Du Jing looked at the three second-grade magic weapons in Lu Shaoqing’s hand.

He was stunned for a moment, and then couldn’t help but laugh.

“You, what do you think is in your hand?”

“Fourth, fifth, or ten?”

It is also said that the disciples are passed on, so it is also capable of this?

Think holding a second-grade magic weapon can scare me?


Looking at Lu Shaoqing, Du Jing’s gaze became more and more contemptuous.

Lu Shaoqing sighed and said helplessly, “Why don’t you take the opportunity when you are given it?”


Du Jing smiled even more happily.

“Didn’t you wake up?”

“What can you do with me?”

Lu Shaoqing did not speak, but urged the magic weapon in his hand.

The jade seal hung in the air, buzzing, pointing directly at Du Jing.

“Do you believe that I smashed you to death with a jade seal?”

Du Jing stood generously and beckoned to Lu Shaoqing, “Come, let me see how powerful your second-grade magic weapon is.” Alas

, Lu Shaoqing shook his head slightly, today he will expose a little strength.

Then, Lu Shaoqing’s expression suddenly changed.

It’s just that everyone feels it.

Lu Shaoqing, who was originally obscure and listless, like a mortal, suddenly changed into a person.

Like a sleeping beast, awakened.

The breath on his body suddenly skyrocketed.

“Foundation building period?”

“Well, it’s the breath of the late foundation building.”

“Good fellow, you can hide so deeply.”

The people around were shocked.

However, quite a few people feel that there is no fuss.

It is not surprising that he is a personal disciple and has the strength of the foundation building period.

Zang Shao’s expression was relaxed, and there was mockery in his faint smile, “Does this strength also need to be hidden?”

“My apprentice is also in the late stage of foundation building, even if this Lu Shaoqing is the ninth layer of foundation building, he is not afraid.”

In Zang Shao’s view, the strength of the foundation building period is nothing worth hiding.

It doesn’t hurt to differ by one or two small realms, it is more up to the play of both sides.

For his apprentice, Zang Shao is full of confidence.

“Do you think that if you hide your strength, you can scare my apprentice? Naive…”

In Zang Shao’s disdainful words, Lu Shaoqing had already urged Yuxi to attack.

He treated the jade seal as if it were a stone, and smashed towards Du Jing, and the jade seal rotated in the air, frantically absorbing the spiritual qi, and emitting a sharp sound of breaking the air.

Knowing that Lu Shaoqing’s strength was similar to his own, Du Jing also became serious.

Since Lu Shaoqing used a magic weapon, he would not be stupid with his bare hands.

Just now, Xiao Yi was crushed by strength, and now everyone’s strength is similar, and it is stupid to be barehanded.

Du Jing flipped his wrist, and a azure blue long sword appeared in his hand.

Urging spiritual power, spiritual power was continuously poured into the long sword.

The long sword emitted a blue light, incomparably brilliant, raised the sword to meet each other, and blocked horizontally, intending to give Lu Shaoqing a little color.

The third-grade long sword, with its own strength and edge, is enough to easily destroy the second-grade magic weapon.


Lu Shaoqing’s jade seal was blocked by Du Jing.


A crisp sound sounded, and cracks had appeared on the jade seal that was as white as jade.

Yuxi was still buzzing, desperately trying to attack, but could not advance by half a point.

Du Jing’s face showed a smug look, “This is my original long sword, the third-grade long sword, I don’t know how much better than yours.” ”

Are you a guy who can only use second-grade magic weapons, have you used magic weapons above third-grade magic weapons?

After speaking, apply the wrist force.


The jade seal shattered.

However, the shattered jade seal was like opening a magic box and releasing the sealed demon.

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A furious force emerged from the jade seal.

Shocking and terrifying fluctuations then spread.

Like an awakened demon, it opened its blood basin towards him.

Du Jing’s smile disappeared, his pupils shrank sharply, and he knew what Lu Shaoqing was going to do.

I also know why the other party’s jade seal is so easily shattered.

Du Jing wanted to scold his mother.

Tower meow’s, this is a self-detonating magic weapon.

Did you play like that?

In a hurry, a defensive magic weapon appeared in his hand, frantically injecting spiritual power.

Shine brightly.

The next moment.


A strong light shrouded the entire square and also occupied everyone’s sight.

The powerful spiritual power fluctuations spread around, and the large arrays arranged lit up one after another, intercepting this terrifying energy fluctuation.

Many people’s faces changed wildly.

Second-grade magic weapon, although it is not a high-level magic weapon.

But it’s also a magic weapon.

The explosion is far more powerful than it can exert on its own.

Even a cultivator in the Jiedan period was self-detonated by a second-grade magic weapon on the front, and the consequences were very serious.

No one guessed that Lu Shaoqing would actually blow up the magic weapon.

Although the grade is not high, it is also a magic weapon, and no one will easily blow up their magic weapon if it is not a last resort.

Therefore, Lu Shaoqing’s move surprised everyone.

Once again, smoke billowed in the square.

It obscures everyone’s view, but everyone has experience.

Subconscious spiritual knowledge emanated.

Then they found a figure rushing towards Lu Shaoqing.

“It’s Du Jing.”

Someone exclaimed, “He was not injured in the explosion just now.” ”

Powerful, this can be prevented, this is worthy of being a disciple of a big sect.”

“Lu Shaoqing is miserable now, he won’t expect Du Jing to be fine…”

“Yes, in a hurry, what will he use to resist?”

In the smoke, Du Jing’s face was pale, several wounds on his body were dripping with blood, and the spiritual energy in his body was chaotic.

Just now, he hastily used a defensive magic weapon to block this explosion, and his injuries were not light.

However, it is possible to continue to act.

“You give me death!”

Du Jing roared, swallowed back the blood that gushed up, forcibly suppressed the injuries in his body, and launched a counterattack as soon as possible.

vowed to kill Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing was too yin, and no one thought that he actually blew himself up the magic weapon.

The power of self-explosion is extremely great, and ordinary people will not be able to carry it.

So Du Jing was gambling, betting that Lu Shaoqing had relaxed his vigilance and would not guess that he Du Jing would fight back at this time.

In Du Jing’s line of sight, Lu Shaoqing’s figure loomed in the smoke.

His handsome face twisted, and the killing intent rushed to the sky, “Give me death.” The

long sword in his hand lit up with blue light again, stabbing straight at Lu Shaoqing.

His gaze was fierce, and he didn’t care what the occasion was.

He just wanted to stab Lu Shaoqing to death with a sword.


Du Jing’s body shook, and the long sword stabbed something and encountered obstacles.

He fixed his gaze and saw that the figure in the smoke had disappeared.

His long sword stabbed a disc.

The disc levitated in the air, blocking his long sword.


The crisp sound sounded again, and cracks appeared on the disc.

Du Jing’s pupils shrank sharply.


There was another loud bang, and the explosion started again….

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