staring at him.

Lu Shaoqing is sad and indignant, I can scold him to death, what else do I have to go down for?

Call him Wendou, I’m the best at Wendou.

“Go down and fight him.” Yu Chang’s voice sounded again, this time with a threat, “Or you wait.” ”

Without a backer, it’s just that miserable.

Master, when will you come?

Your handsome and cute apprentice was bullied.

Lu Shaoqing was helpless, his arm couldn’t twist his thigh, and he simply transferred his anger to Du Jing.

Pointing at Du Jing angrily, “You wait, I’ll go down and kill you now…”

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