Lu Shaoqing came on the field with a face full of displeasure.

Saw Lu Shaoqing played.

Si Yao found that Yu Chang was visibly nervous.

Even her husband, Lu Ji, is similar.

stared at Lu Shaoqing nervously.

After a little thought, she knew what the two were nervous about.

She smiled bitterly, “Chief, since Shaoqing is willing to play, I don’t think there will be any problems.”

Yu Chang didn’t speak, staring at Lu Shaoqing, feeling a little apprehensive.

Lu Shaoqing said that let him admit defeat when he plays.

In case he immediately admitted defeat to Du Jing when he came on the field now, the Lingxiao faction could be disbanded.

Because it’s faceless.

To be honest, if he could, he didn’t want Lu Shaoqing to play.

Because even if it was him, he didn’t dare to say that he could completely control Lu Shaoqing.

Sometimes, he couldn’t guess what Lu Shaoqing was thinking in his heart.

But now he had to let Lu Shaoqing on.

No way, in the end, it’s still a matter of face.

Du Jingdu challenged loudly, Lu Shaoqing should not fight, it will only make people laugh.

Ji Pengyue saw that Lu Shaoqing had already played, and he looked at Du Jing’s gaze with pity.

“Is this bullying?”

Du Jing is just in the foundation building period, and Lu Shaoqing is already in the period of finishing the pill.

None of these elders could fully know Lu Shaoqing’s true strength, so they could only guess approximately.

In the late Jiedan period, the realm of more than seven layers.

Xiao Chuang did not have a good impression of Du Jing.

Du Jing’s strength is stronger than Xiao Yi, but he still bullies Xiao Yi without face.

If he didn’t allow it, he would want to make a move against Du Jing.

Now that Lu Shaoqing is on the field to deal with Du Jing, he feels that there is no problem.

“Only the bastards of Gui Yuan Pavilion are allowed to bully others, and others are not allowed to bully them?”

“Moreover, this is what he asked for himself, and he can’t blame others.”

Yu Chang agrees.

Do you really think that you are afraid of your people who return to the Yuan Pavilion?

Today, I will let you taste the power of another disciple of my Lingxiao Sect.

Du Jing saw Lu Shaoqing come up and laughed proudly.

His eyes were full of resentment, and his heart was full of killing intent.

“Good, good, you finally dare to come down.”

“I thought you were sneaky and didn’t dare to come out.”

Lu Shaoqing’s heart was on fire.

Forced to operate, who can understand this feeling?

“Still barking at the dog?”

Three magic weapons instantly appeared in Lu Shaoqing’s hand, staring at Du Jing viciously, “Give you a chance, get out of here immediately, I won’t kill you.”

Xiao Yong was stunned, isn’t this what he gave to Lu Shaoqing?

Including Shao Cheng and Ji Yan’s two magic weapons.

What was given to Lu Shaoqing was a defensive disc, to Ji Yan was a folding fan, and to Shao Cheng was a jade seal.

In addition to the disc, folding fans and jade seals can only be said to be auxiliary magic weapons.

Not much help with the current battle.

Could it be that he took it out to scare Du Jing?

Xiao Yong guessed.

When the people around saw the three magic weapons that Lu Shaoqing took out, many people laughed.

“The Lingxiao Sect is indeed poor, do the disciples only have this magic weapon?”

“It’s not as good as the girl named Xiao Yi just now.”

“She also has two three-rank magic weapons in her hand, which is much better than this Lu Shaoqing.”

“Alas, you don’t know, Lu Shaoqing is called the shame of the sect, it is estimated that the head of the sect wants to shoot him to death, so what good things can there be?”

“It’s also oh, it’s good luck for him to be left in the sect

…” “However, the second-grade magic weapon is still very shabby for the disciples of the big sect…”

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The second-grade magic weapon is indeed very shabby for the core of the Great Sect and the disciples of the family.

Xiao Yong heard the discussion around him, and lowered his head and did not dare to talk to others.

This is the magic weapon he sent out, and now it seems that it is indeed a little out of hand.

