Lu Shaoqing’s state was not good, and when he sat down, he even breathed weakly.

His whole body seemed to soften.

Except for the mouth.

The mouth is still so hard.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Zhuge Xun was so angry that he wanted to bite people.

Zhuge Xun suddenly felt that in the past two months, Lu Shaoqing, who did not speak, was the best Lu Shaoqing.

Other times Lu Shaoqing is hateful, damn it.

Lu Shaoqing continued to despise, “Also said about the Saint Family, also said about the Hidden Family, and also said about the masters of the Refining Void Period.


wonder Mu Yong didn’t take you to heart at all, you are useless to be so weak.” Zhuge

Xun was angry, “Bastard!” she

struggled to get up and stared at Lu Shaoqing viciously, “In your current state, are you sure you can beat me?”

Pounced on it, opened his mouth and bit at Lu Shaoqing.

Look at your mouth smelling, or my teeth are sharp.

Lu Shaoqing did not move, but raised his foot to face her.

It seems that the intention is to replicate the previous kick.

Zhuge Xun drank angrily, “I have long expected your hand.” ”

I’ve been trampled by you twice, don’t I have a long memory?”

Zhuge Xun’s body twisted and crossed Lu Shaoqing’s foot, and at the same time felt proud.

Do you think I’m going to put my face up and step on you like before?

Don’t kill you, collect some interest first.


Zhuge Xun, who was just proud in her heart, saw a fist that quickly enlarged in front of her.

Zhuge Xun roared in her heart, don’t!

She thought about twisting her body again, but at this time, even her body during the refining period could not do.

I can only watch the fist grow bigger and bigger in my line of sight, and finally make intimate contact with my face.

“Boom!” ”


“You expected my hand?” Lu Shaoqing stood up, shook his right hand, and asked Zhuge Xun with a smile.


…” Zhuge Xun was going crazy, ”

I, I, I want…” This punch didn’t hurt, but it hurt too much to hit your face.

I thought I had a good chance of winning, but I was still cleaned up.

“Okay,” Lu Shaoqing waved his hand to stop Zhuge Xun, “Don’t call, I don’t have time to play with you.”

Zhuge Xun only hated herself for being injured, otherwise she would have fought with Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing looked around, and his brows couldn’t help but wrinkle.

The surrounding space is still pitch black, and there is still a whistling void storm.

From this, it can be inferred that they are still in the void, but he does not know exactly where.

Moreover, Ji Yan’s figure also disappeared, and I don’t know where it went.

Lu Shaoqing’s wrist flipped, and the boundary piercing disk appeared in his hand.

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“Break the plate, can you feel the coordinate point?” This

was Lu Shaoqing’s confidence that dared to swear into the void.

There is a boundary plate, as long as you feel the coordinate point, you can open the door and go home at any time.

Don’t worry about getting lost in the void.

Jie frowned and felt it, and finally shook his head, “Boss, the distance is too far to feel.”

“Which direction do you want to go?”

said with a bitter face, “I don’t know, I can’t feel the slightest.”

“What use do you have besides eating?”

Lu Shaoqing was angry, shaking the boundary plate back and forth, and the boundary hurriedly flew up, pointing in the direction behind Lu Shaoqing, “Boss, I feel a little strange over there.”

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze looked into the distance, in a distant direction, it was pitch black, and there was not even a little light.

Lu Shaoqing sighed and put away the piercing disk.

It seems that it has to go in that direction.

“Trouble!” Lu Shaoqing let out a long sigh, greeting Mu Yong by the way, “Mu Yong of the dog day, really damn it!” Lu Shaoqing

stepped into the void, which was equivalent to entering a river, and could see the shore, and could easily go ashore when the time came.

Mu Yong detonated the dike, causing the river to flood and flush Lu Shaoqing into the sea.

Looking around, he couldn’t see the coastline, lost his direction, and even if he crossed the boundary plate, he couldn’t help him get ashore.

Zhuge Xun could see clearly and hear clearly next to him.

She kind of understood why Lu Shaoqing dared to agree to step into the void for a hundred years.

He has a magic weapon in his hand that can identify the direction, and he is not afraid of getting lost.


Xun sneered, “Did you miscalculate?”

Well, if you have a chance, be sure to laugh at this bastard.

“Yes,” Lu Shaoqing sighed, looked at Zhuge Xun, leaned back slightly, and warned solemnly, “Lonely man and widow, don’t think differently of me.” ”

Bastard!” Zhuge Xun immediately broke his defense, I didn’t worry about this problem yet, but you worried first?

Lu Shaoqing was overjoyed, “Really?”


!” “But!” Lu Shaoqing immediately became worried again, “We are alone here, so we are afraid that you will not choose food.”

“Warn you, don’t mess around, I’ll die.”

Zhuge Xun trembled with anger.


when Zhuge Xun was about to go crazy, Lu Shaoqing said to her, “I can lift your ban, but you can’t bully me.”

When Zhuge Xun heard this, he immediately calmed down, “I can guarantee.” ”

It’s too dangerous here, even if she kills Lu Shaoqing, she won’t be able to go back.

Remember the hatred first, go back and then decide life and death with Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing pointed at Zhuge Xun and said, “Swear!”

Zhuge Xun swore very simply that she wanted to recover her strength too much.

Being imprisoned, like a mortal, has no power to resist in the face of danger, and the feeling of powerlessness is extremely annoying.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and lifted the prohibition in Zhuge Xun’s body.

At the same time, with a wave of his big hand, the void storm with a radius of thousands of miles subsided, forming a paradise again, Lu Shaoqing took a step and ran far, “I’ll go to retreat, you stay away from me….”

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