A pocket-like magic weapon suddenly appeared, Lu Shaoqing was stunned, “A little familiar?” Ji

Yan was even more familiar, and recognized it at a glance, ”

Shifting God Bag!” Before he was brought to Cold Star by the Shifting God Bag, he was familiar with it.

“Dog Day Saint Lord’s God Shifting Bag?” Lu

Shaoqing was shocked, “What is that bastard Mu Yong going to do?”

Mu Yong and the Holy Lord had a close relationship, as if they were wearing the same pants.

The Shifting God Bag is certainly not here to welcome them.

However, it would be too simple to use the God Shifting Bag to banish them.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan were no longer in the Yuan infancy period, and the effect of the God Shifting Bag on them was limited.


, feeling the aura on the Shifting God Bag become more and more violent, Lu Shaoqing’s face changed, knowing what Mu Yong wanted to do.

“I lean!” As soon as

the words fell, the surface of the Shifting God Bag flashed and exploded

! Boom!

It was like the beginning of heaven and earth, and the light engulfed the darkness here, and Lu Shaoqing’s eyes were white.

The power of the self-explosion of the fifth-level magic weapon is not great, and Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan can easily resist it.


, when the explosion passed, Lu Shaoqing found that the surrounding space had fallen into chaos.

Twists, chaos, turmoil…

The already calm void became disordered again.

Like a calm and slowly flowing river, it was thrown into a large stone.

The river becomes turbid and turbid, splashing on the surface of the water, and undercurrents under water.

Lu Shaoqing felt like a swimming fish now, and he couldn’t find his way in the turbulent water.

Go with the flow, you can’t know the direction, you can’t determine the location.

Around you are invisible forces, contracting, expanding, collapsing.

Like a mighty wave, like a volcanic eruption, countless forces entangled, colliding, erupting.

“Poof!” There

was a sound of vomiting blood in his ears, and Lu Shaoqing turned his head to see that it was Zhuge Xun.

Ji Yan already didn’t know where he was, only Zhuge Xun followed behind him.

Under the impact of countless forces, Zhuge Xun couldn’t bear it and was injured.

Zhuge Xun’s expression was filled with panic, and the surrounding space rumbled and collapsed, as if the end of the world, and various forces burst out.

Even if she had a body in the refining period, she could not withstand these forces, and her injuries were constantly worsening.

Is it over?

Zhuge Xun felt a little desperate in his heart.

Mu Yong knew that it was difficult to deal with Lu Shaoqing, after all, there was a plan for the merging period around him.

So he found another way and directly detonated the Shifting God Bag to make the space here chaotic.

Space turbulence, even during the merging period, can not be controlled.

Zhuge Xun scolded Mu Yong fiercely in his heart.

Have you forgotten that there is still a me

, as for such a ruthless hand,

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Zhuge Xun at this time can be considered to understand what Lu Shaoqing said.

Mu Yong came towards Lu Shaoqing.

Even if he abandons the lineage of the hidden family, he has to target Lu Shaoqing, what kind of deep hatred is worth Mu Yong to do?

The surrounding forces continue to erupt, like countless hands pulling back and forth on his body, Zhuge Xun feels that he can’t hold out for long, and sooner or later he will be torn to pieces by these invisible forces.

The sound was strong, but Zhuge Xun felt incomparably painful.

The body is shattered, the bones in the body are broken, and the body has reached its limit.

Zhuge Xun closed his eyes, forget it, so be it.

However, she was somewhat glad in her heart that she could get rid of Lu Shaoqing, a bastard human being.

In Cold Star, she left a doppelganger that can be reborn when the time comes.

You wait for me!

Zhuge Xun was ruthless in his heart, you and Mu Yong and I have to settle the account.

However, at this moment, Zhuge Xun felt relaxed, and the pressure around him suddenly disappeared.

Zhuge Xun opened her eyes curiously, but was shocked to find that it was Lu Shaoqing who protected her behind her.

Lu Shaoqing stood in front of her, and he carried all the surging forces down.

Lu Shaoqing’s body glowed slightly, silver-white light emanated from him, and obscure patterns and words faintly appeared around him.

Above his head loomed a huge figure that could not be seen without looking closely.

Lu Shaoqing’s body is not strong, even compared to her Zhuge Xun, she looks a little thin.

At this moment, Zhuge Xun could feel the heavy aura coming from Lu Shaoqing’s body.

The not too broad back seemed as stable as a sacred mountain in Zhuge Xun’s eyes, and her panicked heart also calmed down, and she felt extremely steady.

At this

moment, Zhuge Xun’s gaze looking at Lu Shaoqing was full of complexity, and he didn’t know what to say for a while.

She knew exactly how terrifying the power erupted around her was, let her resist, and it would not take long to be torn to pieces.

At such a dangerous time, Lu Shaoqing could completely ignore her life or death.

However, Lu Shaoqing did not abandon her in danger as he said before, but protected her behind him and carried all his strength alone.

In this situation, it is difficult not to make a person feel emotion.

But gradually, Zhuge Xun’s face changed.

There is no sunrise and moonset here, but with the senses, Zhuge Xun can know how much time has passed.

One day, two days, ten days, twenty days, a month…

The surrounding forces have been erupting and impacting, and Lu Shaoqing has been bearing these forces.

This bastard, is it so powerful?

He has been resisting for a month without retreating, never giving in, even if he vomits blood, Lu Shaoqing’s waist bar has never bent the slightest, and has always suffered the impact of strength.

As time passed, Zhuge Xun changed from admiration to fear.

Sure enough, it’s not a person, and normal people can’t do this at all.

At this moment, Zhuge Xun once again understood Xiao Yi’s words.


sister, is this called very strong?

At the same time, Zhuge Xun could understand Mu Yong to some extent.

No wonder Mu Yong would target Lu Shaoqing, such a powerful enemy, he didn’t want to kill him, did he still keep it for the New Year?

“Whew!” Lu Shaoqing breathed a sigh of relief, his expression pale and despised Zhuge Xun, “You, so weak!”

“Don’t force me to bite you….”

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