The gifts he gave were all second-grade magic weapons, which were not very powerful.

No way, as a newly promoted family, the Xiao family is not as rich as other families.

That’s all you can give.

Ahem, the etiquette is light and affectionate, I hope that when the time comes, Shao Cheng’s predecessor and Ji Yan Gongzi will not be careful.

Du Jing, as a disciple of the Great Sect, saw that Lu Shaoqing, a personal disciple, actually took out a second-grade magic weapon.

I couldn’t help but feel a little sympathy in my heart.

The shameful days of this sect have been miserable.

The only thing that can be obtained is the second-grade magic weapon?

Guiyuan Pavilion here.

Zang Shao saw that Lu Shaoqing actually took out a second-grade magic weapon to scare his apprentice.

He laughed, “Haha, is this his rampant confidence?”

“Shouldn’t he think that the second-grade magic weapon is the most powerful?”

Cang Zhengchu also shook his head, speechless about this.

The second-grade magic weapon scares the people of small sects and small families.

How could he be scared of Du Jing, who came from a big family?

Although Du Jing is in the foundation building period, he also has a three-grade magic weapon in his hand, and there is more than one.

Lu Shaoqing came out with a second-grade magic weapon, and in the eyes of everyone in Guiyuan Pavilion, he was getting an axe in the banmen, and he didn’t measure his strength.

However, in the midst of laughter, Zhang Conglong, Zhang Zheng and several other Guiyuan Pavilion disciples did not laugh.

Zhang Conglong even said, “There are strangeness. ”

Others don’t know, but he Zhang Conglong knows.

Tens of thousands of spirit stones in Lu Shaoqing’s hands, not to mention second-grade magic weapons, even if they are third-grade magic weapons, or even fourth-grade magic weapons, he can buy them.

But why just take out the second-grade magic weapon?

What is he going to do?

If you want to use a second-grade magic weapon, why is there no offensive magic weapon?

Think of Lu Shaoqing’s cunning.

Zhang Conglong reminded Zang Shao, “Junior Uncle Zang, let Junior Brother Du be careful.”

“His opponent is not easy to mess with.”

Zang Shao wondered, “Why do you say that?” It

seems that Zhang Conglong paid special attention to that kid.

Zhang Conglong didn’t explain much, but just said, “Let him be careful, otherwise he will suffer.”

Zang Shao did not take Zhang Conglong’s words to heart.

He smiled and said, “Conglong, although Du Jing is not as good as you, he is also an apprentice I taught, so there won’t be much problem.” Between

words, he was full of confidence in his apprentice Du Jing, and he was also full of confidence in himself.

How bad can the apprentices he taught be?

Zhang Conglong was silent and did not continue to persuade.

Anyway, he has already reminded that whether to listen or not is Zang Shao’s business.

Again, on the Twin Moon Valley side.

A middle-aged woman wearing a purple long skirt with dotted petals embroidered on the corners of her skirt and a beautiful face looked at Lu Shaoqing, her eyes a little more kind.

“Junior Brother Shao and Ji Yan are not there, is he finally going to play?”

An Qianyan, the third elder of Shuangyue Valley, the middle stage of the strength of the Yuan Infant, the four-layer realm.

There were not many people coming from Shuangyue Valley this time, and the elder only came to her.

Xia Yu heard Uncle An’s words and looked at An Qianyan, “Uncle An, do you also know Junior Brother Lu?”

An Qianyan nodded, with a kind smile, elegant and noble, “Junior Brother Shao told me, although it was mentioned casually, I could hear the pride in Junior Brother Shao’s tone.

Xia Yu turned his head to look at Lu Shaoqing.

Beautiful eyes with curiosity.

With Lu Shaoqing’s strength, he could easily crush Du Jing.

Even just by revealing his own breath, he could make Du Jing retreat.

But Lu Shaoqing wanted to take out a second-grade magic weapon to scare Du Jing.

Xia Yu believed that Lu Shaoqing would not know that this could not scare Du Jing.

Xia Yu stared at Lu Shaoqing tightly, she wanted to see what Lu Shaoqing was going to do…

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