Almost on the edge, Lu Shaoqing began to build a formation.

“Let’s take care of your body first, break through to the fit stage and then find your way home.”

Lu Shaoqing was also helpless.

“I don’t know if I can break through.

“That thing in the sky should go home and sleep, right?” ”

This is the void, I don’t know if I can break through, if not, I will cry

to death…” “Damn Mu Yong, I wish you to drink water and choke to death, walk and fall to death…”

Mu Yong is calculating Lu Shaoqing, and Lu Shaoqing is also calculating Mu Yong.

But Lu Shaoqing didn’t expect Mu Yong to be so despicable, and in order to kill him, he actually detonated the Shifting God Bag, making the space chaotic.

Let him get lost in the void, and even Ji Yan doesn’t know where to run.

However, Lu Shaoqing was not worried.

Ji Yan’s vitality is stronger than him.


Master brother, that guy has better luck than me, maybe he has gone somewhere to lie down and sleep by this time.”

“Alas, I’m the only one who has to find a way to save myself here.”

“How miserable… Damn Mu Yong, I greet your whole family…” In

this kind of unknown danger, Lu Shaoqing did not dare to be careless, and arranged more than ten formations inside and out.

When it comes to safety, Lu Shaoqing is never stingy, anyway, he is not short of materials.

After arranging, Lu Shaoqing entered the storage ring satisfied.

After Lu Shaoqing came in, he waved his hand, “Give me a ten-year package.” ”

The dead ghost brother gave him a discount, but that discount is not suitable for use now.

The hundred-year discount given by the dead ghost brother can only be used up once, and cannot be used in parts.

After staying here for a hundred years, Lu Shaoqing is afraid that he will not be able to suppress himself, and when the time comes, if he forcibly breaks through here, will there be other problems.

Now recuperate here, and when the time comes, go out and break through.

Moreover, if he does not break through, does not fuse with the doppelganger, then the spirit stone sea that will fly for a hundred years will go.

So, it’s better to break through.

Ten years, double flight, 48 million spirit stones.

Lu Shaoqing suddenly grinned in pain, but after thinking about it, when the time came to break through, he would not have to fly double, and he could save half of the spirit stones.

Thinking of this, Lu Shaoqing suddenly smiled, and he was not so distressed.

“Ten years,” Lu Shaoqing estimated the time, “two and a half years should be able to heal the injury.”

“The rest of the time, polish and polish the Dao heart, and then sleep well!” After

speaking, Lu Shaoqing’s gaze fell on the doppelganger sitting cross-legged on the ground, and the doppelganger closed his eyes tightly.

Lu Shaoqing felt it for a moment and nodded slightly, “Not bad, except for the black spot, there is no problem in other aspects.” ”

The avatar has also reached the nine-layer realm.

“I don’t know what level of strength will be after the fusion at that time?”

“Hmph, those dead old ghosts in Rucheng will kill them sooner or later.”

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes flashed with murderous aura, and then he sat down and began to heal his injuries.

Overhead, the stars shone brightly, and a faint moon appeared in the depths of the starry sky.

The moon is not round enough, and the brightness of the light on the surface varies.

Some are bright, some are dim, and it looks like a dead moon.

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The silvery-white moonlight obscures the starlight and casts down. In front of this moon, the other stars bowed down like courtiers, and the light retreated, not daring to compete for glory.

The moonlight was light and peaceful, and the surrounding aura surged under the moonlight, like fairy mist.

Lu Shaoqing and the doppelganger were bathed in moonlight, like the people of the immortal world.


, the doppelganger opened his eyes, and a pair of originally wooden eyes were full of fierceness, cruelty, and indifference.

The breath on his body became bloodthirsty and cruel, and he had become another person.

The doppelganger stared at Lu Shaoqing deadly, and his palm slowly raised.

However, Lu Shaoqing’s eyes trembled slightly, and the next moment he opened his eyes.

The doppelganger opposite him had already returned to its original state, and there was no flaw in it.

Lu Shaoqing stood up, his eyes looked here, and muttered, “Strange, there is always a feeling of panic.”

After turning around, Lu Shaoqing’s gaze fell on the coffin, and he drank angrily at the coffin, “Dead ghost, don’t make trouble.” ”

In the end, I didn’t find anything wrong, so I had to continue to heal.

However, this time, Lu Shaoqing did not dare to immerse himself in all his mind.

The rest of the time was calm and there were no storms.

Fast forward two years.

Lu Shaoqing opened his eyes and checked his body, with a smile on his face.

“It’s shorter than the estimated time, not bad…”

Then Lu Shaoqing groaned, his eyes roamed around here, and finally took out a jade pendant and began to comprehend.

Above is exactly the Immortal Killing Sword Technique given to him by the Qi of the Dead Ghost Little Brother.

“It’s time to try the pig-killing sword technique, the third move, I don’t know if I can use it…”

Lu Shaoqing used the remaining time to continue cultivating, and ten years passed, Lu Shaoqing stopped cultivating and left here.

Lu Shaoqing appeared outside, and Lu Shaoqing raised his head and looked up.

It was pitch black, and I didn’t know if there was a sky.

Lu Shaoqing muttered, “Don’t care, let’s start!” The

breath in the body that was not suppressed, as if it had reached the boiling point in an instant, immediately boiled.

Heaven and earth also seemed to sense at this moment.

The wind whistled, lightning appeared overhead, cutting through the darkness, and the clouds began to gather.

The heavy pressure began to permeate….

After Zhuge Xun lifted the ban, he began to heal his injuries as soon as possible.

There is no spiritual energy here, and spiritual power can only be obtained by using spirit stones and elixirs.

While swallowing the elixir, holding the spirit stone in his hand to absorb the spiritual power, this consumption is very large.

While healing his wounds, Zhuge Xun greeted Lu Shaoqing fiercely in his heart.

If it weren’t for Lu Shaoqing, where would she have come here to suffer?

“Abominable bastard, don’t let me find a chance, or I will definitely kill you.” Zhuge

Xun’s side was huffing and healing, and suddenly, the wind blew around him, and then heavy coercion pervaded.

Zhuge Xun felt as if the sky was falling, which made her panic in her heart.

“What’s going on?”

Zhuge Xun looked up, and the clouds gathered in the distance, like the lightning of the silver snake wandering in the darkness.

“Du, Du robbery?” Zhuge

Xun was stunned, “He didn’t want to die?”

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